Page 93 - August 2015
P. 93
Apollitical Jess SI 107
{Mr Jess Perry SI 113
SI 99
{Half Time Attraction SI 96 (2010)
Mr Jess Perry SI 113
The Louisiana Girl SI 100
February 18, 2014 Sorrel Colt
Blue Man Group
Apollitical Time SI 104
La Jolla
Apollo TB Jess A Blue Girl SI 80
Hip #274 • FORZZA • 2/18/14 Sorrel Colt Hip #295 • BLUE MAN GROUP
5615349 First Down Dash SI 105 {Dash For Cash SI 114
Little Blue Sheep SI 105
(Apollitical Jess-Las AlamitosE,asFy iHresntryDettaoSwI 9n0 Dash){Easy Jet SI 100
Las Alamitos SI 97 First Prize Rose SI 98 By TAC IT LIKE A MAN SI 98 (2004). Stakes winner of $413,563 [G1]. Half
brother to CARTERS CARTEL SI 103 (champion). Sire of 13 stakes win- Babys Henryetta SI 90 ners, $3,029,800, including IGOTYOURTAC SI 88 ($577,067, Golden State
Hip No.
Consigned by Haddad Ranch
Hip No.
{Dash For Cash SI 114 First Prize Rose SI 98
Tolltac SI 113
{Beat Your Pants Off SI 103
{Streakin La Jolla SI 99 Scoopie Fein SI 99 {Louisiana Slew TB
Blue Man Group
Hip No.
Consigned by Haddad Ranch
Hip No.
March 12, 2014 Sorrel Colt
{Scoopie Fein SI 99 5618644
Tac It Like A Man SI 98
{First Down Dash SI 105 Jumping Tac Flash SI 106
& Million Fut. [G1]), THE LONG KNIFE SI 108 (3 wins, $425,699, Texas Clas-
By APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (2007). World champion, champion 3-year-
(TsaicIDteLrbikye[AG1M],[Gl,1M]),rBJeLsOsCPKerrNy)TACKLE SI 105 ($210,664 [G3]), ILLTACMANHATTAN SI 110 (7 wins in 7 starts, $86,018).
old, champion 3-year-old colt, $1,399,831, Los Al. Super Derby [G1]-NTR,
Hip #352 • GIOVANI • 4/15/14 Sorrel Colt
Champ. of Champ. [G1]-NTR. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2015; sire of
84 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,381,087, incl. AJS HIGH SI 103 (5 wins, 1st dam
(Tres Seis-Las Alamitos, First Down Dash) JESS A BLUE GIRL SI 80, by Mr Jess Perry. Unplaced. Sister to JESS LOUISI $259,705, AQHA Juv. Chlg Champ. [G2]), POLITICALY CORRECT SI 97 -
($220,448, Dash for Cash [G1]), Apollitical Blood SI 93 ($503,120, 2nd [G1]) 1st dam
Las Alamitos SI 97, by First Down Dash. 5 wins to 4, $202,480, 2nd PCQHRA
RAGAZZO SI 102 (c. by Shazoom). 7 wins in 14 starts to 3, $559,500, Heri- tage Place Futurity [G1], Manor Downs Derby [G3].
Breeders’ Futurity [G1], 3rd Governor’s Cup Derby [R] [G1], finalist in the Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Derby [G1]. Sister to FOUR FORTY BLAST SI 112, HOLLAND EASE SI 109, Brisco County Jr SI 95, Dividends Declared SI 94. Dam of 25 foals of racing age including 1 APHA (three 2-year-olds, 2 started), 22 to race, 14 ROM, including–
2nd dam
The Louisiana Girl SI 100, by Louisiana Slew TB. 5 wins to 4, $30,569, 3rd
3/12/14 Sorrel Colt
GIORGINO SI 101 (c. by Apollo TB). 8 wins to 5, $324,367, Sunland Park
JESS LOUISIANA BLUE SI 109 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). Champion Aged Stallion, 4 wins to 6, $170,682, East Champ. Challenge [G2]-NTR, 440y in 0:21.572, 2nd AQHA Challenge Champ. [G1], 3rd Louisiana Cham- pions Day Classic S. [R] [G2], First Down Dash H. [G3], etc. Sire.
