Page 393 - 2015 Stllion Register
P. 393

                                    Favorite Trick TB
      Phone Trick
  Clever Trick
 Kankakee Miss
 Over The Phone
 Evil Elaine
 Medieval Man
 *Noholme II
 Peaceful Sky
 Distinctive Elaine
  Jackie Dare
     Shenoshercorona si 91
      Corona Cartel si 97
 Holland Ease si 109
 First Down Dash si 105
 Easy Henryetta si 90
 Corona Chick si 113
  Chicks Beduino si 104
 Sizzling Lil si 91
 Shenoshespecial si 91
  Special Effort si 104
 Raise Your Glass TB
  Go Effortlessly si 98
 Lil Bit Rusty si 103
  Easily Smashed si 99
 Rusty Rockette si 102
  favORitE caRtEl - Race and (Stakes) Record
 Age Starts 1st 2nd
2 8 4 0
3 9 2(1) 2
4 8 3(2) 0
Totals 25 9(3) 2
3rd Earned 1(1) $171,700 2 188,143 1(1) 247,826
4(2) $607,669
 at two: WON: All American F. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., def. Heza Motor Cruiser, Dashnjess, etc. Qual.), Rainbow F. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (400yds., def. Lethalzoom, Runaway Fees, etc. Qual.), Golden State Million F. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. Chivalry Sr, Stevie Six, etc.), a maiden race at Ruidoso Downs (300yds., df. Smokey Stone, Sixshootinsidekick, etc.); 3rd: Rainbow f.-G1 at Ruidoso Downs (400yds., to Zoomin With Ease, Runnning Brook Gal, ef. Love Samba, Stepenos, etc.); 4th: All American F.-G1 (440yds.).
at three: Calif. Hi-Pt. Dist. Horse. WON: Paul B. ford Mem. H. at Los Alamitos (550yds., def. Auto Rotate, Stepenos, etc.), an allowance at Ruidoso Downs (350yds., def. Take The Mountain, Shake Em Money Pop, etc.); 2nd: All American D. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., to Smokey Stone, def. Corona Cal, Kuhl Little Man, etc. Qual.), Southern Calif. D. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Harems Last Dash, def. Wimping, Delphias Cartel, etc.) 3rd: Rainbow D. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., to Love Samba, Smokey Stone, def. Jess So Sixy, Runaway Fees, etc. Qual.), Los Alamitos Super D. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400ytds., to Apollitical Jess, Divide The Cash, def. Ask The Question, Triffle, etc. Qual.); 5th: Los Alamitos Super D.-G1 (400yds.), Rainbow D.-G1 (440yds.); fnl.: All American D.-G1 (440yds.).
at four: WON: aQHa champ. chal.-G1 at Los Alamitos (440yds., def. Rylees Boy, Jess A Runner, etc.), los alamitos champ. chal.-G2 at Los Alamitos (440yds., def. Shining First Dash, Forrest Fire, etc.), an allowance at Remington Park (350yds., def. Feature Jess Rockin, Dylans Dandy, etc.); 3rd: SlM Big Daddy S. at Remington Park (550yds., to Skyline Lover, Vital Winner, def. Royal Snow Problem, Value The Man, etc.); 5th: Rbt. L. Boniface Los Al. Invit. Champ.-G1 (440yds.); fnl.: Remington Park Invit. Champ.-G1 (440yds.), Champ. of Champ.-G1 (440yds.), The Champ. at Sunland Park-G1 (400yds.).
favORitE caRtEl’s first foals are two year olds of 2015.
MalE liNE
HiS SiRE, favORitE tRicK TB: Horse Of The Year, Champion 2-Year- Old Colt. 12 wins to 3, $1,726,793, Brds.’ Cup Juv.-G1, Hopeful S.-G1, Lane’s End Brds.’ F.-G2, Keeneland Brds.’ Cup Mile S.-G2, Jim Dandy S.-G2, etc. Sire of 516 TB race age foals, 396 starters, 276 winners, 42 blacktype horses, with earnings of $17,803,012, from 8 crops raced; 126 QH race age foals, 86 starters, 46 winners, 10 blacktype horses, 63 ROM, with earnings of $4,305,255, from 10 crops to race.
1st Dam:
fEMalE liNE
GOOD REaSON Sa si 102 [c., dam by First Down Dash]. Champion Aged Horse, Champion Aged Stallion. 7 wins to 4, $1,446,727, Champ. of Champ.-G1, Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1, Golden State D.-G1, Los Alamtios Winter Champ.-G2, 2nd Z Wayne Griffin Dir. S., etc.
$278,358, Firecracker F.-G2, 6666 Ranch H., etc..
WHOlElOta DaSH si 103 (g. by Dash For Cash). 6 wins to 6,
PRaNKStER cf si 109 [g., Dash For Cash]. Champion Distance Horse. 10 wins to 4, $230,058, Marathon National-G1, AQHA Dist. Chal. Champ.-G1, Moonshiner H.-G3, El Ocho Setenta H., James Smith Mem. H., Calif. Dist. Chal., 2nd Corona Chick H.-G3, fnl. Calif. Champ. Chal.-G2.
