Page 91 - SR2023_Special
P. 91
First Down Dash si 105
Bred by: AF Stanley Jr/ BF Phillips Jr
Raced to 3 • $857,256 15-13(8)-1(1)-0
2,531 f., 260 SW $90,021,646
Dash For Cash si 114
Bred by: BF Phillips Jr Raced to 4 • $507,689 25-21(9)-3(2)-0
1,368 f., 145 SW $39,991,197
Rocket Wrangler si 97
Raced to 5 • $252,167 23-10(3)-4(2)-4(3)
1,625 f., 56 SW • $9,405,772
Rocket Bar TB si 85
Go Galla Go si 95
Find A Buyer TB
Raced to 3 • $3,134 14-1-2-3
15 f., 1 SW • $542,477
To Market
Hide And Seek
First Prize Rose si 98
Bred by: Gordon H Wilson
Raced to 4 • $22,754 34-6-8(1)-6(1)
7 f., 2 SW $986,098
Gallant Jet si 102
Raced to 3 • $98,952 16-9(2)-1-1(1)
294 f., 12 SW • $991,462
Jet Deck si 100
Leo Jewel
Rose Bug si 96
Raced to 3 • $57,398 19-6-8-1
11 f., 0 SW • $121,090
Lady Bug’s Moon si 100
Casco Rose
Dinastia Toll BRZ si 97
Bred by: Haras Rancho Das Americas
Raced to 6 • $191,896 17-7(4)-2(1)-1(1)
52 f., 6 SW $2,170,884
Tolltac si 113
Bred by: Mrs. Catherine Richardson
Raced to 3 • $1,143,043 18-12(5)-4(1)-0
635 f., 40 SW $7,095,385
*Beduino TB
Raced to 4 • $11,630 13-6-2(1)-0
724 f., 40 SW • $13,153,846
Romany Royal
Little Smoothie si 95
Raced to 4 • $4,842 39-5-11-4
14 f., 1 SW • $1,171,537
Smooth Move si 100
Marilyn Mae si 85
Phillips Filly
Bred by: Antonio Wilson Antonelli
20 f., 1 SW $219,353
On A High si 113
Raced to 4 • $1,167,234 22-9(3)-6(1)-4(1)
967 f., 45 SW • $9,915,350
Dash For Cash si 114
Yankee Doll TB
Sharper Image si 84
Raced to 2 • $1,150 3-0-0-2
2 f., 0 SW • $0
Easy Jet si 100
Miss Killoqua si 95
Starters 849 Stakes Placed 90 Winners 5M7A1 LE LTIoNtaEl ROM 645 Total Earnings $30,213,378 Earnings/Starter $35,587 HIS SIRE, FDD DYNASTY si 102: 2-Time Champion. 8 wins to 3,
$T1o,t1a7l3C,0u0rr1e,nEtdYeBaurrEkearMniinllgiosn F.-G1,$G2,o77M7,a7n74Go H.-G1, Gov. Cup D.-RG2, etc. Sire of 1,134 race age foals, 849 starters, 571 winners, 645 ROM, 179 blaFcDkDtypDeYhNoArsSesT,Y2HWAoSrldSCIRhaEmDpions, 1 Champion, with earnings of $30,213,378, from 12 crops to race.
FDD DYNASTY - Race and (Stakes) Record
Age Starts 1st 2nd
2 7 5(1) 1(1)
3 4 5(2) 0
Totals 11 8(3) 1(1)
3rd Earned 1(1) $ 945,226 1(1) 227,775
2(2) $1,173,001
At Two: Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. WON: Ed Burke Million F.-G1 at Los Alamitos (350yds., def. Blues Girl Too, No Secrets Here, etc.), Los Alamitos Two Million F. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. The Crawfish, Leaving The Cartel, etc. Qual.), Golden State Million F. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. Trisk, Jumpnout, etc. Qual.), Ed Burke Million F. Trl. at Los Alamitos (350yds., def. First Down Morn, Corona Couture, etc. Qual.), a maiden race at Los Alamitos (300yds., def. Wired On Stoli, Queens Fast Man, etc.); 2nd: Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1 at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Blues Girl Too, def. No Secrets Here, Jess You And I, etc.): 3rd: Golden State Million F.-G1 at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Jess You And I, Blues Girl Too, def. The Crawfish, Eyesa Diamond, etc.).
