Page 59 - SR2023_Special
P. 59
First Down Dash si 105
Bred by: AF Stanley Jr/ BF Phillips Jr
Raced to 3 • $857,256 15-13(8)-1(1)-0
2,531 f., 260 SW $90,021,646
Dash For Cash si 114
Bred by: BF Phillips Jr Raced to 4 • $507,689 25-21(9)-3(2)-0
1,368 f., 145 SW $39,991,197
Rocket Wrangler si 97
Raced to 5 • $252,167 23-10(3)-4(2)-4(3)
1,625 f., 56 SW • $9,405,772
Rocket Bar TB si 85
Go Galla Go si 95
Find A Buyer TB
Raced to 3 • $3,134 14-1-2-3
15 f., 1 SW • $542,477
To Market
Hide And Seek
First Prize Rose si 98
Bred by: Gordon H Wilson
Raced to 4 • $22,754 34-6-8(1)-6(1)
7 f., 2 SW $986,098
Gallant Jet si 102
Raced to 3 • $98,952 16-9(2)-1-1(1)
294 f., 12 SW • $991,462
Jet Deck si 100
Leo Jewel
Rose Bug si 96
Raced to 3 • $57,398 19-6-8-1
11 f., 0 SW • $121,090
Lady Bug’s Moon si 100
Casco Rose
Sudden Fame si 98
Bred by: Mikkelsen
& Stowe
Raced to 4 • $21,110 28-8-3-2
4 f., 2 SW $328,780
Tiny’s Gay si 106
Bred by: Paul H. Travis Raced to 2 • $444,721 13-12(4)-1(1)-0
392 f., 17 SW $3,466,498
Tiny Watch si 100
Raced to 5 • $106,990 38-16(8)-12(7)-3(3)
440 f., 13 SW • $1,400,141
Anchor Watch TB
Clabber Tiny si 95
Gay’s Delight si 95
Raced to 2 • $19,416 11-3(2)-1(1)-1(1)
15 f., 5 SW • $629,767
Rocket Bar si 85
Miss Ginger Gay si 95
Bar Dearie si 90
Bred by: C. E. Alexander Raced to 4 • $17,526 26-5(1)-3-3
11 f., 2 SW $266,574
Lake Erie TB
Raced to 8 • $54,572 93-22-6-20(3)
183 f., 5 SW • $1,716,035
War Admiral
Sweet Tryst
Barred Girl si 95
Raced to 3 • $2,436 19-2-5-0
11 f., 1 SW • $19,920
Mackay Boy si 95
Barred Hug
DASH TA FAME - Race and (Stakes) Record
Age Starts 1st 2nd 3rd
2 5 3(1) 1(1) 1(1)
3 8 4(2) 0 2(1)
Totals 13 7(3) 1(1) 3(1)
Earned $174,197 116,615
At Two: WON: Golden State F.-G1 at Los Alamitos (400yds.), a maiden race at Laurel Brown Race Track (300yds.), Golden State F. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds.); 2nd: Dash For Cash F.-G1 at Los Alamitos (400yds.); 3rd: Dash For Cash F. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds.); Ntr LBT 300yds.
At Three: WON: El Primero Del Ano D.-G1 at Los Alamitos (400yds. Nsr.), Vandys Flash H.-G3 at Hollywood Park (400yds.), El Primero Del Ano D. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds.), California D. Trl. at Hollywood Park (400yds.); 3rd: QHBC Champ. Cl.-G1 at Hollywood Park (440yds.), Gov. Cup D. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds.); 5th: Calif. D.; Fnl.: Gov. Cup D.-RG1.
Foals of Racing Age 3,453 Starters 1,255 Winners 663 Total Earnings $19,233,677
*Includes 3 APHA & 1 ApHC starters.
Stakes Winners 91 Stakes Placed 121 Total ROM 906 Earnings/Starter $15,328
DASH TA FAME is the All-Time Leading Barrel Sire with $29,304,204 in barrel earners, including CUATRO FAME (2022, $640,297), FAMOUS LIL JET (2022, $639,087), DASH TA DIAMONDS ($545,473), FAMOUS LADIES MAN (2022, $476,853), KISS KISS BANG BANG ($444,213), FAMOUS COOL WHIP ($440,148), IMA FAMOUS
DASH TA FAME si 113 (c. by First Down Dash). Subject Stallion.
WIN FAME si 97 (f. by Will Win TB). 3 wins to 3, $15,303, Alamo City
BABE (2022, $438,012), FRECKLES TA FAME ($402,569), REAL CLAIM TO FAME ($340,917), SIERRA HALL OF FAME ($331,759), TERRIBLE TOMMY TWIST ($312,033), DASHS CENTERFOLD ($280,736), etc.
SUDDEN FAME si 98 (1980) by Tiny’s Gay. 8 wins to 4, $21,110. Dam of 4 foals/starters/winners/ROM, including
DASH TO FAME ApHC si 95 [f., dam by Beduino TB]. Supreme Champion 2 Year Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Sprint Filly, Bronze Medallion Winner, Appaloosa Triple Crown Winner, S/Central Regional Champion. 7 wins to 4, $44,098, Cricket Bars F., Okla. Frontier F., Supreme F.
Syrianas Song si 101 ($61,147), etc.
Quick Dash Fame si 97 (g. by Royal Quick Dash). 3 wins to 4,
JL DASH TA HEAVEN [c., Special Feelins]. AQHA World Champion Jr. Pole Bending. $208,087.