$109,986, MBNA Am. Mex. Chal.-G3, TQHA Sires’ Cup S., etc. BEDUiNOS RUStY si 106 (f. by Chicks Beduino). 4 wins at 2, $57,695, Sam Houston F.-G1. Dam of Tx. Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old Gelding HESa lil Bit HiGH si 103 ($120,865), RUStYS QUicKiD si 101 ($87,693), BRiMfUl si 96 ($80,229), Sweetened vanilla si 108 (2014, $57,153), Rustys flyer si 103 ($39,863), Beat this chick si 88 ($24,997), etc. Grandam of QUicKiD cORONa si 114 ($173,590, Ntr), JESS a lil Bit MORE si 108 ($145,165), JESSa littlE RUStY si 99 (2014, $115,471), MaEStRO cORONa si 101 ($26,255), Paint Me Quickid si 108 ($125,130), Quickid Perry si 99 ($56,579), the Eagle Express
favORitE caRtEl si 104 [c., Corona Cartel]. Calif. Hi-Point Dist. Horse. 9 wins to 4, $607,669, AQHA Chal. Champ.-G1, Los Alamitos Champ. Chal.-G2, Paul B Ford Mem. H., 3rd Rainbow F.-G1, etc.
si 103 (2014, $52,266), Petey Wheat si 101 ($38,703), etc.
Way Down town si 96 (c. by First Down Dash). 2 wins to 4, $31,959,
tRicKY DUSt si 110 [g., Dash For Cash]. 16 wins to 9, $428,581, NM Dist. Chal.-G2, Master Salls H.-G3 (3-times), Brigand H.-G3 (4-times), Newport Beach H., Herman Jefferson S., Black Gold Casino H., Fine Loom H., etc.
2nd Delta Dash, fnl. El Primero Del Ano D.-G1, etc.
Lil Bit Dutch si 89 (f. by Holland Ease). Winner to 3, $6,089. Dam of KOOl HaND DUtcH si 104 ($100,980), aPOllO DUtcH MaN si 97 ($47,054), Ncc Ditch Witch si 102 ($17,136), Ncc Slam
YUcataN TB [g., Machiavellian]. 8 wins to 6, $385,641, Harvey Arneault Mem. Brds.’ Cup H., Texas Glitter H, Forego S., 2nd Panhandle H., Waterford Park H., Mtn. State S., Labor Day S., Christmas S., etc.
Dunk si 94 ($6,518), etc.
Lil Bit Dash si 85 (f. by Dash For Cash). Winner at 2, $2,576. Dam of
ZOEliNG TB [g., Carson City]. 12 wins to 9, $371,356, Mr. Jenney H., Leemat S., 3rd Presidentialaffair S.
BOKNaai si 116 ($177,575), lil Bit cuervo si 88 ($8,616), etc.
BEcKY SHaRP TB [f., Bold Ruckus]. 4 wins to 6, $336,039 in U.S. & CAN, Zadracarta S., 2nd Royal North S.-G3, Zadracarta S., etc.
Grandam of GOOD lUviN si 110 ($57,423, Ntr), etc. Babyigotchamoney si 82 (f. by Takin On The Cash). Unplaced to 4. Dam of RW Red Wave si 89 ($12,973), Hawkin the Money si 95
cRaftY tRicKER TB [c., Crafty Prospector]. 9 wins to 6, $315,818, Mountaineer Juv. S., 3rd Oh Say S.
tRicKY R. TB [f., Kentucky Jazz]. 12 wins to 7, 2014, $287,708, La Coneja S., Russel And Helen Foutz Distaff H., Carlos Salazar S., 2nd Carlos Salazar S., 3rd La Coneja S.
($10,902), etc.
Rustys Lil Lady (f. by Fredricksburg). Unraced. Dam of valiaNt lil laDY
SHENOSHERCORONA si 91 (2001) by Corona Cartel. Winner to 4, $16,318. Dam of 15 foals, 11 of race age, 10 starters, 7 winners, ROM, favORitE caRtEl si 104 (c. by Favorite Trick TB). Subject Stallion.
SHEScHEcKiNUMOUt si 97 (f. by Check Him Out). 4 wins to 5, $105,075, La Pacifica H., 3rd Calif. Brds.’ Matron S.-RG2, etc. Dam of foose is loose si 91 (g. by Foose). 2 wins to 3, 2014, $108,845, 2nd Gov.’s Cup D.-RG3, fnl. Ed Burke Million F.-G1, Golden State
D.-G1, Kindergarten F.-G2.
Henoshersecret si 88 (c. by No Secrets Here). 4 wins to 4, 2014,
$166,751, 2nd El Primero Del Ano D.-G2, etc.
Hes Regal si 110 (c. by A Regal Choice). 4 wins to 5, $88,493, 2nd
Tom Tucker Mem. S., 3rd Kindergarten F.-G1, etc.
Slump Buster si 98 (g. by Walk Thru Fire). Winner to 3, $13,416, 3rd
Arapahoe D. Chal.
2nd Dam:
SHENOSHESPECIAL si 91 (1997) by Special Effort. Winner to 3, $3,622. Dam of 10 foals, 7 starters, 4 winners, 5 ROM, including
Henos Hespecial si 106 (c. by First Down Dash). 4 wins to 7, $28,410, fnl. Canterbury Park D.-G3.
Ariel Cartel (f. by Corona Cartel). Unplaced at 2. Dam of Bigtime Cartel si 110 ($83,793, Ntr LAD 250yds.), etc.
3rd Dam:
lil Bit RUStY si 103 (1986) by Easily Smashed. Calif. Hi-Pt. Aged Mare.
15 wins, $215,395, QHBC Distaff Cl.-G1, etc. An All-Time Leading
Dam of ROM. Dam of 26 foals, 20 starters, 14 winners, 18 ROM, WHOSlEaviNGWHO si 105 (g. by Chicks Beduino). World Champion, Champion 3-Year-Old Gelding, AQHA Supreme Race Horse. 23 wins to 8, 10 SW, $1,334,842, Champ. of
Champ.-G1, Los Al Winter D.-G1, Los Al Winter Champ.-G1, etc. cORONaS lEaviNG YOU si 103 (c. by Corona Cartel). 9 wins to 3,
si 103 (2014, $517,604), BUBBa caRvER si 107 (2014, $125,945), etc.

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