Winter Futurity [G2], TQHA Sires’ Cup Futurity [R] [G2], Delta Juvenile Hip No. Consigned by Haddad Ranch Hip No. Challenge [G3], 2nd Sam Houston Champ. Challenge [G1], Miss Polly Clas-
LOUISIANA EYE OPENER SI 97 (f. by Mr Eye Opener). 7 wins in 10 starts to 3, $151,254, La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2], finalist in the Golden State Million Futurity [G1], All American Derby [G1]. Dam of–
101. Her first foals arrived in 2014.
Miss Princess H. [G2]. Half sister to BROWNS DASHER SI 107 ($69,885), RHEAETTA SI 89; out of LITTLE BLUE SHEEP SI 105 (Champion 2 Years, $389,355). Dam of 15 foals to race, 12 ROM, including–
sic, Prairie Meadows Bonus Challenge, 3rd Sam Houston Classic [G2]. 336 Taurus 336
Eye On Corona SI 94. 2 wins to 5, $133,718, 2nd Los Alamitos Winter Champ. S. [G1], 3rd Independence Day S., Farnam S., finalist in the Los Alamitos Two Million Futurity [G1].
FEATURES LUCKY CHARM SI 96 (f. by Feature Mr Jess). 2 wins to 3,
April 10, 2014 Sorrel Colt
$42,926, Ruidoso Distaff Challenge, 3rd Ruidoso Juvenile Challenge
Streakin La Jolla SI 99 [G3], finalist AQHA Distaff CMhraJlelsesnPgeerryCShI 1a1m3 p. [G1]{.
Apollitical Jess SI 107
Apollo TB
Apollitical Time SI 104 { turity [G1], qualified to All American Derby [G1].
Half Time Attraction SI 96
THE LOUISIANA CARTEL SI 109 (c. by Corona Cartel). 5 wins in 10 starts to 4, $127,941, Sam Houston Champ. Challenge [G2], Sam Houston Classic H. [G2], 3rd Firecracker Derby, finalist in the Remington Champ. [G1].
Scoopie Fein SI 99
Eyejesslovelouisiana SI 96. 2 wins at 3, $19,945. Dam of Heza Louisiana Dash SI 101 (to 3, 2015, $74,671).
Potenzza SI 98 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $151,754, 3rd Rainbow Fu-
56L14a6s89PinkPantherSI99(f.byPantherMountain).2winsto3,$21,474,2nd Holland Ease SI 109
Joe B Turner Memorial S., fiCnoarolinsatCinarttehl eSI T97exas Der{by Challenge [G3]. Jazzy Corona SI 101 Corona Chick SI 113
Kittyna (2f0.0b0y) The Louisiana C{artel). Winner at 2, 2015, $6,137.
Jazzy Smash SI 92 {Easily Smashed SI 99
JESSTHELOUISIANAGIRL SI 98 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins to 4, $122,904, Kansas Futurity [G2], Altoona Derby [G3], 2nd Central Distaff Challenge, 3rd Central Derby Challenge [G3], finalist Heritage Place Fut. [G1].
Lavazza SI 85 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner at 2, 2015O.le Dancing Girl SI 90 2nd dam
By APOLLITICAL JESS SI 107 (2007). World champion, champion 3-year-
Eoasldy, cHheanmrypeiottna 3S-Iy9e0a,r-boyldEcaoslyt,J$e1t,.3W99in,8n3e1r,aLto2s, A$1l.8S,4u0p2e,r3DrderQbyH[BGC1]F-NreTsRh,-
FED EX TOGETHER SI 105 (g. by Call Me Together). 6 wins to 7, $112,864,
HFOipUR#F3O3R6TY•BTLASTUSRI 1U12S(g.•b4y/F1irs0t/D1ow4nSDoasrhr).eClhCamopilotn 84 ROM, 6 stakes winners, $2,381,087, incl. AJS HIGH SI 103 (5 wins,
ChmaamnpC. olafsCshica[mRp] .[G[G31].]-DNaTmR.oHfi2s0firfosat lfsoatolsracre,31-y5eRarO-oMld, sinocfl.2–015; sire of
Delta 550 S. [R] [G3], Ruidoso 550 Champ. [G3], Paul B Ford S., etc.
