Page 167 - 2012 Stallion Register
P. 167
The undersigned represents that he/she and all persons for whom he/she is acting have read and are familiar with the Rules of Racing and Regula- tions of the New Mexico State Racing Commission and the race meeting conditions and agrees to be bound by and comply with the same and with the acts and decisions of the New Mexico State Racing Commission and the Ruidoso Downs Racing, Inc. officials, and that all horses are subject to the same and to the acts and decisions of the race officials, and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. All stable reservations and entries in stakes and all other races are received and accepted subject to all conditions, rules and regulations of the New Mexico State Racing Commission and Ruidoso Downs Racing, Inc. All horses, either by time or performance, that do not meet Ruidoso Downs Racing, Inc. minimums, will be asked to vacate their stalls. Time and/or performance standards to be set prior to the opening of each race meeting. It shall be the Nominator’s responsibility to notify the Association of ownership and address changes. It shall be the nominator’s responsibility to make timely payments. If the deadline for a payment falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the period is extended to include the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.
For any orse entered as a articiant in a cometition to be eld by uidoso Downs acin nc, said association reserves te rit to set te aearance and arrival time or said orse uidoso Downs acin nc, urter reserves te rit to do additional testin on all orses at any time wile tey are on te rounds o uidoso Downs acin nc, as well as any oter rits said association as as a rivate roerty owner
The race is open to all foals of 2011 which are registered with the Ameri- can Quarter Horse Association. A complete payment schedule for the Fu- turities is on the front of this form. An advertising/clerical fee of 5% will be deducted from all fees. Nominations to Futurities and Derbies do not guarantee stall space. Ruidoso Downs Racing, Inc., reserves the right to have its track veterinarian inspect any nominee for age verification.
An owner may nominate as many horses as they wish. If one or more horses are withdrawn from the Triple Crown Series, those horses being withdrawn must be specified at time of payment.
Please list the names of all entries on payments. Nominations or sub- scriptions to this stake may be refused or cancelled, without liability, at any time prior to the actual running thereof, except for the return of any nomination, sustaining and entry fees paid.
Nominations and sustaining fees will be accepted after the payment dead- line only through the United States Mail, postmarked (by the US Post Of- fice) no later than midnight of the payment deadline. For all nominating and sustaining payments except the trial entry fee, there will be an au- tomatic (no penalty) grace period of 48 hours in establishing acceptable postmarks. In case of dispute, the only satisfactory evidence of payment shall be certified mail receipt or a registered mail receipt bearing a United States Post Office postmark on or before the stated due date. If paying by credit card, the Nominations Secretary must be contacted by mail or by fax prior to the payment due date. The fax number for nominations is 575-378- 6104. No nominations or sustaining payments will be verbally accepted over the phone, unless authorization is also faxed or emailed. For all nomi- nating and sustaining payments, except the trial entry fee, during a period including the thirtieth (30) day following each deadline, any owner may reestablish their entry(ies) eligibility by submitting a per entry payment of twice the regular fee due on the prescribed deadline. This thirty (30) day period shall be reduced in cases where the trials for the race are being run prior to the expiration of this thirty(30) day period. In such cases, a per en- try payment of twice the regular fee must be submitted no less than four (4) days prior to the running of the trials. Issuance of a “NSF Check” or stop- ping payment on a check or credit card tendered to cover any fee shall be absolutely prohibited. Should an owner wish to have payment withdrawn from their Horsemen’s Bookkeeper account, a notarized statement to that effect will be required as proof of such intention. There will be no refund of fees. All checks returned by the bank will constitute no payment. A stop payment on a credit card charge will constitute no payment. The first three original and sustaining payments to the Triple Crown will be divided as follows: $150 to the Ruidoso Futurity, $150 to the Rainbow Futurity and $600 to the All American.
