Page 413 - 2015 Stllion Register
P. 413
Mr Jess Perry si 113
Streakin La Jolla si 99
Streakin Six si 104
Easy Six si 97
Miss Assured si 95
Bottom’s Up si 82
Raise Your Glass TB
La Jolla si 90
Scoopie Fein si 99
Sinn Fein si 98
Three Oh’s si 100
Vansarita Too si 95
Legs La Scoop si 95
Scooper Chick si 100
La Ferne si 85
First Prize Dash si 101
Dash For Cash si 114
Rocket Wrangler si 97
Rocket Bar TB si 85
Go Galla Go si 95
Find A Buyer TB
To Market
Hide And Seek
First Prize Rose si 98
Gallant Jet si 102
Jet Deck si 100
Leo Jewel
Rose Bug si 96
Lady Bug’s Moon si 100
Casco Rose
FiRSt PRizE StanlEy - Race and (Stakes) Record
Age Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earned 2 3 1 0 0 $11,815 3 2 0 0 0 50
Totals 5 1 0 0 $11,865
at two: WOn: a maiden at Remington Park (250yds., def. Pauls Gray Dream, Sirwinallie, etc.).
FiRSt PRizE StanlEy is the sire of 100% money earners from his first
MalE linE
HiS SiRE, MR JESS PERRy si 113: Champion 2 Year Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 12 wins to 4, $687,184, Tx. Cl. F.-G1, Tx. Cl. D.-G1, LQHBA F.-RG1, La. Champ. Day Juv. S.-RG2, 2-ntr’s, etc. Sire of 1,354 QH & APHA race age foals, 1,117 starters, 731 winners, 919 ROM, 258 blacktype horses, 8 Champions, with earnings of $45,375,503, from 16 crops raced.
crop to race.
aPOllitiCal JESS si 107 [c., dam by Apollo TB]. World Champion, Champion 3 Year Old, Champion 3-Year-Old Colt. 8 wins to 3, $1,399,831, Los Alamitos Super D.-G1, Champ. of Champ.-G1, 2nd All American D.-G1, etc., ntr LA 400yds., ntr LA 440yds.
FiRST PRize DASH si 101 (1988) by Dash For Cash. Broodmare of the Year, AQHA Dam of Distinction. 5 wins to 3, $77,465, 4th Heritage Place F.-RG1, All American D.-G1. An All-Time Leading Dam of ROM. Dam of 43 foals, 42 of race age, 34 starters, 27 winners, 29 ROM,
OnE FaMOUS EaGlE si 101 [c., Chicks Beduino]. Champion 3-Year- Old Colt. 7 wins to 3, $1,387,453, Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1, Golden State D.-G1, Los Alamitos Super D.-G1, etc.
FiRSt PRizE lEESa si 106 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 7 wins to 3, $488,270, Remington Park F.-G1, etc. Dam of
nOCOni si 105 [g., Dash For Cash]. Champion 3-Year-Old Gelding, Champion Aged Gelding, AQHA Supreme Race Horse. 15 wins to 7, 12 SW, $1,348,900, All American D.-G1, zia Park Champ.-G1, Champ. at Sunland Park-G1, Hobbs Am. D.-G2, Lovington H.-G2 (twice), All American Gold Cup-G2 (twice), Higheasterjet H.-G3 (twice), Mr Jet Moore S.-G3, La Plata S.-G3, etc.
leesa Gone Wild si 97 (f. by Corona Cartel). 2 wins to 3, 2014, $47,550, 2nd Ruidoso Juv. Chal.-G3, 3rd John Deere Juv. Chal. Champ-G2.
MataBaRi si 104 [f., Separatist]. Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 6 wins to 3, $1,337,805, Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1, Los Alamitos Super D.-G1. 3rd Champ. of Champ.-G1, etc.
MS FiRSt PRizE ROSE si 100 (f. by Corona Cartel). 5 wins to 3, 2014, $546,985, Rainbow F.-G1, 5th Los Alamitos 2 Million F.-G1. COROnaDO CaRtEl si 98 (c. by Corona Cartel). 6 wins to 3, 2014,
MiSS RaCy JESS si 91 [f., Racin Free]. Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 6 wins to 3, $485,113, Los Alamitos Super D.-G1, fnl. All American F.-G1, Champ. of Champ.-G1.
Rainbow Juv. invit., fnl. All American F.-G1, etc.
itea si 101 (f. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 3, 2014, $63,141, 2nd
FREDRiCKSBURG si 109 [c., Dash For Cash]. Champion Aged Stallion. East Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old Colt. 7 wins to 4, $369,304, Champ. at Sunland Park-G1, Refrigerator H.-G1, Bayer Legend east Chal.-G3, Cl. Chev. Heartbeat of Am. S.-RG3, etc.
Firecracker F.-G2.
FiRSt PRizE ROBin si 103 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins at 2,
FREDaVillE si 112 [f., Dash For Cash]. Champion Aged Mare. 11 wins to 6, $325,321, AQHA Distaff Chal. Champ.-G1, Decketta S.-G3, Los Alamitos Distaff Chal.-G3, Sparkling Tip S., Remington Park Distaff Chal. (twice), etc., ntr HIA 350yds.
Filly. 6 wins to 4, 2014, $82,159, Speedhorse D.-G3, etc.
FaSt FiRSt PRizE si 102 (f. by Heza Fast Man). 3 wins to 3,
JESS lOUiSiana BlUE si 109 [c., Louisiana Slew TB]. Champion Aged Stallion, East Hi-Pt. Aged Stallion. 4 wins to 6, $170,682, MBNA Am. east Chal.-G2, 2nd MBNA Am. Ch. Ch.-G1, 3rd First Down Dash H.-G3, La. Champ. Day Cl.-RG2, etc., ntr DED 440yds.
