Page 20 - LQHBA
P. 20

                Champion TARZANITO.COM
  SI 102, $429,657 • (Favorite Cartel-Ancient Empress, Stoli)
 Consider the Future!
Selling at the LQHBA Yearling Sale, August 5-6, 2022
  #3 Ungawa
#129 Kryptic
#174 Clandestina
#177 Me Jane You Tarzan #183 Rf Miss Jane Duck #198 Authenic
#229 Southern Chex
#251 The Head Honcho #255 Pjs Moonpie
#335 Tayzanito
#429 Me Tarzan U Corona #437 Mary Janenito
#473 Tarzan In Diamonds #481 Msm Party With Moe #493 Cover Boy
#534 Open Doors
#539 Msm A Easy Chick #544 Dashin Tarzan
f. (Miss Jp Washer)
c. (Wedding Krasher)
f. (Tarzanita)
f. (Jess A Dame)
f. (Miss Delta Duck)
f. (Volcom Bay)
f. (Depositing Chex)
c. (Logans Bella Rosa)
f. (Reckless Fast Dash) f. (Mystical Blue)
c. (Lil Southern Corona) f. (Sweet But Wicked) c. (Better Be Diamonds) c. (Shez Here To Party) c. (Dashin For Dreams) f. (La Pinata)
c. (Barn Chick)
f. (Fast Dashin Dee)
 Partake In The Debut Of
Tarzanito’s Premiere Offering!
His very first crop will be presented for the first time at the 2022 LQHBA Yearling Sale!
   ★ ★★★★★★
★★★ ★★★

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