Page 439 - 2015 Stllion Register
P. 439
Corona Cartel si 97
Holland Ease si 109
First Down Dash si 105
Dash For Cash si 114
First Prize Rose si 98
Easy Henryetta si 90
Easy Jet si 100
Babys Henryetta si 90
Corona Chick si 113
Chicks Beduino si 104
*Beduino TB
A Classy Chick si 89
Sizzling Lil si 91
Sizzle Te si 106
Lilsalady TB
My Streakin Heart
Streakin Six si 104
Easy Six si 97
Easy Jet si 100
Peggy Toro si 100
Miss Assured si 95
Little Request TB
Assured si 95
Keeper Of My Heart TB
Raise Your Glass
Raise A Native
Champagne Woman
More Mink
HEaRt Of tHE caRtEl - Race and (Stakes) Record
Age Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Earned 2 4 2 0 0 $4,925 4 2 0 0 0 180
Totals 6 2 0 0 $5,105
at two: WON: All American F. Trl. (440yds., def. Turnin Tricks, AB Knight, etc.), Rainbow F. Trl. (400yds., def. We Have A Secret, Speeding, etc.).
IN tHE StUD HEaRt Of tHE caRtEl first foals are?? of 2015.
HIS SIRE, cORONa caRtEl si 97: 6 wins to 3, $557,142, Los Alamitos Million F.-G1, Kindergarten F.-G2, Tiny’s Gay H., etc. Sire of 1,361 QH, APHA & ApHC race age foals, 1,184 starters, 827 winners, 1,048 ROM, 288 blacktype horses, 8 Champions, with earnings of $47,404,710, from 14 crops to race.
aGIllION si 103 (g. by Carters Cartel). W/SW Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old Gelding. 6 wins to 4, 2014, $81,364, Mile High D., Pen Pal S., American Flyer S., 2nd Rocky Mnt.D.
BlUES GIRl tOO si 105 [f., dam by Sixarun]. World Champion, Champion 2 Year Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion 3 Year Old, Champion 3-Year-Old Filly. 8 wins to 3, $2,032,328, Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1, Champ. of Champ.-G1, Golden State D.-G1, Mildred N Vessels Mem. H.-G1, etc., Ntr LA 400yds., Ntr LA 440yds.
Have A Coronary si 93 (g. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 3, $71,265, fnl. All Am. F.-G1, Calif. D. Chal.-G3.
calISta cORONa APHA si 97 [g., Treasured APHA]. World Champion Running Breeding Stock Paint, Champion Running Breeding Stock 3 Year Old, Champion Running Breeding Stock 2 Year Old, Champion Running Breeding Stock 2-Year- Old Gelding, Champion Running Breeding Stock 3 Year Old Gelding, Champion Breeding Stock Aged Horse, Champion Breeding Stock Aged Gelding. 15 wins to 7, $252,967, Graham F.-G1, Masterpiece D.-G1, Natl. Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum S.-G1, OHA D.-G2, OHA Pt. Mat.-G1, Pioneer D.-G3, etc.
Streakin Valiantly si 92 (f. by Valiant Hero). Winner to 3, 2014, $10,334. Heart Of The Cartel si 87 (c. by Corona Cartel). Subject Stallion.
tEllER caRtEl si 108 [c., Easy Jet]. Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 3 wins at 2, $1,212,471, All American F.-G1, 3rd Golden State Million F.-G1, fnl. Los Alamitos Million F.-G1.
Tx. Mat.-G3, fnl. Higheasterjet H.-G3 (twice). Ntr SUN 350yds. Heart Streaker si 98 (f. by Streakin Six). 2 wins at 2, $48,926, fnl.
fIVE BaR caRtEl si 91 [c., by Dash Ta Fame]. Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 6 wins to 3, 2014, $1,068,825, Ed Burke Million F.-G1, 4th Los Alamitos Two Million F., 5th Golden State Million F.-G1.
Aged Gelding, Okla. Hi-Pt. Dist. Horse. 32 wins to 12, $164,365,
caRtERS caRtEl si 103 [c., Tolltac]. Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 6 wins to 3, $659,146, Ed Burke Million F.-G1, Kindergarten F.-G1, 3rd Vandy’s Flash H.-G3, etc., Ntr LA 350yds.
Pauls Valley H.-G3, Okla. Dist. Chal., Pauls Valley H., etc.
MORE HEaRt si 95 (f. by First Down Dash). Calif. Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old Filly. 4 wins to 4, $153,199, La Primera Del Ano D.-G2, 2nd Stanton H., La Pacifica H., 3rd Charger Bar H.-G1, 4th Gov. Cup D.-RG1, Southern
tIME fOR a cIGaR si 111 [g., Timeto Thinkrich]. Champion 3-Year- Old Gelding. 9 wins to 7, $468,921, Ruidoso D.-G1, Sunland Park Winter D.-G2, Turf Paradise Champ. Chal.-G3 (twice), Mr Jet Moore H.-G3, etc.
Calif. D.-G1, etc. Dam of SEPaRatISt MORE si 97 ($58,636), etc. REGaRD si 98 (f. by Moon Lark). 9 wins to 4, $100,486, Pocahontas H., Santa Barbara H., 2nd Go Man Go H.-G1, Seal Beach H., Bay Meadows Inaugural H., etc. Dam of Champion fIRSt REGaRDS
YOU R MY SUNSHINE ApHC si 105 [f., Easily Smashed]. 2-Time Horse of the Year, Supreme Champion 2 Year Old, 2-Time Supreme Champion 3-Year-Old & Older, Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, 3-Time Champion 4-Year-Old & Older Filly. 19 wins to 6, $157,671, Okla. Frontier F., Supreme App. F., Lewis Wartchow Mem. S., etc. NWR/Ntr FMT 330yds., NWR/Ntr FMT 350yds., Ntr WRD 330yds.
si 99 ($277,270), First Place Affair si 97 ($39,625), etc.