W. Tx. F.-G1, 4th Rainbow F.-G1, 2-nWR/ntr SUN 300yds.
Fast Prize Doll si 102 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins at 2, $85,762, 3rd Harrah’s ent. F.-G2, etc. Dam of FaSt PRizE JORDan si 109
MR PilOtO si 89 [c., Splash Bac]. 2 wins at 2, $1,002,240, All American F.-G1.
$55,667, 2nd W. Tx. D.-G3.
Fast Prize tracy si 101 (f. by Shazoom). 2 wins to 3, $40,960, 3rd Joe B
OnE SWEEt JESS si 103 [c., First Down Dash]. 7 wins to 3, $953,592, Golden State Million F.-G1, Ed Burke Mem. Juv., 2nd Los Alamitos Super D.-G1, 4th All American D.-G1, etc., ntr LA 400yds.
Turner Mem. S. Dam of SPit CURl tREy si 88 (2014, $27,790), etc. Fast Prize Country si 101 (c. by Country Chicks Man). 4 wins to 5,
FEatURE MR JESS si 101 [c., Truckle Feature]. 7 wins to 3, $539,327, Rainbow F.-G1, Rainbow D.-G1, 2nd Dash For Cash F.-G1, 3rd All American D.-G1, Remington Park F.-G1, 5th Tx. Cl. D.-G1, etc.
$48,974, 3rd Dastardly Desert Dash S.
Fast Prize Corona si 101 (f. by Corona Cartel). Winner to 3, $13,438.
PREtty BOy PERRy si 102 [c., Raise Your Glass TB]. Tx. Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old Colt. 8 wins to 3, $514,626, Tx. Cl. F.-G1, Retama Park D.-G1, 2nd TQHA Sale F.-RG2, Calaveras S., etc.
96 (2014, $91,520), etc.
Fast Flyin Prize si 91 (f. by Strawflyin Buds). Winner to 3, $11,457.
FiRSt PRizE lEESa si 106 [f., Dash For Cash]. 7 wins to 3, $488,270, Remington Park F.-G1, 2nd SW Juv. Champ.-G1, Tx. Cl. D.-G1, etc.
$136,123, Blue Ribbon F.-G2, 2nd Remington Park F.-G1, etc. Sire. FiRSt PRizE DOC si 108 (c. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 5 wins to 4,
HiGH RatE OF REtURn si 97 [c., First Down Dash]. 3 wins to 3, $456,010, Heritage Place F.-G1, 3rd Farnam S.
$73,700, Gentilly Dash S., 3rd Evangeline Dash.
First Prize Perry si 102 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $243,946,
BiG Biz PERRy si 98 [f., Shazoom]. 5 wins to 3, 2014, $434,705, Heritage Place F.-G1, 3rd Ruidoso D. Chal, fnl. Tx. Cl. F.-G1, SW Juv. Champ.-G1.
2nd Tx. Cl. F.-G1.
First Prize Paris si 108 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins to 3, $92,910, 2nd
SWinGin JESS si 105 [c., Jody O Toole]. 9 wins 3, $426,653, Manor Downs F.-G1, Retama Park F.-G1, Dash For Cash D.-G1, etc.
Black Gold 330 F., etc. Dam of Paris Prize si 84 (2014, $18,759), etc. First Prize timber si 102 (c. by Oak Tree Special). 3 wins to 4,
JESS SiGniFiCant si 103 [f., Duel Fuel]. 5 wins to 3, $419,589, Ruidoso F.-G1, 3rd Lubbock S.-G3, 5th All American F.-G1, etc.
$56,018, 3rd Black Gold 330 F., etc.
First Prize Stone si 98 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 3, $32,633,
FiRSt CaROlina si 106 [f., Dash For Cash]. 5 wins to 3, $415,047, Heritage Place F.-G1, Remington Park D.-G2, etc.
2nd Mr Master Bug H., fnl. Tx. Cl. D.-G1.
First Prize Diamond si 92 (f. by Fly Jess Fly). Winner at 2, $13,821. Dam of
1st Dam:
FEMalE linE
FiRSt PRizE SHaUnDa si 103 (f. by PYC Paint Your Wagon). 6 wins to 4, 2014, $127,832, Decketta S.-G3, Evangeline Downs D., etc.
FiRSt CaROlina si 106 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins to 3, $415,047, Heritage Place F.-G1, Remington Park D.-G2, etc. Dam of
$415,728, Remington Park Okla. Bred F., Mr Jess Perry D., etc. DEnVER PaSS si 96 (c. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 3, $120,994,
$295,147, Remington Park F.-G1, 4th Ruidoso F.-G1. Dam of
SS CalEnDaR GiRl si 97 (f. by Finding Nemo). Okla. Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old
$244,929, Heritage Place F.-G1, fnl. Tx. Cl. F.-G1. Dam of
FaSt PRizE zOOM si 112 (f. by Shazoom). 3 wins to 3, $192,875,
($203,724), Fast Prize Doll too si 98 ($21,674), etc.
Ms Fast First Prize si 91 (f. by DMNV Mountable). 2 wins to 3, 2014,
Dam of SPit liKE JaGGER si 96 ($105,045), CR tuckernuck si
Dam of Painted Desires si 103 (2014, $50,736), etc.
HEza FaSt DaSH si 103 (c. by Heza Fast Man). 3 wins to 4,
First Prize Jet si 98 ($251,758,), etc.
First Prize Stanley si 94 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). Subject Stallion.