$2539-,Y7e0a5r,-AOQldHGAeJlduivn.gC, 1h3lgwCinhsaimn p26. [sGta2r]t)s, tPoO4L, I$T3IC21A,L35Y6C, GOoRvReErnCoTr’sSCI 9u7p (Apollitical Jess-Jazzy Corona, Corona Cartel)
CALL ME FED EX SI 107 (g. by Call Me Together). 6 wins to 9, $80,437, High
($2D20e,r4b4y8[,RD]a[sGh1f]o, rLCosasAhla[mGi1to]s), DAeproblyli[tGic1a]l,BHlorosdemSIe9n3’s(Q$5H0R3A,12C0h,a2mnpd.[[G1]]), Go Man Go H. [G1], California Futurity [R], 2nd Golden State Fut. [G1].
Set S., Live Oak 770 H. [R], 2nd JEH S., Delta 550 S. [R], finalist [R] [G2]. Hip No. Consigned by Haddad Ranch Hip No.
1st dam
HOLLAND EASE SI 109 (c. by First Down Dash). 6 wins to 4, $361,227,
Jess Got Bayou SI 101. Winner to 5, $46,496, 2nd Texas Champ. Chlg. [G1]. 3T9hi2s Girl Is Special (f. byLSpueciakl EyfforTt). LUnCraced. Dam of– 392
JAZZY CORONA SI 101, by Corona Cartel. 4 wins to 3, $107,513, Golden State Derby [G1], 2nd Kindergarten Futurity [G1], Governor’s Cup
THISFEATUREISSJPaEnCuIaArLy S1I99,82.061w4inBsatoy7F,i$ll1y90,758, Juno’s Request S. [G2], Los Alamitos Distaff Chlg. [G3], 2nd Mildred Vessels H. [G1], etc.
Speedhorse Derby [R] [G3], Joe B. Turner Memorial S., 2nd Oklahoma Derby [R] [G1], El Primero Del Ano Derby [G1], etc. Sire.
Derby [G3], 3rd Heritage Place Futurity [G1], Oklahoma Futurity [G2], final-
Corona Cartel SI 97 {Holland Ease SI 109
IM A FEATURE GIRL SI 97. 3 wins to 5, $83,331C,oSroanamChHicok uSIs1to13n Distaff
Laist AinlathmeiRtoesmSinI g9t7on(fP. bayrkFDiresrtbDyo[wGn1]D. Dasahm).oSf t1a8kfeosaplslaocf eradcwinignnaegre, ,ainbcolvued.-
The Louisiana Cartel SI 109
Challenge, etc.; finalis{t [G1]. Louisiana Slew TB
HiBprNiinsogc.oanCuonusntatyrteJdr S2-Iy9e5ar(C-co.nlbdsy,ig1nFe4idrstbotyDrHaoacdwedna, d1DR1awnschihn).n5erws,ininsctloud3i,n$g1–18,2H2ip5,N3ord.
The Louisiana Girl SI 100 { LuckyETyLCeinThisFeatureSI99.3winsto4,$125,913,2ndLitMtlerB.JluetSMheoepoSreI 1S05.,etc.;
ZOPOCMQINHRJAZBZreSeId9e6rs(’cF. buytuAritzyo[oGm1)].,3Vwanindsy’tsoF4l,a$s8h4H,7.8[4G,3B],isFcraeysnhemSa.n, 3Sr.d 340 Hybrid 340
5608656 finalist in the All American Derby [G1].
DivHidaerrnadhs’sDEenctlearrteadinSmIe9n4t.F2uwtuinristyto[G3,2$],9f3in,1a6li0s,t 2SnpdeGedohvoersneorF’suCt. u[Rp]F[uGtu1r]i.ty
Feature Mr Jess SI 101 {Mr Jess Perry SI 113 JeFsesatthuriessgLirulcSkyIC9h1a.r2mwSIin9s6,$12,600.DamofDONTTELLBrLenIdLaAFeSaItu9re8S($I 9342,040).
JAZ[RZ]O[GO1M]B, fAinSalIis9t1E(gdF.BebubyrAkuzeaorMoyme1m)7..2, F2wu0itn1usr4iatyBt 2[aG,y$12C]2.o,D8lta2m9, Fofa–ir Meadows Juv.