NM D. Chal.-G3, fnl. NM Juv. Chal.-G3, etc.
Never Fold Fame si 93 (g. by Tres Seis). 3 wins to 7, $38,973.
Win Comes Easy si 89 (f. by Holland Ease). Winner to 3, $7,575.
ATLAS PEAK si 94 [g., Streakin Dash]. AQHA World Champion Sr. Barrel Racer. 3 wins to 4, $113,063, in race & show competition.
Dam of Wonwabbitwon si 102 ($137,674), etc.
Fames Check Point si 91 (g. by Check Him Out). Winner to 3,
FM RADIO [g., On A High]. AQHA World Champion Jr. Barrel Racer. $104,451.
Fames Last Chance si 105 (f. by First Down Dash). 5 wins to 3,
FAMOUS ED [g., Reminics Cowboy]. 2-Time AQHA World Champion Jr. Barrel Racer, AQHA World Champion Sr. Barrel Racer. $102,885. WHAT FAME si 90 [g., Murrtheblurr TB]. AQHA World Champion Jr.
$21,033, fnl. Gov. Cup F.-RG2, QHBC Soph. Cl.-G2, etc. Dam of
A Signature Of Fame si 115 (g. by The Signature). 2 wins to 3,
Barrel Racer. 2 wins to 3, $102,243, in race & show competition. ROCKETTE TA FAME [f., Sharp Rodney]. AQHA World Champion Sr.
$19,292, 2nd Desert Cl. F., etc.
On A Thin Line APHA si 97 (f. by Heza Fast Man). 2 wins to 5,
Barrel Racer. $27,054.
GUN BATTLE si 110 [g., On A High]. NM Hi-Pt. Aged Gelding. 9 wins to
$42,424. Producer.
Fames Slick Chick (f. by Chicks Beduino). Unraced. Dam of Chicks
5, $668,781, Zia F.-RG1, 2nd All American F.-G1, Zia H.-RG2, Mesilla
2nd Dam:
BAR DEARIE si (1972) by Lake Erie TB. 5 wins to 4, $17,526, Zia H.
Valley Speed H.-RG2, Hard Twist S.-RG3, NM Cl. F., etc.
ONGOING TA FAME si 115 [g., Pyromaniac]. 12 wins to 6, $644,746, Shue Fly S.-RG1, Jess Burner Mem. H.-RG1, Mesilla Valley Speed H.-RG2, Zia D.-RG3, NM State Fair Senor F.-RG3, NMHBA S.-RG3, NM Brds.’ H.-RG3, NM Cup Champ., 2nd NM H.-RG3, NM Brds.’ Champ., 3rd Zia F.-RG2, etc. CUATRO FAME [g., Streak Laico Bird] Multiple Barrel Champion & Rodeo
Dam of 11 foals, 10 starters, 8 winners, 9 ROM, including BRAZEN BRITCHES si 101 (f. by Timeto Thinkrich). 7 wins to 3, $145,614, Pacific H.-G3, Moon Deck S., etc. Granddam of FIND CASH si 106 ($77,511, Ntr), Queenie Juanita si 100 ($7,080),
Winner. 2022, $640,297, The American, Pikes Peak or Bust, etc. FAMOUS LIL JET si [g., Blazin Jetolena]. Multiple Barrel Champion &
Pryors Chick si 81 ($3,888), etc.
LEVIS N LACE si 98 (f. by Tiny’s Gay). 7 wins to 3, $27,475, Cow
Rodeo Winner. 2022, $639,087, Kinder Cup Champ. F., Wrangler NFR, etc. DASH TA DIAMONDS si [g., Strawfly Special]. Multiple Barrel Champion &
Capital Turf Club F., Old West Racing Assoc. D., 2nd Denver F.-G3,
RodeoWinner. $545,473,ArdmoreBarrelF.,RedBluffRoundup,etc. MALE LINE
Dan Lockie D. Producer.
Fame At Last si 95 (f. by Tiny’s Gay). 7 wins to 7, $24,522, 3rd
HIS SIRE, FIRST DOWN DASH si 105: World Champion, 2-Time Champion, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, AQHA Hall of Fame Horse. 13 wins, 8 SW, $857,256, Dash For Cash F.-G1, Champ. of Champ.-G1, Kindergarten F.-G1, etc. Sire of 2,511 QH & APHA race age foals, 2,160 starters, 1,471 winners, 1,796 ROM, 260 stakes winners, 37 Champions, with earnings of $90,036,654, from 32 crops to race.
Follys Last Love si 95 ($24,023), etc. Grandam of MY FREE WILLIE si 102 ($76,515), FREE COMPANY si 90 ($24,105), The Choochinator si 101 ($159,511), Juno Dancing si 97 ($71,443), etc.
1st Dam:
F., fnl. QHBC Sophomore Cl.-G2, Longhorn F.-G3. Dam of
DASH FOR A WIN si 109 (f. by First Down Dash). 16 wins to 6, $100,669, Goodnight Trail H., Burnett H., etc. Ntr 250yds. Dam of
$22,057, 2nd Dixie Downs D.
Win A Dash si 103 (g. by First Down Dash). 2 wins to 3, $14,420, 3rd
Little Leader si 97 ($16,619), etc.
Ruidoso 550 Champ. 2nd Div.
Loves Folly si 105 (f. by Tiny’s Gay). 6 wins to 3, $35,009. Dam of
3rd Dam:
BARRED GIRL (1965) by Mackay Boy. 2 wins to 3, $2,436. Dam of 11 foals, 8 starters, 2 winners/ROM.