Page 381 - 2015 Stllion Register
P. 381

                                    Mr Jess Perry si 113
      Streakin La Jolla si 99
  Streakin Six si 104
 Easy Six si 97
 Miss Assured si 95
 Bottom’s Up si 82
 Raise Your Glass TB
  La Jolla si 90
 Scoopie Fein si 99
 Sinn Fein si 98
 Three Oh’s si 100
 Vansarita Too si 95
 Legs La Scoop si 95
 Scooper Chick si 100
  La Ferne si 85
     Runaway Dee Dee si 105
      Runaway Winner si 104
 *Beduino TB
 Romany Royal
 Miss Fast Chic si 99
  Fast Jet si 98
 Serena Chic
 Dashin Dee Dee si 105
  Sir Cashanova si 100
 Dash For Cash si 114
  Chargability si 99
 Surfin Susie si 94
  Surf Bug si 99
 Tatie’s Go Go si 86
  DOminyun - Race and (Stakes) Record
Age Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earned 2 6 3 0 2(2) 191,763 3 5 2 2(1) 0 144,418
Totals 11 5 2(1) 2(2) $336,181
At Two: WOn: All American F. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., def. Pump It Teller, The Printing Press, etc. Qual.), Dash For Cash F. Trl. at Lone Star Park (400yds., def. My Corona Memories, JB Takeittothelimit, etc. Qual.), Ruidoso Juv. Chal. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (350yds., def. Feature Honor, Differently, etc.); 3rd: All American F.-G1 at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., to Mr Piloto, JLS Mr Bigtime, def. Make Me Fly, DM Streakn Thru Fire, etc.), Dash For Cash F.-G1 at Lone Star Park (400yds., to A Snowy Cartel, The Printing Press, def. Unashamed, First Arctic Dash, etc.); Fnl.: Ruidoso Juv. Chal.-G3 (350yds.).
At Three: WOn: Rainbow D. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., def. Unanchored, Treason, etc. Qual.), All American D. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., def. First Down Master, Texas Icon, etc.); 2nd: Ruidoso D.-G1 at Ruidoso Downs (400yds., to Llano Teller, def. JD Baccarat, Giorgino, etc.), Ruidoso D. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (400yds., to Llano Teller, def. Unanchored, Unashamed, etc. Qual.); Fnl.: Rainbow D.-G1 (440yds.).
in THE STuD DOminyun‘s first foals are two year olds of 2015.
HiS SiRE, mR JESS PERRy si 113: Champion 2 Year Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 12 wins to 4, $687,184, Tx. Cl. F.-G1, Tx. Cl. D.-G1, LQHBA F.-RG1, La. Champ. Day Juv. S.-RG2, 2-ntr’s, etc. Sire of 1,354 QH & APHA race age foals, 1,117 starters, 731 winners, 919 ROM, 258 blacktype horses, 8 Champions, with earnings of $45,375,503, from 16 crops raced.
  APOLLiTiCAL JESS si 107 [c., dam by Apollo TB]. World Champion, Champion 3 Year Old, Champion 3-Year-Old Colt. 8 wins to 3, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super D.-G1, Champ. of Champ.-G1, 2nd All American D.-G1, etc., ntr LA 400yds., ntr LA 440yds.
Ruidoso Juv. Chal.-G3.
Apolitical Pac si 96 (f., by Apollictical Jess). 4 wins at 2, 2014, $76,137,
OnE FAmOuS EAGLE si 101 [c., Chicks Beduino]. Champion 3-Year- Old Colt. 7 wins to 3, $1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1, Golden State D.-G1, Los Alamitos Super D.-G1, etc.
$45,118, 4th Hobbs Am. F.-G2.
Xquizit si 92 (f. by Ivory James). 2 wins to 3, $26,841, fnl. W. Tx. F.-G1.
nOCOni si 105 [g., Dash For Cash]. Champion 3-Year-Old Gelding, Champion Aged Gelding, AQHA Supreme Race Horse. 15 wins to 7, 12 SW, $1,348,900, All American D.-G1, Zia Park Champ.-G1, Champ. at Sunland Park-G1, Hobbs Am. D.-G2, Lovington H.-G2 (twice), All American Gold Cup-G2 (twice), Higheasterjet H.-G3 (twice), Mr Jet Moore S.-G3, La Plata S.-G3, etc.
Flashin Dee Dee si 88 (f. by First To Flash). Placed at 2, $2,020. Dam of Beach Runner si 99 (f. by Escondido Beach). 3 wins to 3, 2014, $53,457. Runner James si 93 (g. by Ivory James). 2 wins to 5, 2014, $47,920. R Cigar si 81 (g. by Rare Cigar). Winner to 3, $20,838.
mATABARi si 104 [f., Separatist]. Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 6 wins to 3, $1,337,805, Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1, Los Alamitos Super D.-G1. 3rd Champ. of Champ.-G1, etc.
ROM. Dam of 24 foals, 20 starters, 15 winners, 15 ROM, including mOKASSO si 105 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins at 2, $59,630, Four
miSS RACy JESS si 91 [f., Racin Free]. Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 6 wins to 3, $485,113, Los Alamitos Super D.-G1, fnl. All American F.-G1, Champ. of Champ.-G1.
$71,071, Rocky Mtn. F.
Real Easy Dee Dee si 104 (f. by Real Easy Jet). 3 wins to 4, $10,232, 2nd
FREDRiCKSBuRG si 109 [c., Dash For Cash]. Champion Aged Stallion. East Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old Colt. 7 wins to 4, $369,304, Champ. at Sunland Park-G1, Refrigerator H.-G1, Bayer Legend East Chal.-G3, Cl. Chev. Heartbeat of Am. S.-RG3, etc.
