Page 39 - July 2015
P. 39
First foal of this half-sister to Stakes Winner JESS COURAGEOUS SI 107 ($122,368), All American Juvenile Winner WHITE OR WRONG SI
94 ($113,628). 2nd dam is Stakes Winner SHES JESS SPECIAL SI 105 ($104,955). From the family of G1 Winner DONT LET DOWN SI 103 ($697,769), 2015 G2 Winner ROCK YOU SI 101 ($659,565).
Hip No.
Ivory James SI 103
Thriving Ivory
Consigned by Bobby D. Cox
Hip No.
{Holland Ease SI 109 Corona Chick SI 113
{Strawfly Special SI 97 Dashing Folly SI 108
Thriving Ivory
January 17, 2014 Brown Filly
{Corona Cartel SI 97 Dashin Follies
{First Down Dash SI 105
Shes Jess Special SI 105
By IVORY JAMES SI 103 (2004). Stakes placed winner of 5 races, $220,026,
Shes Dashin First SI 83 (2009)
{Mr Jess Perry SI 113 Special Balance
{Dash For Cash SI 114 First Prize Rose SI 98
2nd Heritage Place Fut. [G1]. Brother to PYC PAINT YOUR WAGON SI 107.
First foal of this full sister to G1 All American Derby & Dash For Cash Futurity Winner DONT LET DOWN SI 103 ($697,769). 2nd dam is Stakes Winner BABE ON THE BEACH SI 92 ($193,302). From the family of 2015 G2 Winner ROCK YOU SI 101 ($659,565).
Sire of 24 stakes winners, $8,192,406 including IVAN JAMES SI 98 (at 2, 2015, 2 wins, $250,240, Sam Houston Fut. [G2]), FIRST PRIZE DIVE SI 110
Hip No. Consigned by Bobby D. Cox Hip No. (4 wins, $152,548, Black Gold Fut. [RG3]), RAPID IVORY SI 98 ($140,023,
Heartland Fut.), JB JAMES SI 108 ($122,060), RAWHIDE CREEK SI 98. 142 Hello Dahli 142
1st dam
January 23, 2014 Sorrel Filly
SHES DASHIN FIRST SI 83, by First Down Dash. Winner to 3, $4,620. This is
her first foal. Mr Jess Perry SI 113 {Streakin La Jolla SI 99 2nd dam { Scoopie Fein SI 99
Dominyun SI 104 Runaway Dee Dee SI 105 {Runaway Winner SI 104
SH e Hl l Eo SD a Jh El i S S S P E C I A L S I 1 0 5 , b y M r J e s s P e r r y . 5 w i n s t oD a 3s h, i $n 1D 0e e 4 D, 9e e5 5S I , 1 V0 i 5 n t o n
56030S1.2 [R], 2nd Delta Downs Louisiana Breeders’ Derby [R] [G3], 3rd TQHA Stoli SI 99 {First Down Dash SI 105
Sires’ Cup Futurity [R] [G2]. Dam of 15 foals to race, 13 ROM, including– Babe On The Rocks SI 89 Strawberry Silk SI 105
JESS C(2O00U9R) AGEOUS SI 107{(g. by Achievement). 7 wins to 6, $122,368, Babe On The Beach SI 92 {Invisible Injun SI 118
LQHBA Inv. S. [R], 3rd LQHBA Sale Futurity Inv. [RS],ixfOinaTlhisetB[eRac]h[GSI 310].6
WHITE OR WRONG SI 94 (f. by Mr Eye Opener). 2 wins to 4, $113,628, All By DOMINYUN SI 104 (2008). Stakes placed winner of 5 races, $336,181, 2nd
American Juvenile Inv. [R], finalist in the All American Derby [G1], Hobbs Ruidoso Derby [G1], 3rd All American Fut. [G1]. Half brother to A DOWN
Dam is 2-Time G3 Winner & New Record Setter MCM DONT LOOK BACK SI 98 ($131,735) and a half- sister to Stakes Winner WAR CHANTS SI 94 ($85,975). From the family of G1 Winner GOLD MEDAL JESS
SI 106 ($218,391), NIGHT TIME DEELITES SI 98 ($165,068).
America Futurity [G2], Hobbs America Derby [G2].