This Is Special. Dam of NC LSaps AelcamiaitlosSSII 8976 [R] [G3]{.First Down Dash SI 105
JaHzIzGAHnRdACTEorOoFnaRESTI U98RN(c.SbI9y7S.3epwainras,ti$s4t)5.62,0w10in,sHetoritS3ap,gece$ia5Pl9Ela,ff1coe1rt1FS,Iu13t.0r4[dG1G]o.ld
{Special Task SI 107 { SROuMsEhTSH.,INfinLaIlKisEtHTeHrIitSagSeIP98la.c5ewFiuntsurtioty4[,G$1]5,1R,8e1m0iMn,igEsstaoPsnretevFexul TtSuB.ri[tGy2[G],12]n.d
Easy Henryetta SI 90
Oak Tree Special SI 107
VH WoLneoSSI 9. 6[G(g1.],bfyinVaalisliat nint HtheEraoLs)yo.Ls3adAwylaOinmask iStoI s9402, 2M0i1ll5io,{n$6F3u,t9u5ri8ty, f[iGna1l]is. t in the
ENGAGEMENTS: All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. ByATcHcrEedLiOteUdISTIeAxNaAs CBAreRdT.EL SI 109 (2007). Stakes winner of 5 races iRnG1P07/15
Easy Dozen
Hybrid Lady Bailey Oak SI 86
starts, $127,941, Sam Houston Champ. Chlg. [G2], Sam Houston H. [G2].
RelRoeamdeindgAtonnd RPaerakdOy SklIa9h0o.mDamBroefdGDReErbAyT[GRR] [AGC3E]. SI 96 ($183,548 [G1]). 5619734
Hip #392 • LUCKY TLC • 1/19/14 Bay Filly
ETNeGllAerGJEaMzzESNIT9S6: (AgQ. bHyATCelhlearlleCSntargeratek,iln)A.Lla3l JAwomllianeSsrIit9co9a4n, $R2a2{inS, i1d0o4so Fut. La Jolla Rocket SI 95 Bottom’s Up SI 82
Half brother to JESS LOUISIANA BLUE SI 109 (champion), LOUISIANA
M y s t i c a l J a z z S I 9 9 ( f . b y F i s h e H r o s l m D e a B s y h R ) o . c k We t i S n I n 9 e 7 r t o 4 , { $ 1 6 , 7 1 7 .
EYE OPENER SI 97. His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2015; sire of 14 win- ners, incl. EC Jet One SI 88 ($70,121, 3rd Sam Houston Fut. [G2]), JS Abel
Jazzy Hero SI 97 (g. by Valiant Hero). Winner to 4, $19,253.
Accredited Texas Bred; embryo transfer RGP 7/15
Rocket Wrangler SI 97 Happy Holme SI 95
(The Louisiana Cartel-Features Lucky Charm, Feature Mr Jess)
2nd dam
By OAK TREE SPECIAL SI 107 (2000). World champion, champion 3-year-
Dasher SI 96 ($34,183, 2nd FL Lady Bug Stakes [R]), Teves ($14,208). 1st dam
FEATURES LUCKY CHARM SI 96, by Feature Mr Jess. 2 wins to 3, $42,926,
JAZZY SMASH SI 92, by Easily Smashed. 5 wins to 3, $21,364. Sister to WINE old, 16 wins in 26 starts, $628,470 [G1].Sire of 303 ROM, 28 stakes winners, SMASHED SI 95 ($53,643), Smashing Cha Cha SI 88 (dam of SMASHING $11,407,919, incl. COLD CASH 123 SI 106 (world champion, $1,409,781,
HiRpOY#A3L4SI010•7,HAROYYBALRCOIUDPSI•942)./D1am7o/f124foBalsatoyracCe,oalllRtOM, Rainbow Derby [G1]), EL DUERO SI 104 (champion, $315,027, West Texas
Ruidoso Distaff Chlg., 3rd Ruidoso Juvenile Chlg. [G3], fnl Distaff Chlg. Champ.
[G1]. Dam of 2 foals of racing age, including a 2-year-old, both started, incl.– The Charmed Ruler SI 87 (c. by Favorite Cartel). Winner at 2, 2015, $7,200.
