Page 377 - 2015 Stllion Register
P. 377

                                    Separatist si 101
      Chicks Beduino si 104
  *Beduino TB
 Romany Royal
 A Classy Chick si 89
 Chick’s Deck si 92
  Mayshego TB
 Seperate Ways si 92
 Hempen TB
 Indian Hemp
 Jet Together si 93
 Jet Deck si 100
  Go Together si 104
     Time For Royal Cash si 100
      Dash For Cash si 114
 Rocket Wrangler si 97
 Rocket Bar TB si 85
 Go Galla Go si 95
 Find A Buyer TB
  To Market
 Hide And Seek
 Timeto Takeoff si 99
  Timeto Thinkrich si 99
 Aforethought TB
  Chronometer si 85
 Miss Bold Fourway TB
  Election Day
 Celia Star
  DiviDE tHE caSH - Race and (Stakes) Record
 Age Starts 1st 2nd
2 7 2 2
3 8 3(2) 2(1)
4 5 0 3(2)
Totals 20 5(2) 7(3)
3rd Earned 1 $83,902
at two: WON: Golden State Million F. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. Pot Ocash, AB Knight, etc. Qual.), a maiden race at Los Alamitos (300yds., def. See Worthy, Sum Real Fun, etc.); 2nd: an allowance at Los Alamitos (300yds., to AB Knight, def. Chivalry SR, Jess Arisen Moon, etc.), a maiden race at Los Alamitos (300yds., to Fire First Down, def. Jus Ledoux It, etc.); 3rd: a maiden race at Los Alamitos (300yds., to Don Bandido, Hes A Fortune Teller, def. AB Another Runner, etc.); 5th: Golden State Million F.-G1 (400yds.).
at three: WON: Z Wayne Griffin Dir. S. at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. Good Reason SA, Precisionist RM, etc.), Make it anywhere H. at Los Alamitos (Ntr 350yds., def. Twin Spires, Combustible, etc.), an allowance at Los Alamitos (350yds., def. Josef Levy, Summit Bid, etc.); 2nd: Los alamitos Super D.-G1 at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Apollitical Jess, def. Forrest Fire, Princelike, etc.), Los Alamitos Super D. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Apollitical Jess, def. Favorite Cartel, Ask The Question, etc. Qual.); 3rd: champ. of champ.-G1 at Los Alamitos (440yds., to Apollitical Jess, A Tempting Dash, def. Jess You And I, Merridoc Hawk, etc.), Golden State D. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Chivalry SR, Danny Cartel, def. First Down King, Get Him Out SA, etc. Qual.); 4th: Golden State D.-G1 (400yds.); Ntr LA 350yds.
at Four: 2nd: Robert L. Boniface Los alamitos invitational championship-G1 at Los Alamitos (440yds., to Jess You And I, def. Chivalry SR, Good Reason SA, etc.), vessels Mat.-G1 at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Snitcher, DH w/ Chivalry SR, def. Good Reason SA, Simons Wonder Choice, etc.), Vessels Mat. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Bloke, def. Jus Ledoux It, Fishing Party, etc. Qual.); 3rd: Z. Wayne Griffin Dir. S. Div. 1 at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Chivalry SR, Sparky E Boy, DH w/ One Sweet Jess, def. Spit Curl Diva, Onemoreglassofwine); Fnl.: Go Man Go H.-G1 (400yds.).
DIVIDE THE CASH’s first foals are two year olds of 2015.
HiS SiRE, SEPaRatiSt si 101: 3-Time Champion. 16 wins to 3, $889,044, Gov. Cup F.-RG1, Golden State D.-G1, Gov. Cup D.-RG1, Calif. Sires’ Cup F.-RG2, PCQHRA Brds.’ D.-G2, Z Wayne Griffin Dir. S.-G3, Jet Deck H., etc. Sire of 1,279 race age foals, 955 starters, 630 winners, 743 ROM, 134 blacktype horses, 2 Champions, with earnings of $20,371,832, from 11 crops to race including:
DM SHicaGO si 104 [g., dam by Special Leader]. World Champion, Champion 3-Year-Old, Champion 3-Year-Old Gelding, Champion 2-Year-Old Gelding. 8 wins to 4, $1,873,730, All American F.-G1, All American D.-G1, Rainbow D.-G1, Ruidoso D.-G1, 3rd Rainbow F.-G1, MBNA Am. Okla. Chal.-G1, 4th MBNA Am. Tx. Chal.-G1.
of the Year. 4 wins to 4, $76,002, 2nd Vessels Mat., Calif. Brds.’ Champ., etc. From the family of SMOOtH MOviNG GaL si 108 ($81,813, Ntr), BUFFYS GiRL si 105 ($63,196), i aM tHE BaND si 96 ($40,882), Xterra si 104 ($73,102), etc. Dam of 10 foals, 8 starters, 6 winners, 7 ROM, including
iNSEPERaBLE si 96 [c., First Down Dash]. Champion 3-Year-Old, Champion 3-Year-Old Colt. 5 wins to 4, $672,756, All American D.-G1, Rainbow D.-G1, 3rd Rainbow F.-G1, fnl. Golden State Million F.-G1.
ROYaL DOWN DaSH si 111 (f. by First Down Dash). Champion 3-Year-Old, Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, NM Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old Filly, NM Hi-Pt. Aged Mare. 20 wins to 4, $405,384, 9 SW, All American D.-G1, W. Tx. D.-G2, AQHA D. Chal. Champ.-G2, etc. Dam of
SEPaRatE BEt si 107 [g., First Down Dash]. 11 wins to 8, $799,481, Rainbow D.-G1, Remington Park Invit. Ch.-G1, Leo S.-G2, Eastex H.-G2, Rainbow Juv. Invit., 2nd All American D.-G1, Los Alamitos Winter Champ.-G1, etc., Ntr RP 350yds., Ntr RUI 400yds., Ntr RP 400yds.
