Page 70 - February 2016 Speedhorse
P. 70
si 104, $607,669
4 Qualifiers to
the Los alamitos Winter derby-G1, including the fastest Qualifier Rite Regal!
fastest Qualifier to the Los alamitos Maiden Stakes flay!
SPEEDHORSE, February 2016
(Favorite trick tB-ShenoShercorona, corona cartel)
Sire of uQHRa champion 2-Year-old filly favoRite Hat!
The #1 Leading Freshman Sire
of 2015 Winners!
3-Time Stakes Winner!
Multiple Stakes Winning Sire of Money Earners Over $1 Million!
Sire of 32 Winners with 55 Wins from his 1st crop to race in 2015!
LittLe taLKS si 90 ($461,869), Luv on tHe Run si 92, ($41,018), fire at Will si 87 ($75,572), etc.
From the immediate Family of World Champion WHoSLeavinGWHo si 105 ($1,334,842), etc.
Property of Jones, Thompson & Burns Ranch
2016 fee: $6,000 • cooled Semen available
eligibilities: Speedhorse races, Bitterroot & california Bred Program
28940 Scott Road • Menifee, ca 92584
Steve BuRnS, dvM • (951) 301-0201 • fax (951) 301-4422