Page 369 - 2015 Stllion Register
P. 369
First Down Dash si 105
Dash For Cash si 114
Rocket Wrangler si 97
Rocket Bar TB si 85
Go Galla Go si 95
Find A Buyer TB
To Market
Hide And Seek
First Prize Rose si 98
Gallant Jet si 102
Jet Deck si 100
Leo Jewel
Rose Bug si 96
Lady Bug’s Moon si 100
Casco Rose
Runaway Vike si 97
Runaway Winner si 104
*Beduino TB
Romany Royal
Miss Fast Chic si 99
Fast Jet si 98
Serena Chic
Miss Racy Vike si 105
Racin Free si 109
Pass ‘Em Up TB
Racy Lady si 84
Deal In Vikingson
Vikingson TB
Swinging Deal
DaSHing vikE - Race and (Stakes) Record
Age Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earned 2 3 0 0 1 $ 875 3 4 1 3(1) 0 141,557
Totals 7 1 3(1) 1 $142,432
at Two: 3rd: a maiden race at Los Alamitos (330yds., to Venado Love, Dynasty Rules, def. Running Out, Fire Fight RR, etc.).
at Three: WOn: a maiden race at Sunland Park (400yds., def. Tac The Money N Run, Presidents Day, etc.); 2nd: Ruidoso D.-g1 at Ruidoso Downs (400yds., to Executive Brass, def. Feature Mr Bojangles, Bills Last, etc.), Ruidoso D. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (400yds., to Feature Mr Bojangles, def. GBH Zippy, All I Ever Wanted, etc. Qual.), an allowance at SunRay Park (350yds., to Motorcity Madman, def. Grand Bois, Stepping Real Easy, etc.).
in THE STUD DaSHing vikE’s first foals are yearlings of 2015.
HiS SiRE, FiRST DOWn DaSH si 105: World Champion, 2-Time Champion, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, AQHA Hall of Fame Horse. 13 wins, 8 SW, $857,256, Dash For Cash F.-g1, Champ. of Champ.-g1, Kindergarten F.-g1, etc. Sire of 2,135 race age foals, 1,862 starters, 1,319 winners, 1,606 ROM, 248 stakes winners, 37 Champions, with earnings of $82,945,529, from 24 crops to race.
1st Dam:
a RanSOM si 104 [g., dam by Chicks Beduino]. World Champion, 2-Time Champion, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, AQHA Hall of Fame Horse. 21 wins to 6, 13 SW, $1,079,556, Champ. of Champ.-g1, Los Alamitos Invit. Champ.-g1, Vessels Mat.-g1 (3 times), etc.
Brds.’ Fresh. S., fnl. Kindergarten F.-g1, etc.
Like A Zephyr si 97 (g. by First Down Dash). 2 wins to 4, $27,820, fnl.
WavE CaRvER si 104 [c., Runaway Winner]. World Champion, 2-Time Champion, AQHA Supreme Race Horse. 11 wins to 3, $1,005,946, Champ. of Champ.-g1, Los Alamitos Super D.-g1, etc.
fnl. Okla. Distaff Chal.-g3. Dam of
Okey Runaway si 102 (f. by Okey Dokey Dale). 2 wins to 5, $37,821.
DaSHing FOLLY si 108 [f., Hempen TB]. World Champion, Champion Aged Mare, Champion 3 Year Old (twice), Calif. Hi-Point 3-Year-Old Filly. 12 wins to 5, $535,841, Champ. of Champ.-g1, Los Alamitos D.-g1, Vessels Mat.-g1, Mildred N Vessels Mem. H.-g1 (twice), etc.
RUnaWaY WagOn si 106 (g. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 6 wins to 5, 2014, $146,125, Sam Houston Cl. H.-g2, Firecracker D., etc.
DOWn WiTH DEBT si 102 [f., Merridoc]. World Champion, Champion Aged Mare, Champion Aged Horse, Calif. Hi-Point Aged Mare. 17 wins to 5, $404,381, AQHA Ch. Ch.-g1, Vessels M.-g1, etc.
2nd Dam:
MiSS RaCY vikE si 105 (1987) by Racin Free. 10 wins to 5, $263,661,
OCEan RUnaWaY si 105 [c., Runaway Winner]. Champion 2 Year Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Colt, Champion 3-Year-Old Colt, High Money Earning Horse. 10 wins to 3, $1,642,498, Los Alamitos Million F.-g1, Golden State Million F.-g1, Champ. of Champ.-g1, etc., ntr LA 400yds.
Remington Park Champ.-g1, Las Damas H.-g1, Tx. F.-g3, Bandera Downs D.-g3, etc. Sister to RaCin vikE si 107 ($228,875), RaCin DEaL si 110 ($178,836), ETaRag si 103 ($81,405), ROnaS DEaL si 106 ($74,865), etc. From the family of ROCkY MOUnTain FLY si 105 (2013, $156,685, ntr), DaSH FOR YOnDER si 106 ($113,729, ntr), Dealadash si 108 ($182,483), etc. An All-Time Leading Dam of ROM. Dam of 28 foals, 27 of race age, 26 starters, 17 winners, 21 ROM,
COROna CaSH si 101 [f., Chicks Beduino]. Champion 2 Year Old (twice), Champion 3 Year Old (twice), ‘97 High Money Earning Horse. 19 wins to 5, $1,542,880, All American F.-g1, Ed Burke Mem. F.-g1, Governor’s Cup F.-Rg1, Los Alamitos D.-g1, etc.
MiSS RaCY JESS si 91 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 6 wins to 3, $485,113, Los Alamitos Super D.-g1, etc.