At Three: Champion 3-Year-Old Colt. WON: Go Man Go H.-G1 at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. Leading Spirit, Go Love A Lark Go, etc.), Gov. Cup D.-G2 at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. Not A Full Moon, Ten Oclock Scholar, etc.), Gov. Cup D. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. Ten Oclock Scholar, Dimples First Dash, etc. Qual.); 3rd: Champ. of Champ-G1 at Los Alamitos (440yds., to Blues Girl Too, Little Bit Of Baja, def. Strawkins, Country Chicks Man, etc.).
HIS SIRE, FIRST DOWN DASH si 105: World Champion, 2-Time Champion, AQHA Supreme Race Horse, AQHA Hall of Fame Horse. 13 wins, 8 SW, $857,256, Dash For Cash F.-G1, Champ. of Champ.-G1, Kindergarten F.-G1, etc. Sire of 2,511 QH & APHA race age foals, 2,160 starters, 1,471 winners, 1,796 ROM, 260 stakes winners, 37 Champions, with earnings of $90,036,654, from 32 crops to race.
1st Dam:
DINASTIA TOLL BRZ si 97 (1998) by Tolltac. 7 wins to 6, $191,896,
Foals of Racing Age
1,134 Stakes Winners 89
DANJER si 119 [g., dam by Take Off Jess]. 2-Time World Champion, Champion Aged Horse, 2-TimeChampion Aged Gelding 19 wins to 6, 2022, $1,967,068, Debbbie Schauf Remington Park Invit.-G1 (twice), AQHA Chal. Champ.-G1 (3 times), Downs at Albuquerque Champ. H.-G1 (twice), All American Gold Cup-G1, Canterbury Park Champ. Chal.-G3 (twice), All American Juv., etc. Ntr CBY 440yds.
Charger Bar H.-G1, Las Damas H.-G2 (twice), Z Wayne Griffin Dir. S.-G3, 2nd Imperial Beach H., etc. An All-Time Leading Dam of ROM. Dam of 52 foals, 46 of race age, 35 starters, 21 winners, 26 ROM, including
JESSIES FIRST DOWN si 112 [g., Mr Jess Perry]. 2-Time World Champion, 2-Time Champion Aged Horse, 2-Time Champion Aged Gelding. 19 wins to 8, $1,599,502, The Champ. at Sunland Park-G1 (twice), All American Gold Cup-G1, Refrigerator H.-G1, S., etc. Ntr HOU 440yds. Ntr RP 440yds.
FDD DYNASTY si 102 (c. by First Down Dash). Subject Stallion.
JM MISTER DESTINY si 89 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 3 wins to 4, $270,869, All American Juv. Invit., 2nd Sunland Park Winter Juv.,
KATES DYNASTY si 99 [f., Vital Sign]. Champion 2-Year-Old Filly. 5 wins to 3, $572,882, Tx. Cl. F.-G1, fnl. Rainbow D.-G1, All American D.-G1.
fnl. Champ. at Sunland Park-G1, Hobbs Am. D.-G3.
SOLID CONNECTION si 96 (f., by Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins to 5, $86,898, Dana Point H., 2nd Cash For Kas H., 3rd Mildred N.
WHIZKEY GLASSES si 94 [g., Shazoom]. 9 wins to 3, 2022, $928,813, Golden State Mil. F.-G1, Heritage Place D.-G2, Easy Jet S.-RG3, etc. FDD SCOUT si 101 [g., Apollitical Jess]. 5 wins to 3, 2022, $657,381,
Vessels Mem. H.-G1, fnl. Golden State Million F.-G1, etc. Dam of Madam Of Fire MV si 99 (f. by Walk Thru Fire). 7 wins to 5, $82,739, 2nd Rebagain H., Calif. Brds.’ Sprint S., 3rd Miss
Ruidoso Juv., 2nd All American F.-G1, fnl Rainbow F.-G1, etc.
FAR NIENTE si 96 [g., Chicks Beduino]. 11 wins to 7, $484,923, Golden State D.-G1, Vessels Mat.-G1 (twice), 2nd Robert L. Boniface Invit.-G1, Kaweah Bar H.-G3, Independence Day H.-G3, 3rd PCQHRA Brds.’
