Page 219 - 2015 Stllion Register
P. 219

                                Leading owners Courtesy AQHA BY MoneY earned
   2014 Leading owners
# owner Starts 1sts 2nds 3rds %* Earnings
1 J&MRacing&FaRM 79 14 9   13 46   $1,692,796   1 edwaRd c allRed   9021 1253   1258 1277 42   $15,262,550
6 anJoRa coRp 5970 822 7 abigail K KawananaKoa 2286 417 8 JeRRy windhaM 1516 283 9 geRal dewiTT 5090 617
10 Vessels sTallion FaRM llc 1157 206 11 chRisTine TaVaRes 3474 607 12 spenceR childeRs 1245 233 13 sMs Racing llc 2249 327 14 bill pRice 1173 189 15 Teddy abRaMs JR 830 186 16 J&MRacing&FaRM 657 96 17 sandy eRwin 1249 161 18 caRl c peVehouse 958 193 19 Johnny TRoTTeR 534 84 20 MulleR Racing llc 1545 115 21 souTheRn Rose Ranch 737 142 22 lucas Racing inc 569 92 23 gianni FRanco saMaJa 753 106 24 Reliance Ranches llc 526 79 25 MaRTha F wells 2237 294 26 iVy lane Racing 1699 277 27 Johnny TRoTTeR/buRneTT Ranches 174 37
aLL-TiMe Leading owners
# owner Starts 1sts 2nds 3rds %* Earnings
                              2 TyleR gRahaM & conda Maze
3 Reliance Ranches llc
4 edwaRd c allRed
5 Jespinosa&J&MlaiRd 9 5 0   0 56   $899,934   5 eg high deseRT FaRMs   2451 396   356 343 45   $6,121,187
15 8 3 164 28 34 356 59 72
1 80 25 53 43 49
$1,148,752 $1,101,178 $1,025,164
477 446 45 341 323 42 388 338 46
$10,942,402 $8,602,126 $8,467,663
2 duTch MasTeRs iii 3277 552 3 double baR s Ranch llc 2389 333 4 bobby d cox 2498 416
                                                          6 s-QuaRTeR K llc
7 ellen Kennedy Racing llc
8 ValeRiano Racing sTables llc
9 daVid Valdez
10 Rancho el cabResTo inc
11 Joseph boyd landReneu
12 JeRRy windhaM
13 TeRRy & iRene sTenneTT
14 san gRegoRio Racing sTbls inc
15 dusTin cox
16 wade helTon
17 ana lilia alVidRez
18 pedRo caRRillo
19 abigail K KawananaKoa
20 williaM e sMiTh
21 Ronald J haRTley
22 bill pRice
23 bella VisTa FaRMs llc
24 bobby d cox
25 JK Running hoRses llc
26 geRal dewiTT
27 Johnny TRoTTeR
28 Joan Rood
29 chRisTine TaVaRes
30 eRic Johnson
31 MelVin neugebaueR
32 Miguel RodRiguez
33 Michael a pohl
34 sunseT well seRVice inc
35 luis Miguel alboRes gleason
36 Tony doughTie
37 heysol howleT
38 RodRigo coVaRRubias
39 caRl c peVehouse
40 gaRy ThoMpson
41 MaRTha F wells
42 MaRy passMoRe KiRby
43 cesaR Rosales
44 RichaRd R scoTT
45 cRowson Racing
46 TeRRy babeR
47 williaMs Racing sTables inc
48 donald c/peggy boyle
49 hubeRT VesTal
50 21 paRTneRship
*For 1st, 2nd & 3rd finishes
5 5 0 48 13 4 110 23 17 26 6 2 33 6 6 66 12 11 62 16 13 50 10 13 68 14 16 33 8 1 143 24 24 86 25 12 103 19 15 105 23 15 28 7 4 71 14 10 67 12 12 92 11 21 110 20 7 170 21 19 271 19 27 42 8 6 94 23 10 161 21 23 36 11 6 29 9 2 29 8 4 69 18 11 60 10 9 53 14 7 126 33 19 72 10 19 38 21 6 46 9 3 68 13 12 144 19 18 45 9 5 35 11 5 8 3 3 55 5 5 7 3 2 34 9 9 12 5 0 14 4 1 58 13 7
