Page 320 - Speedhorse 2018 Stallion Register
P. 320

Name, Sex
(Dam) [Sale] Price
Jess Elie
JesscOmeArUnninG, c
(Ottyes valentine Gal) [TQHAYs] $3,000
Total Sold 1 Average $3,000 Jess Fly With Me
mOscO FLY wiTH me, c
(waves south Of Jolla) [TQHAYs] repur $7,000
Total Sold 1 Jess Lips
Bv cOwBOY rides AwAY, c (denali Peak) [HPYs]
Jess A HArLOw, c
(Lil diamond cartel) [HPYs]
Jess dAsHin v, f
(dashing For Thanks) [HPYs]
Jess FLY wiTH me v, c (regal Fly) [HPYs]
Jess kiddinG, c (Baja Jazz) [rUisYs]
Jess r TUFF, c (Teenie Tuff) [HPYs]
mUd in YOUr FAce v, f (Paint Your Face) [rUisYs]
mY FeATUre LiPs v, f
(Fm Future dreams) [rUisYs]
OiLPATcH Jess v, c (me chickie) [HPYs]
rAdiO FLYinG Jess v, c (chicks A Flying) [HPYs]
veLveTTe LiPs v, f (velvette) [HPYs]
Total Sold 11
Jess Louisiana Blue
AH LOUisiAnA, f
(Ah Beduino) [LQHBAYs]
Am eYe BLUe, c
(madame mayor) [LQHBAYs]
APOLiTicAL BLUe, f (Apolitical Jet) [LQHBAYs]
BiBBiTY BOBBiTY BLUe, f (eight Below 123) [LQHBAYs]
BLUe is FeArLess, c (mombasa) [LQHBAYs] BLUe LOUisiAnA GirL, f
(somekinda rainey) [LQHBAFms] BOLd BLUe rULLer, c
(Fightin Jane) [LQHBAYs] BOUrBAnsTreeTBLUes, c (Heart Hold On) [LQHBAYs]
cOOL cArL, g (elealicious) [LQHBAYs]
cOrOnA BLUe BYe U, f (Prima corona) [LQHBAYs]
dAsHA BLUe, f
(dasha effort) [LQHBAYs]
dOnkeY kOnG B, c
(never say never B) [LQHBAYs]
eLLiOnne JOLie, f
(Bahia Beach) [LQHBAYs]
GOrGeOUs LeOn, c
(Angel can Zoom) [LQHBAYs]
Hc miss TemPerd BLUe, f (ill Tempored Tee) [LQHBAYs]
HeZ BLUe, c (shezrightonthememory) [LQHBAYs]
His LOUisiAnA dreAm, c (in His dreams) [LQHBAYs]
im sUZY BLUe, f (suzy cartel) [HPYs]
Jess A dAsHinG riO, f (dashing mulan) [LQHBAFms]
Average $7,000
$7,000 $6,000 $8,000 $7,500
Average $16,318
$5,500 $20,000 $16,000
repur $5,700 $13,000 $15,000 $10,000 repur $20,000 $19,500 $20,000 $12,000 $20,000 $13,000 $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 repur $25,000 $21,000 $4,300
Name, Sex
(Dam) [Sale] Price
Jess FAvOriTe Trick, c
(A Little evil TB) [LQHBAYs]
Jess LiTe mY Fire, f
(running Thru Fire) [LQHBAYs]
Jess LOUisiAnA Tee, c (miss Ocean Tee) [LQHBAYs]
Jess LOUisiAnA Tee, c
(miss Ocean Tee) [LQHBAFms]
Jess LOve BLUe, c
(sheza Jess Love) [LQHBAYs]
JessA swiFT One, f (swiftone) [LQHBAYs]
JessA TOUcH, f
(Jess A Touch) [LQHBAYs]
JessLOUisiAnABABY, f (notdonebaby) [LQHBAYs]
JUnie BLUe, c
(china Beach Babe) [LQHBAYs]
kAYLees PrOmise, f
(streak dasher) [LQHBAFms]
Leverne LiL wrAnGLer, c (kokopelli Hills) [LQHBAYs]
LOUisiAnA HOmeBrew, c
(JF Brenda Patriot) [LQHBAYs]
LOUisiAnA vAL, f
(vals streak) [LQHBAYs]
LOUisiAnABLUeBeAUTY, f (cartels Beauty) [LQHBAYs]
mAdHAm BLUe, f
(ms sparkling eyes) [LQHBAFms]
ms BLUe TOGeTHer, f (Tie Together) [LQHBAYs]
nsm BLUe BAYOU, c (requestalove) [HPYs]
nsm BLUe ice, c
(corona with ice) [HPYs]
PATriOTsnBLUe, c (dreaminogthegame) [LQHBAYs]
PrissYs BLUe Ac, f