RIGHT RUNAWAY SI 108, RIDDICK SI 100. His first foals are 2-year-olds of
BYE BYE JESS SI 96 (g. by Dashin Bye). 7 wins to 7, $95,984, The Tricky 2015, incl. NUCKY SI 89 (3 wins in 3 starts, $100,994, West Texas Fut. [G2]),
Hip Overnight S. Consigned by Bobby D. Cox Hip No. TICKLE UR FANCY SI 97 (2 wins in 2 starts, $12,660, Pot O’Gold Fut.),
148 Linger Not 148 Hialeah Lassie Futurity.
SHES JESS DYNAMITE SI 99 (f. by FDD Dynasty). 4 wins to 3, $94,983, Adelady SI 85 (winner, $13,984, fnl. [G2]), BP Judsen (winner, $11,755).
1st dam
February 4, 2014 Sorrel Filly
Forest Park SI 103 (c. by Brimmerton). 2 wins at 2, $63,379, finalist in the
BABE ON THE ROCKS SI 89, by Stoli. Placed to 3. Sister to DONT LET DOWN T e x a s C l a s s i c F u t u r i t y [ G 1 ] , D a s h f o r C a s h F u t u r i t y S [ t r Ge a 1 k ] i n . L a J o l l a S I 9 9
SI 103. This is her first foal. Mr Jess Perry SI 113 { 3rd damDominyun SI 104
2nd dam { SPECIALBALANCE,bySpecialPRurnoajewacyt.DUeenDraeeceSId1.0D5 am{of9starters,7ROM–
Runaway Winner SI 104 LBinAgBerENoOt N THE BEACH SI 92, by Invisible Injun. 5 wins tDoas3h,in$D1e9e3D,e3e0S2I ,10C5osta
SHES JESS SPECIAL SI 105 (Mr Jess Perry). Stakes winner, above. 56043M77esa S., 2nd Golden State Futurity [G1], La Primera Del Ano Derby [G2],
First Down Dash SI 105 ASpecialToastSI97(ToastTFoirDstaToshSh).in4e SwIi1n0s4 to3,$8{5,723,3rdOpelousas California Juvenile Challenge [G3]. Sister to SIX LITTLE INJUNS SI 102,
Juvenile S. [R], finalist in the LQHBA Futurity [R] [G1], Louisiana Breeders I n j u n ( 2 O0 0 n 5 ) T h e R u n S I 1 0 2 . { D a m o f 1 9 f o a l s t o r a c e , 1 6 R O M , i n c l u d i n g –
MCM Dont Look Back SI 98 Marcy Darling SI 100
Accents SI 88 {Special Leader SI 103 Sales Futurity [R] [G1], Vinton S. [R] [G3]. Dam of–
DONT LET DOWN SI 103 (g. by Stoli). 7 wins to 3, $6D9is7t,in7c6tiv9e,lyASlIl 9A9merican
Toast Em Bye SI 97. 3 wins to 3, $82,580, finalist [R] [G1].
Derby [G1], Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], 2nd Heritage Place Derby [G2], By DOMINYUN SI 104 (2008). Stakes placed winner of 5 races, $336,181, 2nd
Scoopie Fein SI 99
4th d3ardmAll American Futurity [G1], Heritage Place Futurity [G1].
Ruidoso Derby [G1], 3rd All American Fut. [G1]. Half brother to A DOWN
Dam is full sister to 5-Time Champion CATCHMEINYOURDREAMS
SI 106 ($1,040,929). From the family of G1 All American Futurity Winner ELANS SPECIAL si 98 ($1,186,540), G2 Winner NEW LOOK SI 98 ($250,787), REACH TOGETHER
SI 101 ($193,761).
COASwHn TBhAeLAWNaCteEr,frboynDt SaIs1h0F4o(rf.CbaysShe. pWairnantiesrt.).D2awminosfto9 3s,ta$r3te9r,s6,889,w2indneSrasm– RIGHT RUNAWAY SI 108, RIDDICK SI 100. His first foals are 2-year-olds of
FAHBoUuLsOtoUnSDeFrIbGyU[RGE2],S3Ird1B11arn(mStaresatekrinSpSrinxt).S.1[5R]w. ins to 4, $270,112, 2015, incl. NUCKY SI 89 (3 wins in 3 starts, $100,994, West Texas Fut. [G2]),
Hip NRoe.mington Derby, etc. CDoanmsignoefdCboy rBobnbay DF.oCroJx olie SI 103 ($50,725H)i.p No. Taka Puna SI 89 (f. by Fishers Dash). 2 wins to 3, $12,276. Dam of– TICKLE UR FANCY SI 97 (2 wins in 2 starts, $12,660, Pot O’Gold Fut.),