As of 11/24/14
0 100
7 50 16 51 3 42 3 45 12 53 10 63 8 62 12 62 2 33 17 45 10 55 10 43 12 48 7 64 11 49 8 48 15 51 13 36 22 36 51 36 14 67 12 48 23 42 8 69 4 52 5 59 9 55 4 38 9 57 15 53 8 51 2 76 5 37 7 47 25 43 6 44 5 60 1 88 4 25 1 86 2 59 3 67 3 57 9 50
$820,352 $747,460 $659,362 $651,444 $620,125 $606,689 $604,950 $501,262 $500,817 $498,101 $487,524 $447,890 $444,906 $443,043 $430,485 $425,483 $401,427 $395,078 $375,298 $358,920 $342,058 $341,589 $314,256 $313,508 $307,178 $306,217 $305,632 $300,252 $299,960 $299,337 $292,378 $289,731 $280,901 $272,640 $265,109 $264,069 $262,988 $259,975 $246,821 $245,653 $240,560 $238,215 $237,363 $233,484 $233,186
28 Raul RubalcaVa
29 MRs gwendolyn eaVes
30 aRMando oRozco
31 geRald d libeRsaT
32 Jls-speed hoRse Ranch inc 33 lucKy seVen Ranch
34 ToM MaheR
35 J baR 7/M & K clucK/d benson 36 Jesus cueVas & Jesus aVila 37 JiM d piTTs
38 RiTa J danley
39 RichaRd R sheaReR
40 JaMes sills
41 RobeRT a genTRy
42 ed MelzeR
43 s/M caTTle expoRT co
44 gene cox
45 J azeVedo oR c boyles
46 blane schVaneVeldT
47 Joe KiRK FulTon
48 M c MoRRis
49 beTTy Jane buRlin
50 a & c Racing and Roping
*For 1st, 2nd & 3rd finishes
1960 268 303 71 2036 269 1578 208 985 163 329 57 3332 499 39 16 416 75 635 111 1134 179 526 100 587 116 652 114 498 90 586 110 1215 182 1211 222 2379 352 846 158 766 167 1156 264 252 44
As of 11/20/14
840 793 41 355 277 46 204 197 45 637 716 39 148 148 43 614 525 50 189 162 47 253 276 38 212 153 47 144 99 52
89 95 43 155 135 36 142 138 49
93 87 49 160 187 30 111 105 49
80 72 43 135 108 46 78 69 43 291 341 41 254 289 48 22 21 46 288 261 42 49 35 51 220 255 37 170 216 38 136 141 45 50 46 47 472 413 42 4 4 62 54 49 43 63 90 42 185 149 45 99 67 51 98 90 52 101 94 47 68 55 43 95 69 47 177 148 42 198 181 50 364 350 45 124 98 45 121 109 52 210 185 57 49 34 50
$5,983,127 $5,874,602 $5,770,851 $5,596,798 $5,317,884 $4,689,424 $4,507,421 $4,504,737 $4,382,560 $4,060,491 $3,948,581 $3,824,711 $3,770,152 $3,717,059 $3,569,670 $3,470,874 $3,406,184 $3,362,670 $3,328,967 $3,293,289 $3,287,104 $3,261,484 $3,131,294 $3,005,816 $2,987,559 $2,983,811 $2,962,349 $2,949,363 $2,941,917 $2,863,438 $2,856,018 $2,789,519 $2,684,126 $2,678,752 $2,631,181 $2,611,067 $2,596,996 $2,568,046 $2,515,420 $2,512,544 $2,475,451 $2,465,002 $2,463,542 $2,409,703 $2,392,156
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                © COPYRIGHT SPEEDHORSE 2015
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