WEaltH si 99 (g. by Dash For Cash). 9 wins to 7, $133,150, Vessels Mat.-G1, Kaweah Bar H.-G3, 2nd Go Man Go H.-G1, Double Bid
Flying Fig si 100 [f., Strawfly Special]. Champion 2-Year-Old Filly. 4 wins to 4, $806,920, 2nd Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1, Golden State Million F.-G1, Ed Burke Million F.-G1, etc.
($22,541), Corina Cartel si 97 ($21,899), etc.
Streaking Legacy si 95 (f. by Cash Legacy). Winer to 3, $19,436, fnl.
EYE fOR cORONa si 99 [f. Mr Eye Opener]. 4 wins to 3, $1,100,121, Golden State Million F.-G1, 2nd Ed Burke Million F.-G1, Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1, PCQHRA Brds.’ D.-G2, etc.
Heritage Place D.-G1.
Jadore si 87 (f. by Bold Ego TB). 2 wins to 3, $6,152.
Streakers Legacy (f. by Cash Legacy). Dam of EXPlOtIVE si 103
I lIKE tHE ODDS si 90 [g., First Down Dash]. 3 wins at 2, $911,606, Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1
($20,635), etc.
Memo TB (c. by Plain Dealing ). 5 wins to 4, $37,733.
Keepa Six si 109 (c. by Streakin Six). 4 wins to 6, $11,484, fnl.
PYc PaINt YOUR WaGON si 107 [c., Strawfly Special]. 7 wins to 3, $889,581, Tx. Cl. F.-G1, Tx. Cl. D.-G1, Heritage Place D.-G1, Lazy E F.-RG2, 2nd Rainbow F.-G1, The Champ. at Sunland Park-G1.
Inaugural Cl.-G3.
Goodbye Heart TB (f. by Tsunami Slew). Placed to 3, $4,885. Dam of
REMEMBER ME ROSE si 110 [f., Zevi TB]. 9 wins to 4, $820,895, Ruidoso D.-G1, Sunland Park Winter F.-G2, Juv. Ch. Ch.-G2, SW Juv. Champ., Ford Mex. Chal., 2nd Rainbow F.-G1, etc.
RUStY SPUR TB (g. by West By West). 9 wins to 5, $281,202, Appointment S., Endless Surprise S., 2nd General George H.-G2. PERfEct SIX (f. by Saratoga Six). 5 wins at 2, $278,255, Santa Paula
MS fIRSt PRIZE ROSE si 100 [f., Mr Jess Perry]. 5 wins to 3, 2014 $550,105, Rainbow F.-G1, 5th Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1.
S., Moccasin S., etc. Dam of BUffalO MaN ($505,234), etc. Explode N’ Win TB (g. by Time To Explode). 11 wins to 6, $213,690,
BP caRtElS alIBI si 90 [c., Chicks Beduion]. 3 wins to 3, $537,441, Heritage Place F.-G1, 5th Jack Brooks S.-RG3, fnl. All American F.-G1. cORONaDO caRtEl si 98 [c., Mr Jess Perry]. 6 wins to 3, 2014,
2nd Passaic Cnty. S.
Explode By You TB (g. by Time To Explode). Winner at 2, $3,244),
$416,178, Remington Park Okla. Bred F., Mr Jess Perry D., 2nd Mr Master Bug H, etc.
3rd State Fair Juv. F.
Grasmere Park TB (g. by Cherokee Run). 8 wins to 7 $133,723. Ole’ Cowboy Joe TB (g. by Ole’). 5 wins to 6, $35,382. Goodbye Cat TB (f. by Tale Of The Cat). Winner at 2, $19,080.
1st Dam:
MY STREAKIN HEART (1995) by Streakin Six. Placed at 2. An All-Time Leading Dam of ROM. Dam of 21 foals, 16 starters, 11 winners, 12 ROM, including
2nd dam:
KEEPER OF MY HEART TB (1975) by Raise Your Glass. Dam of 13 TB
& QH foals, 7 starters, 5 winners, 4 ROM, including
Glass Hearts si 108 (g. by Tolltac). 11 wins to 8, $43,251, 2nd W. Tx. Mat.-G2 (twice), 3rd El Camino Real H.-G3, 4th Alameda H.-G3, @.
Rainbow F.-G1, Kansas F.-G1. Dam of
lEGacYS HEaRtBEat si 98 (g. by Cash Legacy). Okla. Hi-Pt.
H.-G3, 4th Vessels Mat.-G1, 5th Chicado V H.-G3, etc.
Heart Trick si 92 (f. by Phone Trick TB). 3 wins to 3, $110,801, 4th Golden State F.-G1, 5th Remingon Park F.-G1, fnl. All American F.-G1, etc. Dam of toroka si 91 ($39,180), Quicks Trick si 97
cOMMItISIZE TB (c. by Explodent). 10 wins to 5, $784,887), El Rincon H.-G2, Arcadia H.-G3, Cinema H.-G3, etc.