Page 15 - Ruidoso Horse Sales
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                  OUR BRAND SAYS IT ALL
   Hip #280 • 3/12/19 • Sorrel Colt
(Apollitical Jess-Mongoose Jet Eye, Mr Eye Opener)
Half-brother to PAPPAS IN THE HOUSE SI 107 ($119,200), MADRESITA SI 110 ($113,811, NTR, dam of La Reina Madre SI 91, 2020, $28,118), Pajarita Sita SI 102 ($167,806). Out of Champion MONGOOSE JET EYE SI 106 ($447,550, NWR, Ntr), full sister to the dams of DASHACROSSYOURMIND SI 95 ($106,406), FEATURE MALINCHE SI 92 ($77,500). 2nd dam is MONGOOSE EFFORT SI 98 ($94,878), half-sister to SPECIAL MONGOOSE SI 99 ($205,096), MONGOOSECHARMINGHAWK SI 96 ($27,227), Mongoose Hawkette SI 107 ($100,042). From the family of DM HOT HOT HOT SI 97 ($177,897), Lota Shakin Goin On SI 97 (2020, $157,979).
Hip #519 • 3/2/19 • Brown Colt
(One Famous Eagle-Pandorum, Tres Seis)
Full brother to 2-Time Champion HOTSTEPPER SI 98 (2020, $1,416,516), half-brother to HOTSEMPTING SI 99 (2020, $570,620). Out of PANDORUM SI 109 ($70,437, NTR). 2nd dam is a half-sister to ETHICS ASIDE SI 106 ($99,644), to the dam of DR PROCTOR SI 104 ($160,450), POINT OF DECEPTION SI 108 ($121,952). 3rd dam is DARING DIFFERENCE SI 102 ($329,000), half-sister to MR EYE OPENER SI 106 ($202,978, NTR), Miss Eye Opener SI 98 ($88,468, dam of World Champion SPECIAL LEADER SI 103, $292,605; grandam of SCRUTINIZER
SI 112, $343,197). 4th dam is a full sister to FISHERS FAVORITE SI 98 ($210,860).
  Give Your Horses The Best Care Possible!
  Corporate Office • PO Box 16860 • Lubbock, TX 79490
Tim Fulton (806) 791-1654 • Kurt W. Harris, DVM (903) 651-6754 Merle Fulton Harris

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