(Prissys Awesome Form) [LQHBAYs]
rBd TrUmPTed, c
(This Girl A warrior) [LQHBAYs]
rdd eLLAs LOUisiAnA, c (ellas cartel) [LQHBAYs]
reBAs ALL in, f
(reba All in) [LQHBAYs]
rF FAsT dAsH n BLUe, c (Fast dash n deb) [LQHBAYs]
rL BLUe Tee, f
(Picture Perfect Tee) [LQHBAYs]
rL FirsT dAsH, c
(PYc First Prize dash) [LQHBAYs]
rL JeT BLUe, f
(Jet Prize doll) [LQHBAYs]
sAssY Annie, f
(call me Quik Love) [LQHBAFms]
sHAkin BLUes, f
(shakin in secret) [LQHBAYs]
sHeZA BLUe FireBALL, f
(ms wandas classy) [LQHBAFms]
sHUT UP And FisH, c
(Two Left rings) [LQHBAYs]
TdZ LOUisiAnA TOAsT, c
(shes A royal Toast) [LQHBAYs]
U r Jess BLUe, c
(U r Blue) [LQHBAYs]
wALk On BOYZ, f
(walk On cartel) [LQHBAYs]
YA THink, c
(kenzies sassy cartel) [HPYs]
repur $6,000
repur $15,000
repur $11,000
Total Sold 54 Jess Zoomin
BALLer, c
(Panther speed) [TQHAYs]
J J BAr, c
(easee Jubilee) [TQHAYs]
Average $13,669
$13,000 repur $18,000
Name, Sex
(Dam) [Sale] Price
Jess Brewin, f
(Brew La La) [TQHAYs]
Jessies wicked One, c
(Jess A classy Lassy) [TQHAYs]
OQ ZOOmin GLAss, f (Behold A Glass) [HPFms]
rc cAsAnOvA Jess, c (sixy Bottom) [TQHAYs]
sTOL A PAss, f
(stolen Pass) [TQHAYs]
ZOOmin sOPHiA, f
(miss silver G TB) [TQHAYs]
Total Sold 8 Jesse James Jr
ALLOmi, f
(mostly me) [rUinmBs]
BrULei, f
(Fdd Lacrema) [rUinmBs]
crisTOBeLL FAme, f (sandys Fame) [rUinmBs]
cUriOUs GeOrGe Jr, c (cute n rimen) [rUinmBs]
FOOLisH OUTLAw, c (chain Of Fools) [HPYs]
(maggies miracle LX) [rUinmBs]
J r BOrdeAUX, g
(Bridgette Bordeaux) [rUisYs]
Jess Livin THe dreAm, f (Three dee dreams) [rUinmBs]
Jess One wisH, f
(wish You Had One To) [rUisYs]
Jess PLAY FOr me, f (Playful choices) [LAes]
Jess PUre cLAss, g
(A chick Of class) [rUinmBs]
Jess wHiTe wine, g
(white wine Glass) [rUinmBs]
Jess wine me UP, g (Fine wines) [rUinmBs]
JJs sUPersTAr, g (starsmith) [rUinmBs]
knUd OUTLAw, f
(magical knud chicks) [HPYs]
kUnde, c
(Tangled vines) [rUisYs]
mAGicAL Jesse, g
(Oriana’s magic TB) [rUinmBs]
miss Jess J, f
(Arbor mist) [rUinmBs]
mm eAsY mOneY, c
(easeful dinastia) [rUinmBs]
PAkeA Jr, c
(Pakea kai) [rUinmBs]
PendinG/JeweL OF THe niGHT, f (Jewel Of The night) [rUinmBs] PendinG/JeweL OF THe niGHT, f (Jewel Of The night) [rUinmBs]
PeYTOn JAmes, g
(Ace crystal charm) [rUinmBs]
rcJ sPecTer, f
(major specter) [rUinmBs]
red diAmOnd, g
(Alice k white) [rUinmBs]
rUn FAsT FOrresT, g
(dashin Thru The snow) [rUinmBs]
rUn HAPPY, f
(dasha easy) [HPYs]
sHAkem Jesse sHAkem, c (royal illusion) [HPYs]
wOOdeTTes J J J, f
(Posies woodette) [rUinmBs]
Total Sold 29 Average $17,934
Average $7,450
$10,000 $8,000 $12,200 $5,800 $14,000 $65,000 $22,000 $8,000 $27,000 $12,000 $10,000 $17,000 $12,000 $12,000 $6,500 $50,000 $10,000 $10,000 $14,000 $8,000 repur $7,700 repur $7,700 $14,500 $4,200 $85,000 $14,500 $18,000 $29,000

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