COROna kOOL si 104 [f., Sizzle Te]. 2-Time Champion, AQHA Supreme Race Horse. 14 wins to 6, $1,296,797, Los Alamitos Million F.-g1, Ed Burke Mem. F.-g1, Los Alamitos Invit. Champ.-g1, Los Alamitos D.-g1, Los Alamitos Winter Champ.-g1, etc.
MiSS RaCY EYES si 98 (f. by Mr Eye Opener). 3 wins to 4, $133,195, Speedhorse Gold & Silver Cup F.-Rg2, etc. Dam of
FDD DYnaSTY si 102 [c., Tolltac]. Champion 2-Year-Old Colt, Champion 3-Year-Old Colt. 8 wins to 3, $1,173,001, Ed Burke Million F.-g1, Go Man Go H.-g1, Gov. Cup D.-Rg2, etc.
Stepenos si 103 (c. by Favorite Trick TB). 3 wins to 4, $64,108, 3rd Paul B. Ford Mem. H., 5th Rainbow F.-g1, fnl. Ruidoso D.-g1.
a CLaSSiC DaSH si 93 [c., Dusty Canyon TB]. Champion 2 Year Old (twice), ‘93 High Money Earning Horse. 7 wins at 2, $1,078,617, All American F.-g1, Dash For Cash F.-g1, etc.
Racy Casanova si 101 (c. by Stel Corona). 2 wins at 2, 2014, $57,241, fnl. Heritage Palce F.-g1, Tx. Cl. F.-g1.
DaSH THRU TRaFFiC si 95 [c., Beduino TB]. Champion 2-Year-Old Colt, ‘92 High Money Earning Horse. 6 wins to 3, $1,056,943, All American F.-g1, 3rd Rainbow F.-g1, 4th Kansas F.-g1, etc.
Jess Racy Eyes si 94 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $17,415. Dam of FETCHing BEaUTY si 93 ($135,000), Bolt Lightly si 92 (2014, $31,350), etc.
ROYaL QUiCk DaSH si 101 [c., Beduino TB]. Champion 2-Year-Old Colt, ‘91 High Money Earning Horse. 7 wins to 3, $1,046,980, All American F.-g1, 5th Kansas F.-g1, fnl. Sun Country F.-g1.
vikes iota si 94 (g. by Mr Eye Opener). 2 wins to 3, $103,709, 2nd Heritage Place F.-g1, Speedhorse Invit. S., etc.
HEZ OUR SECRET si 98 [c., Separatist]. Champion 3-Year-Old Colt. 6 wins to 4, $887,426, Z Wayne Griffin Dir. S., 2nd All American D.-g1, Los Alamitos Super D.-g1, etc.
Sixavike si 102 (c. by Sixarun). 5 wins to 5, $68,439, 2nd MBNA Am. East Chal.-g3, Gulf Coast S., Stephen F Austin H., etc. Sire.
LiTTLE BiT OF BaJa si 107 [g., Kingdom Key]. Champion 3-Year- Old Gelding. 6 wins to 8, $877,524, Los Alamitos Super D.-g1, Cen. Champ. Chal.-g2, Z Wayne Griffin Dir. S., etc., ntr LA 400yds.
Dashin Belladona si 98 (f. by Fishers Dash). 3 wins to 4, $49,126, 3rd Valley Junction F.-g2, etc. Dam of
YOUR FiRST MOOn si 96 [f., Beduino TB]. Champion 2 Year Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly. 7 wins to 4, $750,726, Los Alamitos Million F.-g1, Gov. Cup F.-Rg1, 3rd Kindergarten F.-g1, etc.
Racy Belladona si 103 (f. by Fishers Dash). Winner to 3, $32,712, 2nd Speedhorse Gold & Silver Cup D.-Rg2, etc.
RUNAWAY VIKE si 97(1995) by Runaway Winner. 2 wins to 3, $8,898. An All-Time Leading Dam of ROM. Dam of 20 foals, 17 of race age, 15 starters, 12 winners, 13 ROM, including
vOLCOM si 97 (c. by First Down Dash). 11 wins to 4, $430,433, Los Alamitos Winter Champ.-g1, El Primero Del Ano D.-g1, etc. Sire.
Dashing vike si 90 (c. by First Down Dash). Subject Stallion.
Ja Call Collect si 97 (c. by First Down Dash). 4 wins to 4, $47,868, 3rd
Can Am Nations Cup S., fnl. Sam Houston D. Chal.-g3.
Hi Tori si 96 (c. by First Down Dash). 2 wins to 5, $40,326, 2nd Calif.
Golden State D.-g1.
Runaway Strawfly si 99 (f. by Strawfly Special). 3 wins to 4, $10,027,
Dashin Vike si 87 (f. by Dashin Bye). Winner at 2, $1,856, fnl. Prescott Valley Laddie/Lassie F.-g3. Dam of
RaCY La JOLLa si 114 (f. by Streakin La Jolla). 2 wins at 2, $13,031, Blane Schvaneveldt F., ntr LBT 350yds.
Big Daddy Cartel si 94 (c. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins at 2, $121,800, 4th Rainbow F.-g1, fnl. All American F.-g1.
The Bluetailfly si 97 (c. by Strawfly Special). 4 wins to 5, $82,835, 2nd Woodlands Champ. H., etc.
Mr Jess XL si 95 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 4, $77,841, 2nd Firecracker F.-g2, 5th Retama Park F.-g1, etc.
First Down vike si 97 (c. by First Down Dash). 3 wins to 5, $28,720, 3rd Okla. Dist. Chal.-g3, fnl. Altoona D.-g3, Okla. D.-g3.