159 Im Sirius 159 Cla3srsdicS[uGn3la],nEdlWOicnhteorSFeutte.n[Gta2H],.e[Gtc3. ], 2nd Bull Rastus H. [G3].
SIMXRFITGAUKRAEBS SI 98.(S4twreinaskintoS5ix, )$.1840w,1in4s5,toD9e,rb$y11C4h,a6l0le4n, gQeHCBhCaMmapr.a[tGh2o]n, Adelady SI 85 (winner, $13,984, fnl. [G2]), BP Judsen (winner, $11,755).
1st dam
INTJAUKNISANPALARSOTMICANCOAVMSAHarBcShSI I299693,(.2I3n0vw1is4inibsGlearatIny2j,uC$no1).l4t24,2w0i7n,sHinob7bstFaurts. [aGt22].,
MCM DONT LOOK BACK SI 98, by First To Shine. 7 wins in 14 starts to 3,
Brig$h6t0o,n93B2e,aMchanSoIr9D6o(wgn. sbyLaSdtdraiewFflyutSuprietyci[aGl)3.]4, fwinianlsistFtoi[rsG5t ,D1o]$w.8n7D,a5s3h5S,I 1fi0n5alist $131,735,LouisianaDerby[RO][cGea3n]R,uBnailwlyayMSoI 1n0t5gomer{yS.[R][G3],finalistin
Runaway Wave SI 105
SIXROaNinbToHwEFBuEtuAriCtyH[GS1I 1],0R6a(iSntbreoawkDineSrbixy).[4Gw1]i,nRs etom4in, $g3to0n,9D5e5r,bJyus[Gt a1]S. ec-
the Mardi Gras Futurity [R] [G2], Louisiana Breeders’ Lassie Futurity [R]
American Runaway SI 105
Strawfly Special SI 97
Maoi CndorSo.n, eatcS.ID9a2m(f.obf By ACBorEoOnaNACllTaamHretEreiclBa)n.Ed3rAeawCmiHgnisrlSStIoI 913023,(${3109,39,4370;2f)i,nSaIlXistL[IGTT1L].E [G2], Louisiana Champions Day Derby [R] [G2]. Set NTR at Fair Grounds,
Im Sirius Dashing Phoebe SI 104 INJUNS SI 102 ($121,500 [G3]), Babe On The Fly SI 101 ($246,111 3rd2d5a0my in 0:13.161. Dam of 4 foals of racing age, including a 2-year-old, all
[G1]), Precisionist RM SI 99 ($114,138); granddam of DONT LET DOWN SIXsOtaNrteTdH,E3BwEinAnCerHs–SI 106, by SPtrirteziaDkaisnh SIix99. 4 wins to 4{, $30,955, Just a Sec-
Dash For Cash SI 114
Caughtinthestorm SI 82 Prissy Fein SI 110
SI 103 ($697,769 [G1]), ROCK YOU SI 101 ($637,803 [G1]), EYE MCoMndLSoo.,k2AntdMLeoDneasShtSarI9D0e(rfb.byy[RH]e.zSaisFtaesrttDoaFsAh)B.UWLinOnUeSraFt3IG, U$1R5E,9S85I .111
(2007) White Tie SI 97
CAUGHTCHA PEEKIN SI 1L0iz0as($M2ys0ti1qu,9e 4SI282[G1]). {
MC($M27D0o,1n1t 2L)o,oSkIXAFt MIGeUSRIE8S9S(fI.9b8y(H$1e1z4a,6F0a4st[GDa3]s)h,)C. uWrivnanceiroauts2C, a$s1h5,S22I 904.
Curvacious Cash SI 94 (Streakin Six). 3 wins to 3, $43,253, 2nd Kansas ($43,253). Dam of 11 ROM, including–
MCM Looking Good SI 91 (f. by Heza Fast Dash). Winner to 4, $9,838.
By AMERICAN RUNAWAY SI 105 (2008). Champion 2-year-old, champion Derby [G1]. Dam of Legendary Warrior SI 89.
Elans Special SI 98
BABE ON THE BEACH SI 92 (Invisible Injun). Stakes winner, above. 2nd dam
2-year-old colt, stakes winner of 4 races, $686,355, Ruidoso Fut. [G1], 2nd ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge, TQHA Sale Fut.