(OFaukt. T[Gre1e]),SFpUeRcRiaTl-RLEaEOJoUlSlaSRI o10c2ke($t,4S24tr,6e5a1ki[nRGL1a])J,oSlElaN)D ME A CANDY BARACKAZOOM SI 106 (g. by Azoom). 5 wins to 6, $133,829, Farnam S., TREE SI 105 ($410,384 [G1]), BIG BOI SI 102 ($402,246), ACORN SI 113 [G1] 2nd Will Rogers Derby Challenge [G3], Black Gold Derby [R], 3rd Heritage
2nd dam
Las Alamitos SI 97, by First Down Dash. 5 wins to 4, $202,480, 2nd PCQHRA
1st dam
Place Derby [G2], finalist in the Oklahoma Futurity [G2], Sam Houston
LA JOLLA ROCKET SI 95, by Streakin La Jolla. 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, Classic H. [G2].
Breeders’ Futurity [G1], 3rd Governor’s Cup Derby [R] [G1], finalist in the Los Alamitos Million Futurity [G1], Los Alamitos Derby [G1]. Sister to FOUR FORTY BLAST SI 112, HOLLAND EASE SI 109, Brisco County Jr SI 95, Dividends Declared SI 94. Dam of 22 foals to race, 14 ROM, incl.–
$45,890, Louisiana Breeders’ Lassie Futurity [R] [G3], finalist in the Louisi- JAZZY CORONA SI 101 (f. by Corona Cartel). Stakes winner, above.
ana Champions Day Juvenile [R] [G2]. Dam of 13 foals of racing age (two SMASHING FORM SI 96 (c. by Rare Form). 2 wins in 2 starts at 2, $84,160,
2-year-olds, both started), 10 to race, 6 ROM, including– Speedhorse Futurity [R] [G2].
EL DUERO SI 104 (g. by Oak Tree Special). Champion 2-Year-Old Smashingly Formed SI 100 (g. by Rare Form). 12 wins to 10, $85,040, 2nd Gelding, winner to 5, 2015, $315,027, West Texas Futurity [G1], 2nd Heri-
RAGAZZO SI 102 (c. by Shazoom). 7 wins in 14 starts to 3, $559,500, Heri- tage Place Futurity [G1], Manor Downs Derby [G3].
GIORGINO SI 101 (c. by Apollo TB). 8 wins to 5, $324,367, Sunland Park Winter Futurity [G2], TQHA Sires’ Cup Futurity [R] [G2], Delta Juvenile Challenge [G3], 2nd Sam Houston Champ. Challenge [G1], Miss Polly Classic, Prairie Meadows Bonus Challenge, 3rd Sam Houston Classic [G2].
Canterbury Park Express S., finalist in the Sooner State S. [R] [G3] twice. tage Place Futurity [G1], 3rd Hill Country Dash Bonus Stakes.
Taken On The Jazz SI 103 (g. by Takin On The Cash). 4 wins to 4, $35,892, La Jolla Suspect SI 97 (f. by Ausual Suspect). 3 wins to 4, $89,073, 2nd 2nd Sooner State S. [R] [G3], Woodlands Champ. S., finalist [G3]. ETR at Manor Downs Derby [G3], Sam Houston Distaff Challenge [G3], 3rd
Lone Star Park, 300y in 0:15.400.
TQHA Sires’ Cup Derby [R] [G3], Gallery Furniture S. [R], finalist in the
Holland Fireball SI 102 (f. by Holland Ease). 3 wins to 4, $21,698, 2nd Fair AQHA Distaff Challenge Champ. [G1]. Dam of–
FEATURES LUCKY CHARM SI 96 (Feature Mr Jess). Stakes winner, above. Potenzza SI 98 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $151,754, 3rd Rainbow Fu-
Meadows Belles S. [G3].
Meduzza SI 95 (f. by Ragazzo). Winner to 3, 2015, $44,550, 2nd Harrah’s
Jazz Wagon SI 95 (g. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 3 wins to 5, 2015, $50,045, Entertainment Fut. [G3], La Villita S. [R], 3rd Miss Sam Houston S. [R].
turity [G1], qualified to All American Derby [G1].
Las Pink Panther SI 99 (f. by Panther Mountain). 2 wins to 3, $21,474, 2nd
finalist in the Oklahoma Horseman’s Assoc. Mystery Futurity [R] [G2], Will Emilianos Wagon SI 102 (g. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 2 wins to 3, $43,847,
Rogers Derby Challenge [G3].
finalist in the Firecracker Futurity [G2].
