Page 147 - KC19 Catalogue
P. 147

 Healthy Eating
 KitchenCraft Healthy
KitchenCraft Healthy
KitchenCraft Healthy
       Eating Lime Squeezer
Eating Lemon Squeezer
Eating Orange Squeezer
Cast metal with pip and pulp filtering holes and long lever handles. Carded. KCHELIME
Cast metal with pip and pulp filtering holes and long lever handles. Carded. KCSQUEEZE
Cast metal with pip and pulp filtering holes and long lever handles. Carded. KCHEORANGE
         Order twenty-four and add HECDULRG to your order for a free crate with straw
Order sixteen and add HECDULRG to your order for a free crate with straw
the goodness
Cold pressing to retain vitamins and minerals
Order sixteen and add HECDULRG to your order for a free crate with straw
    Citrus fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C and anti-oxidants
KitchenCraft Healthy Eating
    Manual Juicer
 For manually juicing both fruit and vegetables to retain cold temperature. With an adjustable nozzle to control the level of pulp, a pulp
cup, a pusher, a juice collecting cup with astrainermeshlidandanon-slip
suction base. Gift boxed.

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