Each trial for all three (3) futurities shall consist of not more than ten (10) horses. Ruidoso Downs Racing, Inc. reserves the right to run trials over two days, taking the five (5) fastest qualifiers from each day to participate in the finals of any of the Triple Crown races. The trials shall be raced under the same conditions as the final. These horses shall be selected on a time basis. Times of horses in separate trials will be determined by the electric timer. In the event horses in the same trial race are given identical times, the selection of which horse will participate will be determined by order of finish posted by the racing officials. No adjustments will be made in recorded time of trials for head wind, tail wind, off track, or any other act of nature, etc. Should a mechanical failure occur with the electric timers on any time trial, finalists from that trial will then be selected by official hand timing, with stop watches operated by three (3) official, reputable and dis- interested persons. If for any reason a tie exists, the horses involved shall
draw lots to determine which shall participate in the final. Should a horse be disqualified, he will be given the time of the horse he is immediately placed behind plus 1/1000 of one second. If the front gates on the starting gate fail to open due to mechanical failure, or if a horse is left behind the gate when the field is dispatched during the running of the trials, such horse shall be declared a nonstarter and all nominating, sustaining and entry fees shall be refunded from the purse to the owner of said horse. During the running of the final, such horse will be declared a nonstarter and shall be classified as a scratched horse and shall be paid last place purse money in said race. The decisions of the Stewards in all matters shall be final and entries are accepted only on the condition that those persons nominating, and/or starting a horse in the trials and/or final, agree to abide by the deci- sion. If any part of an entry is disqualified, it may disqualify all of the entry. All rules or new rules adopted by the New Mexico State Racing Commis- sion supersede any condition of these races. Ruidoso Downs Racing, Inc. reserves the right to hold trials for these races on a non-race day.
Ruidoso Downs Racing, Inc., subject to approval of the New Mexico State Racing Commission, reserves the right to change the date of the running of the trials and final, or to transfer these races to any track within the State of New Mexico. Ruidoso Downs Racing, Inc., reserves the right to cancel these races without notice, at any time prior to the actual running thereof, without liability, except for the return of the nominating and sustaining fees which have been paid.
There will be no “Also Eligible List” for the trials or final. All Futurity qualifiers must pass the entry box. If a horse should scratch from the fi- nal, the owner will receive last place purse money. If more than one horse should scratch out of the final, then those monies shall be added together and divided equally among those scratching out of the final.
There will be no Consolation or Juvenile for the Ruidoso or Rainbow Fu- turities. Horses that compete in the All American Futurity time trials and do not qualify for the All American Futurity are eligible to enter the All American Juvenile. Preference will be given to horses with the fastest trial times. 12 horses will be drawn, with the slowest two considered also eli- gible. Scratch time for the Juvenile will be 9:00 AM the day of the race. There will be a $1,000 entry fee which will be added to the purse for all starters. Only official starters in the Juvenile will participate in the purse distribution for the Juvenile. Any scratched horse will relinquish any claim to purse money or entry fee and the purse will be distributed proportion- ately to the official starters.
The nomination fees, sustaining fees and earned interest thereon, plus $75,000 added will be distributed for the All American Futurity according to the payout schedule listed below. The nomination fees, sustaining fees and earned interest thereon, plus $50,000 added will be distributed for the Ruidoso and Rainbow Futurities according to the payout schedule listed below. Some fees may be carried over to the derbies the following year as outlined on the front of this nomination form.
Purse distributions will be as follows:
Ruidoso & Rainbow Futurity
Final Purse Distribution 1st place ..................... 42% 2nd place .................... 18% 3rd place..................... 10% 4th place....................... 8% 5th place....................... 6% 6th place....................... 5% 7th place.................. 3.25% 8th place....................... 3% 9th place.................... 2.5% 10th place................ 2.25%
Total ......................... 100%
All American Futurity Based on a $2,600,000 Purse 1st place ...$1,300,000 Guar. 2nd place.............$390,000 3rd place..............$221,000 4th place..............$169,000 5th place..............$130,000 6th place..............$104,000 7th place................$91,000 8th place................$78,000 9th place................$65,000 10th place..............$52,000
Total ............$2,600,000.00
All American Juvenile Purse Distribution
1st place ..................... 42% 2nd place .................... 18% 3rd place..................... 10% 4th place....................... 8% 5th place....................... 6% 6th place....................... 5% 7th place.................. 3.25% 8th place....................... 3% 9th place.................... 2.5% 10th place................ 2.25%
Total ......................... 100%
Original nominators of Triple Crown nominated horses are eligible to receive a portion of a $25,000 Triple Crown Bonus. The bonus will be awarded as follows: $5,000 to the Ruidoso Futurity, $7,500 to the Rainbow Futurity and $12,500 to the All American Futurity. The original nominator of the winner will receive 50% of the total allocated per race and the bal- ance will be shared equally by the remaining nine qualifiers.
The owner of a horse that wins all three of the Triple Crown races is eli- gible to receive a $4 million bonus annuity paid over 20 years or $1.25 million onetime cash bonus.
Ruidoso Downs Racing Inc. reserves the right to amend these terms of participation and competition at its discretion and at any time within the parameters of the rules and regulations of the New Mexico Racing Com- mission.