SIX LITTLE INJUNS SI 102 (Invisible Injun). 10 wins to 5, $121,500, East Dis- ACCENTS SI 88, by Special Leader. Winner at 2. Dam of 12 foals to race, 10 Rainbow Fut. [G1], Texas Classic Fut. [G1], Remington Park Fut. [G1]. Half
AccrteadncitedCThaelxleansgBer[eGd3.], Virgil Bond 870 S., Manor Downs H. twiceR-GNPT6R/15, winners, including–
brother to FEATURE DREAMGIRL SI 95. His first foals are 2-year-olds of
Red River S., 2nd Distance Chlg. Champ. [G1].
MCM DONT LOOK BACK SI 98 (f. by First To Shine). Stakes winner, above. 2015, including An Agitator ($8,250, 3rd West Texas Juv. Inv. [R]), Ms
Babe On The Fly SI 101 (f. by Strawfly Special). 4 wins to 4, $246,111, 2nd WMcADRreCaHmAyN(T1SwSinI i9n42(gs.tabrytsO).sSceoonlaofWcahrarmiorp)i.o5nwOinCsEtAo N4,R$U85N,A97W5A, LYivSeI 1O0a5k.
Golden State Fut. [G1], PCQHRA Breeders Fut. [G1], etc. Dam of ROCK
S. [R], finalist in the Louisiana Breeders’ Laddie Futurity [R] [G3], Gover- 1st dam
YOU SI 101 (to 4, 2015, $637,803, Ruidoso Derby [G1]), CARNE VINO SI
nors’ Cup Marathon S. [G3].
CAUGHTINTHESTORM SI 82, by Pritzi Dash. Unplaced. Sister to
92 ($88,805 [R] [G2]), JM SPECIALWYNN SI 87 (to 3, 2015, $43,160), MCM Accent On Dash SI 91 (f. by Some Dasher). 4 wins to 4, $49,312.
CATCHMEINYOURDREAMS SI 106. Dam of 3 foals of racing age, 2 to Annas Babe SI 88 ($40,330).
MCM Cajun Accent SI 107 (g. by Heza Fast Dash). 3 wins to 3, $43,523, final- race, both winners–
Precisionist RM SI 99 (Separatist). 19 wins to 12, $114,138, 3rd Director’s S. ist in the Louisiana Breeders’ Laddie Futurity [R] [G2], Louisiana Cham- MCM Storm Catcher SI 91 (g. by Heza Fast Dash). Winner to 3, 2015,
Escondido Beach SI 93 (Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 4, $40,661, 3rd Texas pions Day Juvenile [R] [G2]. Set NTR.
Derby Challenge [G3].
MCM Bridlesnbritches SI 95 (g. by Heza Fast Dash). 2 wins to 5, 2015,
MCM Storm Dasher SI 87 (g. by Heza Fast Dash). Winner at 2, $16,106.
7) 594-8317
r $ 2•
Min as
2nd dam
Derby [G1]. Dam of JAMES ON THE RUN SI 98 ($105,683), Fast Beach
3rd dam
LIZAS MYSTIQUME SikI e82T,ubrynWerh,iAtesTsiset.aPnltacMedantoa3g.eDr a•mLeosfl2ie1Tfouarlnsetor,rDacVe,M18, Resident Veterinarian Man SI 104 ($68,186 [G3]).
DISTINCTIVELY SI 99, by What Luck TB. 8 wins to 5, $65,048, Beulah Derby, ROM, including–
Heidi Hadif. Dam of EYE CAUGHTCHA PEEKIN SI 100 ($201,942 [G1]). 2nd All American Congress Derby. Sister to LUCKS FAME SI 98 CATCHMEINYOURDREAMS SI 106 (g. by Pritzi Dash). Champion Aged
(granddam of WINNERS AWARD SI 99, $80,148), IMA READY SI 96,
Horse twice, Champion Aged Gelding 3 times, 14 wins to 8,
A c c S r u e r d e i t Ne d u f T f e L x u a c s k B S r I e 9 d 6 . , L u c k s G o l d ( d a m o f N I G H T T I M E D E E L I T E S R S G I P 9 6 8 / 1 , 5 $1,040,929, AQHA Challenge Champ. [G1], Los Alamitos Champ. [G1] 3
$165,068; Gold Medal Dash SI 92, $107,230 [G1]; granddam of GOLD