Energy Downs Wyoming Bred D., fnl. OQUIRRH F.-RG3. Producer. ivorys Dashin si 96 (c. by Ivory James). Placed at 2, $1,342, in Mex., 3rd
FREDAViLLE si 112 [f., Dash For Cash]. Champion Aged Mare. 11 wins to 6, $325,321, AQHA Distaff Chal. Champ.-G1, Decketta S.-G3, Los Alamitos Distaff Chal.-G3, Sparkling Tip S., Remington Park Distaff Chal. (twice), etc., ntr HIA 350yds.
Champ. Chal.-G2, fnl. Southern Calif. D.-G1, etc.
Soliloquies si 99 (f. by Invisible Injun). 4 wins to 5, $53,121, 5th Okla.
JESS LOuiSiAnA BLuE si 109 [c., Louisiana Slew TB]. Champion Aged Stallion, East Hi-Pt. Aged Stallion. 4 wins to 6, $170,682, MBNA Am. East Chal.-G2, 2nd MBNA Am. Ch. Ch.-G1, 3rd First Down Dash H.-G3, La. Champ. Day Cl.-RG2, etc., ntr DED 440yds.
POWERFuL inJun si 89 ($68,345), The Polar Express si 96 ($37,819), Power To Wow si 96 ($29,228), Invisible Power si 95 ($22,124), etc. Grandam of iVORy inJun si 93 (2014, $45,025), Indy Power si 102 (2014, $66,915, ntr), etc.
mR PiLOTO si 89 [c., Splash Bac]. 2 wins at 2, $1,002,240, All American F.-G1.
3rd Dam:
Surfin Susie si 94 (1982) by Surf Bug. Placed at 2, $2,729, 3rd Magic
OnE SWEET JESS si 103 [c., First Down Dash]. 7 wins to 3, $953,592, Golden State Million F.-G1, Ed Burke Mem. Juv., 2nd Los Alamitos Super D.-G1, 4th All American D.-G1, etc., ntr LA 400yds.
Valley F. An All-Time Leading Dam of ROM. Dam of 11 foals/ starters/ROM, including SuSiES GiRL SALLy si 104 ($145,761), etc. Granddam of JESS GEnuinE si 102 ($195,175), miRAnDA FAmE si 106 ($132,363, ntr), Genuine Botticelli si 97 ($164,182), etc. From the family of TuRBuLEnZ si 104 ($192,900), BJS DASHER si 95 ($90,456), HESA BOLD FAmE si 99 ($49,713), The August Heat si 93 (2014, $424,996), Oceanik si 93 ($151,143), etc.
FEATuRE mR JESS si 101 [c., Truckle Feature]. 7 wins to 3, $539,327, Rainbow F.-G1, Rainbow D.-G1, 2nd Dash For Cash F.-G1, 3rd All American D.-G1, Remington Park F.-G1, 5th Tx. Cl. D.-G1, etc.
1st Dam:
Runaway Dee Dee si 105 (1995) by Runaway Winner. Tx. Hi-Pt. 3-Year-
Old Filly. 3 wins to 3, $25,068, 2nd Sundowner Trailer S., etc. An All-Time Leading Dam of ROM. Dam of 27 foals, 22 of race age, 16 starters, 12 winners, 14 ROM, including
A DOWn RiGHT RunAWAy si 108 (g. by First Down Dash). 11 wins to 6, $108,203, All American Congress Mat.-G3, Blue River D., etc.
RiDDiCK si 100 (g. by Invisible Injun). 3 wins to 3, $67,598, Ben E. Keith S., 5th Tx. Cl. F.-G1, fnl. TQHA Sires’ Cup D.-RG3, etc.
Dominyun si 104 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). Subject Stallion.
Brimmin To Pass si 91 (g. by Brimmerton). Winner to 4, $30,022, fnl.
Ruidoso F.-G1.
Kpax si 87 (f. by First Down Dash). 3 wins to 3, $14,004, 5th All
American Congress D.-G3. Dam of
JESSTiFiABLE si 114 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 6 wins to 7, $81,885,
Hasta La Vista S., etc., ntr RIL 220yds., ntr SON & DG 350yds.. Perryphery si 94 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner at 2, $48,092, 2nd
TQHA Sires’ Cup F.-RG2, 3rd Retama Park F.-G1.
yurman si 94 (f. by bigtime Favorite). Winner at 2, 2014, $12,632, 3rd
4th Okla. F.-G2, fnl. Heritage Place F.-G1, Ruidoso Juv. Chal.-G3. Streakin Mr Jess si 93 (g., by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, 2014,
2nd Dam:
DASHin DEE DEE si 105 (1987) by Sir Cashanova. 10 wins to 4,
$266,453, QHBC Juv. Cl.-G1, etc. An All-Time Leading Dam of
Corners F.-G3, 2nd NM Juv. Chal.-G2.
OH nO u DiDnT si 96 (c. by Heza Fast Dash). 5 wins to 3, 2014,
Pr. A Bit Of Corona F.
Toasting My Dad si 96 (g. by Special Task). 5 wins to 5, $74,910, 4th Calif.
Distaff Chal.-G3.
Dashin Diego si 96 (c. by Check Him Out). 3 wins to 5, $52,341.
Power Stroker (f. by Power Train). Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of

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