Page 32 - 2012 Stallion Register
P. 32

 The #1 Living Siring Son of Mr Jess Perry!
         Jess louisiana Blue
           (Mr Jess Perry-The Louisiana Girl, Louisiana Slew TB) Champion si 109, $170,682, Ntr, 16 Hands
   A Tradition of Equine Excellence!
Jumonville Farms
Shipped Semen Only
The Nation’s #3 Leading Sire of 2011 Graded Stakes Winners!
Sire of Over $5.5 Million in Earners Averaging Over $24,000 Per Starter, Including...
The Nation’s #1 Leading 2011
Aged Stallion Money Earner!
LOUISIANA SENATOR si 111 (Multiple G1 Winner, 2011, $440,908, Ntr 400 yd RP)
BLUE LOUISIANA JOLLA si 107 (G2/G3 Winner, 2011,$253,620)
JESS A RUNNER si 119 (G2/G3 Winner, 2011, $220,371, 3-Ntr’s, 350, 440 yds. CBY, PRM, EUR)
EYE GOT THE BLUES si 106 (G1 Winner, 2011, $173,247)
JESSALITTLECOURAGE si 108 (G2 Winner, 2011, $170,173, Ntr 330 yd DED)
SHAKEM BLUE si 106 (G2 Placed, 2011, $153,020)
HEzA AwESOME BLUE si 117 (2011, $84,627, Ntr 440 yd wRD)
Louisianafeature One si 105 (G1 Finalist, 2011, $127,098)
Property of Jumonville Farms
2012 Fee: $4,000 Shipped Semen Only
Jumonville Farms Breeding Guarantee Eligibilities: Speedhorse Races and Louisiana Bred Program
P.O. Box 9 • 13592 Ventress Road Ventress, Louisiana 70783 email: J.E. Jumonville, Jr. • (225) 718-0665 Dutcher Jumonville • (225) 939-8764 Fax (225) 638-8641

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