Page 67 - 23 November 2012
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  ToTal Hips CaTaloged-902
Withdrawn..............................................73 Total Offered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .829 NoBids.................................................3 Repurchased ...........................................29 Total Sold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .797 TotalRevenue(withrepurchases) ................. $12,826,200 Total Revenue (without repurchases) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,547,500 Average(withrepurchases) ..........................$15,472 Average (without repurchases) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,743
TotalHipsOffered ...................................... 84 TotalSold............................................. 84 TotalRevenue .................................. $1,384,000 Average ..........................................$16,476
TotalHipsOffered ..................................... 133 Repurchased ........................................... 5 TotalSold............................................ 128 TotalRevenue(withrepurchases) .................. $1,964,000 TotalRevenue(withoutrepurchases) ............... $1,929,800 Average(withrepurchases) ..........................$14,767 Average(withoutrepurchases) .......................$15,077
TWo Year olds
TotalHipsOffered ..................................... 141 Repurchased ........................................... 3 TotalSold............................................ 138 TotalRevenue(withrepurchases) .................. $3,705,500 TotalRevenue(withoutrepurchases) ............... $3,682,500 Average(withrepurchases) ..........................$26,280 Average(withoutrepurchases) .......................$26,685
(3&up mares, and bred mares of any age) TotalHipsOffered ..................................... 276 NoBids ............................................... 3 Repurchased .......................................... 14 TotalSold............................................ 259 TotalRevenue(withrepurchases) .................. $3,315,550 TotalRevenue(withoutrepurchases) ............... $3,164,950 Average(withrepurchases) ..........................$12,013 Average(withoutrepurchases) .......................$12,220
Foals in UTero
TotalHipsOffered ...................................... 95 TotalSold............................................. 95 TotalRevenue .................................. $1,130,000 Average .......................................... $11,895
TotalHipsOffered ..................................... 100 Repurchased ........................................... 7 TotalSold............................................. 93 TotalRevenue(withrepurchases) .................. $1,327,150 TotalRevenue(withoutrepurchases) ............... $1,256,250 Average(withrepurchases) ..........................$13,272 Average(withoutrepurchases) .......................$13,508
84 GEnuinE HuRRaH s. f. 4/22/2011 (Genuine Strawfly - Reckless Hurrah, by Reckless Dash). Sammy Manek - Prentice Hunt. $1,200
85 ROllin fOR Bux ch. c. 5/3/2011 (Zoomin For Bux - Roll Shawne Bug, by Roll Your Glass). Kenny O’Quinn - Jesus Martinez. $3,200
86 MiSS PRaiRiE DaSHER s. f. 4/16/2011 (Streak And Dash - Roseanna Silk, by With Great Ease). Bobby C. Howell - Martin Gonzalez. $2,600
87 iBa QuickiE s. c. 4/12/2011 (Extra Special Effort - Royal Quick Di, by Royal Quick Dash). Roy or Chris Bradley - Ramon R Vega. $1,400