Princess H.-G3, etc.
STAGGERING STRIDE si 94 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Calif. Hi-Pt. 3-Year-
F.-G2, 4th Go Man Go H.-G1, PCQHRA Brds.’ D.-G3, etc.
MIDDAY NEWS si 114 [g., Mr Jess Perry]. 6 wins to 6, 2022, $380,390,
Cash Rate H., 4th PCQHRA Brds.’ F.-G1.
CHAOTIC CARTEL si 89 (g. by Corona Cartel). 4 wins to 3, $32,605,
SLM Big Daddy S.-G3, 2nd Debbie Schauf RP Invit. Champ.-G1, etc. TERRIFIC SYNERGY si 92 [g., by Mr Jess Perry]. 6 wins to 3, $307,026, Gov. Cup D.-RG2, 4th Ed Burke MIllion F.-G1, 5th Go Man Go H.-G1, fnl.
Buena Park H.
Brazilian Dasher si 93 (f. by Fishers Dash). 2 wins to 4, $98,060,
Golden State Million F.-G1, Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1.
DYNASTY ENERGY si 92 [g., Mr Jess Perry]. 4 wins to 3, $283,564,
PCQHRA Brds.’ F.-G1, fnl. Gov. Cup F.-RG2. Dam of APOLLITICAL BLOOD si 99 (c. by Apollitical Jess). Champion. 6
Calif. Brds’. Fresh. S., 3rd Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1, etc. TRACE DYNASTY si 103 [f., Streakin Sixes]. 3 wins to 4, $267,788,
wins to 3, $1,519,800, All American D.-G1, etc..
CAPTAIN BD si 115 (g. by Captain Courage). 4 wins to 3, $82,346,
Miss Ellen S., 2nd Heritage Place F.-G1, 3rd Decketta S.-G3, etc.
CDS WINE N DINE si 106 [c., Mr Jess Perry]. 5 wins to 3, $257,257, All
Indiana Grand QHRAI D., 3rd QHRAI D., Ntr HIA 220yds. APOLLITICAL LEGACY si 89 (f. by Apollitical Jess). 3 wins to 3,
American Gold Cup S.-G1, 2nd W. Tx. D.-G3, 3rd Ruidoso D.-G1. KOWBOY JIM si 106 [g., Mr Jess Perry]. 9 wins to 7, $251,450, Canterbury Park D., Canterbury Champ. Chal., Cheryl White Mem., etc. A PAINTED DYNASTY si 101 [c., PYC Paint Your Wagon]. 7 wins to 3, $249,982, Retama Park D. Chal., 2nd Gillespie County Fair F., 3rd
$25,975, Golden State Juv. Producer.
APOLLITICAL DYNASTY si 87 (g. by Apollitical Jess). 2 wins at 2,
Sam Houston F.-G2, etc.
SCOOPS DYNASTY si 99 [g., Dashin Bye]. 7 wins to 3, 2022, $249,940, Los
of PONTE TRUCHA si 92 (2022, $245,801), etc.
Stormy Cartel si 92 (g. by Carters Cartel). Winner to 6, $53,489, 2nd
Alamitos Winter D.-G1, Golden State D.-G2, Los Alamitos Juv. Chal., etc.
Old Filly. 5 wins to 5, $83,820, La Pacifica H., 3rd La Primera Del
Ano D.-G3, Los Alamitos Two Million Juv., Town Policy S., etc. FISHERS DESTINY si 94 (c. by Fishers Dash). 3 wins at 2, $49,210,
3rd La Primera Del Ano D.-G2, 4th Gov. Cup F.-RG1, 5th
$21,830, Golden State Juv.
Apollitical Dasher si 99 (f. by Apollitical Jess). 2 wins to 6,
$36,524, 5th Miss Princess H.-G3, Las Damas H.-G3. Dam
Gov. S., 3rd S. Florida Invit.
First Dinastia si 92 (c. by First Down Dash). Winner to 4, $42,985, 3rd
Jens L. List Jr. Mem. Calif. Brds.’ S., 4th PCQHRA Brds.’ D.-G2, etc.