Page 218 - July 2016
P. 218

                                 Leading Track SireS
race track leading sires reflects wins & first place earnings from the beginning of each meet through July 4, 2016
AjAx Downs
Ajax,ON, CAN • 06/05/2016 - 07/03/2016
ChIppEwA Downs
Belcourt,ND • 06/11/2016 - 07/03/2016
FAIrMounT pArk
Collinsville,IL • 06/10/2016 - 07/02/2016
Corona Cartel winners Award Country Chicks Man Mr jess Tex
Dm selexus Fastazyoufly
First Down Dash wild Boyz
jess Louisiana Blue
wins Earnings
sire paintyourownwagon Mighty Invictus pappasito
Maximus royal such Easy Cash Free Company
Ima ramblin on
wins Earnings 1 $8,973
Ivory james
Game patriot
Yawls special Game Feature Mr jess
wins Earnings 2 $9,600 2 $7,800 1 $4,200 1 $3,300
ArApAhoE pArk
Vinton,LA • 06/01/2016 - 07/02/2016
sire wins Earnings heza Fast Dash 32 $410,700
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
$12,000 $4,170 $4,140 $4,110 $3,240 $3,210 $2,940
Aurora,CO • 06/03/2016 - 07/04/2016
sire wins Earnings
Coronas Leaving You 31 jess Louisiana Blue 19 jet Black patriot 22 Game patriot 22 Dragon wings 6 swingin jess 16 stoli 15 First Down Dash 4 sir runaway Dash 14
$379,800 $343,106 $256,500 $252,900 $193,904 $160,200 $153,200 $152,475 $145,200
one Dashing Eagle 3 Ivory james 3 ketel won 2 red storm Cat 2 wave Carver 3 shurnuf streakin 1 winners Version 1 pyc paint Your wagon 2 Foose 2 one sweet jess 1
$36,922 $30,718 $19,692 $10,020
$9,660 $9,600 $9,510 $9,300 $9,240 $9,000
GrAnTs pAss Downs
Grants Pass,OR • 06/18/2016 - 07/04/2016
Brown CounTY FAIr
Aberdeen,SD • 05/21/2016 - 05/30/2016
Fastnfierce Chickspecialmongoose Dash to Chivato
Count Corona
kipas special
Dmnv Mountable
wins Earnings 3 $4,069
hAzEL pArk rACEwAY
Hazel Park,MI • 06/03/2016 - 07/02/2016
First Down Mr jess Fdd Dynasty
jess Eye
Bodacious Dash
no Brakes now paintyourownwagon Its royal Time
Free Company Dekalb
Cs Flashlight
wins Earnings
1 1 1 1 1
$1,650 $1,347 $1,347 $1,260 $1,237
Gainango Bridlewood
Mighty Invictus Agouti
Feature Mr jess streakin six Cartel Dashin Bye
Tr Dasher
Country Chicks Man
wins Earnings 2 $12,300 2 $6,860 1 $4,460 1 $3,700 1 $3,700 1 $3,640 1 $3,400 1 $3,400 1 $3,400 1 $3,160
CAnTErBurY pArk
sire Brookstone Bay Azyoucansee Mighty Invictus Inseperable stel Corona
wins Earnings 3 $7,500 3 $5,900 1 $2,500 1 $2,500 1 $2,500
InDIAnA GrAnD rACInG & CAsIno Shelbyville,IN • 05/31/2016 - 07/02/2016
sire wins Earnings
Shakopee,MN • 06/03/2016 - 07/04/2016
sire wins Earnings
Tulsa,OK • 06/09/2016 - 07/03/2016
sire wins Earnings sF royal Quick Flash 11 $53,256
pyc paint Your wagon 4 one sweet jess 4 one Famous Eagle 3 Ivory james 4 Fdd Dynasty 2 Tempting Dash 2 one Dashing Eagle 2 Tr Dasher 2 Inseperable 1 rare Bar 1
$36,350 $23,950 $23,600 $22,350 $17,400 $16,500 $11,400
$9,900 $9,600 $9,600
Carters Cartel 6 Ivory james 5 Furrtreeous 4 sm Country snowman 5 Cartel success 4 Apollitical jess 4 pyc paint Your wagon 3 pappasito 3 red storm Cat 2
$39,250 $33,366 $27,328 $24,630 $22,782 $22,382 $21,860 $20,776 $17,876
Chilled Corona 3 Escondido Beach 7 Coronas prospect 2 La jollaroid 5 pyc paint Your wagon 7 Fdd Dynasty 1 Tempting Dash 3 red storm Cat 3 walk Thru Fire 3 no secrets here 2
$117,920 $89,375 $74,580 $72,490 $65,450 $27,324 $23,650 $22,550 $20,900 $15,950
216 spEEDhorsE, July 2016
4 2 5 4 4 4 4 2 3 2
$38,509 $24,676 $22,224 $20,714 $18,433 $17,241 $15,219 $14,229 $13,628 $11,370
4 1 3 5 3 2
$6,990 $5,750 $5,683 $5,250 $5,192 $2,500
GILLEspIE CounTY FAIr GrounDs Fredricksburg,TX • 07/02/2016 - 07/03/2016
2 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1
$8,918 $7,900 $4,036 $3,969 $2,058 $2,058 $1,127
$980 $980 $735
jumpn Chic
jess Louisiana Blue Corona Cartel
Tres seis
Bigtime Favorite ragazzo
hiclass La jolla
wins Earnings
EAsTErn orEGon LIVEsToCk show Union,OR • 06/10/2016 - 06/12/2016
one sweet jess Chickie Cherry Cola Valiant hero woodbridge Fantastic Corona jr
wins Earnings 2 $13,837 2 $5,200 2 $2,694 1 $2,200 1 $1,842
Auburn,WA • 06/04/2016 - 07/03/2016
   216   217   218   219   220