Royal Down Jolla si 97 (f. by Streakin La Jolla). Winner at 2, $16,425, 2nd Four Corners F.-G3. Dam of NCC Anchorman si 95 (2014, $43,203), Tell Who What si 96 ($32,613), NCC Sunshine si 94 ($16,400), etc.
MOONiSt si 99 [g., First Down Dash]. 13 wins to 3, 2014, $459,918, Golden State D.-G1, El Primero Del Ano D.-G3, Gov.’s Cup D.-RG3, Golden State Juv. Los Alamitos Two Million Juv., PCQHRA Brds.’ D., 2nd Gov.’s Cup F.-RG2, etc.
Royal Down Double si 101 (g. by Royal Sovereign). 6 wins to 8, $65,640. Royal Down Flyer si 89 (f. by Strawfly Special). Winner to 3, $5,235.
DiviDE tHE caSH si 105 [c., Dash For Cash]. 5 wins to 4, $447,637, Z Wayne Griffin Dir. S., Make It Anywhere H., etc., Ntr LA 350yds.
tF Jess a Runaway si 90 (2014, $30,956), Mr Sippin Corona si 98
SEPaRatiSt FiRStDOWN si 109 [c., First Down Dash]. 11 wins to 3, 2014, $435,117, Harrah’s Ent. F.-G3, Gillespie Cnty. Fair F.-G3, Evangeline Downs F., Old S. D., Firecracker D., etc. Ntr EVD 400yds. (twice).
($43,794), Bottoms Up Corona si 97 ($37,763), etc.
Sheza Snow Down si 83 (f. by This Snow Is Royal). Unplaced at 2.
SEPERatE iNtERESt si 98 [c., First Down Dash]. 6 wins to 4, 2014, $406,870, Kaweah Bar H.-G3, Town Policy S. Z Wayne Grffin Invit., 2nd Golden State Million F.-G1, Katella H., etc.
Golden State F.-G1, Golden State D.-G1.
Takeoff Royally si 88 (f. by First Down Dash). Placed to 3, $3,945. Dam of
2(1) 1(1)
294,730 69,005
1st Dam:
tiME FOR ROYaL caSH si 100 (1991) by Dash For Cash. 8 wins to 4,
$313,583, Golden State F.-G1, Golden State D.-G1, QHBC Champ. Cl.-G1, 2nd Heritage Place D.-G1, Vandy’s Flash H.-G3, etc. Dam of 13 foals, 12 starters, 8 winners, 10 ROM, including:
DiviDE tHE caSH si 105 (c. by Separatist). Subject Stallion.
tiME FOR StREaKiNG si 105 (g. by Streakin La Jolla). Mex. Hi-Pt. Aged Gelding. 9 wins to 8, 2014, $94,007, in Mex., Campeone de Campeones Cl., Jessaspecialeffort S., 2nd Kisses To Yawl H.-G3, etc. tiME FOR a ROYaL DiP si 105 (c. by Royal Miracle Dip). 5 wins to 9, 2014, $84,424, Paul B. Ford Mem. H., Scott Lewis H., Pomona Juv. Champ., 2nd Pomona Champ., American QH Racing Journal S., etc. Separate Royal Ways si 96 (c. by Separatist). 2 wins to 5, $17,498,
3rd East D. Chal.-G3, fnl. Sam Houston D.-G2.
Legally Separated si 112 (f. by Separatist). 4 wins to 5, $78,340, 4th
NM D. Chal.-G3, fnl. Sunland Park Fall D.-G2.
Cash A Royal Chick si 88 (f. by Chicks Beduino). Placed, $5,082. Dam of
Royal Cash Secret si 84 (g. by Raise A Secret). Winner to 4, $6,250. Royal Cash Down (f. by First Down Dash). Placed to 3, $1,535. Dam
of SEiS tHE ROYaL caSH si 92 (2014, $36,246), etc.
Time For Royalty si 86 (f. by Strawfly Special). Winner to 3, $4,848. Dam of
Fame Royalty si 91 (f. by Dash Ta Fame). 2 wins to 4, $11,442. Time For Royal Chick (f. by Chicks Beduino). Unplaced to 3. Dam of
tiME FOR ZOOM si 109 (f. by Shazoom). 5 wins to 8, 2014, $48,689, Prescott Valley Laddie/Lassie F.-G3.
Timeto Vote Royal (f. by Chicks Beduino). Unraced. Dam of
La Coronita si 91 (f. by Corona Cartel). 6 wins to 9, $16,895, fnl.
Desert Cl. F.-RG3.
2nd Dam:
timeto takeoff si 99 (1977) by Timeto Thinkrich. 2-Time Broodmare
Get Down Perry si 97 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins to 5, $159,677, 2nd Vessels Mat.-G1, Lovington H., Chicado V H., etc.
Dam of Pilot Check si 95 ($47,118), etc.
Jesses Royal Dash si 90 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Unplaced at 2. Dam of
Dam of Houston Shezaproblem si 84 (2014, $42,288), etc.
John Oneill si 102 (c. by Casady Casanova). 3 wins to 4, $60,277, fnl.
take Off Jess si 101 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins at 2, $380,087, 2nd All American F.-G1, W. Tx. F.-G1, 4th Ruidoso F.-G1.

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