Joe B Turner Memorial S., finalist in the Texas Derby Challenge [G3]. 3rd dam
Ease N First SI 84 (f. by Holland Ease). Placed to 3. Dam of–
The Lousiana Rocket SI 86 (c. by The Louisiana Cartel). Placed twice in 2
A Blaze Of Zoom SI 101. Winner to 7, 2015, $53,853. starts at 2, 2015.
Easy Henryetta SI 90, by Easy Jet. Winner at 2, $18,402, 3rd QHBC Fresh- man Classic [R] [G3]. Dam of 20 foals to race, 15 ROM, including–
Easezoom SI 101. 3 wins to 5, $42,567.
The Louisiana Jewel SI 89 (f. by The Louisiana Cartel). Placed in 2 starts at 2,
ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut. 2015.
FOUR FORTY BLAST SI 112 (First Down Dash). Champion 3-Year-Old Gelding, 13 wins in 26 starts to 4, $321,356, Governor’s Cup Derby [R] [G1], Los Alamitos Derby [G1], Horsemen’s QHRA Champ. [G1], Go Man
2nd dam RGP 7/15 HOLME BY ROCKET SI 97, by Rocket Wrangler. Winner at 2, finalist in the Al-
amo QHBA Derby [G3]. Dam of 9 foals to race, 7 RO8M5, i0nclWudinoge–lke Road • SegGuoiHn.,[GT1X], Ca7lif8or1ni5a5Futurity [R], 2nd Golden State Fut. [G1].
LA JOLLA ROCKET SI 95 (f. by Streakin La Jolla). Stakes winner, above. HOLLAND EASE SI 109 (First Down Dash). 6 wins to 4, $361,227, Golden State Jess Go Holme SI 98 (c. by Mr Jess P(e8rr3y)0. 3)w3in0s3to-34, $1205,920•, 2CndeLllou-isi(-210) 380-D7b1y [0G91],•2nFd aKixnde(r8ga3rt0en)F3ut.7[G91-],1G4ov1e0rnor’s Cup Dby [R] [G1], etc. Sire.
ana Breeders’ Laddie Futurity [R] [G3].
Holme Warrior SI 90 (f. by Osceola Warrior). 3 wins to 3, $26,509. Dam of– Brisco County Jr SI 95 (First Down Dash). 5 wins to 3, $118,225, 3rd
Las Alamitos SI 97 (First Down Dash). Stakes placed winner, above. Jorge Haddad, Ranch Manager
Dashin Holme SI 91. 2 wins to 5, $32,620. PCQHRA Breeders’ Futurity [G1], Vandy’s Flash H. [G3], Freshman S. 3rd dam web: • emDaividl:enjdosrDgeecl@arehdaSdI 9d4a. 2dwrinasntoc3h, $.c93o,1m60, 2nd Governor’s Cup Futurity
HAPPY HOLME SI 95, by Away From Holme TB. 2 wins to 3. Dam of 4 foals to race, all winners, including–
Happy Rebel Gal SI 99 (Rebel Cause). 2 wins to 3, $8,736. Dam of– REBELWHEELSI97.4winsto3,$17,079,AlamoQHBAFuturity[G3]. Yawls Rebel SI 88. Winner to 3. Dam of–
FAST MAN REBEL SI 96. 8 wins to 7, $75,680, Texas Horse Racing Hall of Fame S., Santa Rosa S., finalist in the B.F. Phillips Jr. H. [R] [G3].
4th dam
[R] [G1], finalist Ed Burke Mem. Futurity [G1]. Dam of–
HIGH RATE OF RETURN SI 97. 3 wins, $456,010, Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. SOMETHIN LIKE THIS SI 98. 5 wins to 4, $151,810, Eastex S. [G2], 2nd
ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, All American, Rainbow & Ruidoso Fut., Black Gold.
LeoS.[G1],finalistintheLSoPsEAlEamDiHtoOs2RMSiEllio,nAFutguruitsyt[G201]1.5 91 Reloaded And Ready SI 90. Dam of GREAT GRACE SI 96 ($183,548 [G1]).
Accredited Texas Bred; embryo transfer RGP 7/15