88 TRESSEiS ROyal faME br. g. 4/30/2011 (Tres Seis - Royaltys First Dance, by Dash Ta Fame). Bob Burt - Tiffany Kainer. $9,000
89 Run WiTH THE QuEEn f.2011 (Mr Queens Mystery - Run With It, by First Down Dash). VSE - Scher-Win Farms. $7,500
90 fiRST DaSH n Run f.2011 (First Down Dash - Runaway Fun, by Runaway Winner). VSE - JK Running Horses, LLC. $37,000
91 SWaMP MOnSTER gr. c. 5/27/2011 (Jess Louisiana Blue - Seaside, by First Down Dash). Lucas Racing, Inc., Goodfellow & Lucas, Agent - Caballos Ligeros. $7,500
92 unnaMED yEaRlinG y525 s. c. 4/2/2011 (Walk Thru Fire - Secret Baby Doll, by Raise A Secret). VSE - JK Running Horses, LLC. $15,000
93 Rc SEcRET ivORy JanE b. f. 1/22/2011 (Ivory James - Secret Signing, by The Signature). RC Running Horses, Todd Antonuk, Agent - Joe S. Vincent. $6,500
94 SEcRET ZOOMin b. c. 4/19/2011 (Jess Zoomin - Secretively, by Special Leader). 6666 Ranch, Agent - Wyatt Danylchuk. $7,000
95 MOE Ta vaTOR b. c. 2/5/2011 (Okey Dokey Dale - Serious Sister, by Bully Bullion). Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent - Emily R Miller. $7,500
109 SHEZa BaD DEal gr. f. 3/23/2011 (Midnight Corona - Special Copauino, by Strawfly Special). Burns Ranch, Agent - Ronald T. Richardson. $9,500
110 cOROnaS SPORTinESS c.2011 (Corona Cartel - Sportiness, by Zevi TB). VSE - Jeremy Hill. $23,000
111 lifES lil TREaT gr. c. 3/8/2011 (Eye Yin You - Stacy Treat, by Cash Treat). Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent - Jennifer Holmes. $5,000
112 OuT
113 yaRD Guy s. c. 4/3/2011 (Bigtime Favorite - Streakin Celebration, by Streakin Sixes). Bobby D. Cox & John Buchanan - Kenneth Elison. $10,000
114 cOunTRy SOnaTa s. f. 3/27/2011 (Country Chicks Man - Streakin Millie, by Streakin Six). Bollenbach Farms, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Steve Smith. $5,000
115 Jc MucHO MaS cOROna s. c. 2/13/2011 (Mighty Corona - Sugar Snap Pea, by Truley First Class). James H. Cordell - Daniel Ramos. $4,200
116 unnaMED yEaRlinG s. c. 4/21/2011 (First Down Express - Swimette TB, by Tough Knight). Oak Hill Farm, Agent - Jose A Montano. $1,200
117 cORyDRunkOnMOOnSHinE s. f. 4/13/2011 (Six Packa Moonshine - Take It To The House, by Invisible Injun). Sally Box - Z Jose Sanchez. $1,000
118 MaRkED By STuRDinESS ch. m.2007 (Make It Anywhere - Terra Cotta Red, by Ronas Ryon). VSE - Arturo Quiroza. $1,700
119 JEnS fiRST DaSH f.2011 (First Down Dash - Thanks Jens, by Strawfly Special). VSE - Victor Diaz. $33,000
120 DaSHinG fOR THankS f.2011 (Tempting Dash - Thanks Jens, by Strawfly Special). VSE - Valeriano Racing Stables LLC Sammy Valeriano. $8,500
121 OuT
122 canDy in SilvER br. f. 4/13/2011 (Silver Ease - The Candy Shop, by Stoli). Mountain States Equine - Omar Hernandez. $3,200
123 DREW THE lOnG STRaW f.2011 (First Down Dash - The Long Straw, by Strawfly Special). VSE - James McArthur. $85,000
124 lOnG STRaW DaSH c.2011 (First Down Dash - The Long Straw, by Strawfly Special). VSE - Charles E. Robinson. $60,000
125 fiRST PRincESS DaSH f.2011 (First Down Dash - The Red Princess, by Chicks Beduino). VSE - David or Ross Hinkins. $15,000
126 OuT
127 cHickS GOT lOOkS s. f. 1/23/2011 (Valiant Hero - Uncommonly Perry, by Mr Jess Perry). King Camden Running Horses, Inc. - Jeffries Ranch. $7,000
128 a cREScEnT DaSH f.2011 (Tempting Dash - Wicked Falena, by Corona Cartel). VSE - Oliverio Mendoza. $3,100
129 THiS GiRl iS WilD b. f. 3/10/2011 (Brookstone Bay - Wild Six, by Tres Seis). Lee & Sherwood Racing & Mineer, Marty Powers, Agent - Howard Walton. $35,000
130 lS OnE WilD EaGlE s. c. 1/31/2011 (One Famous Eagle - Wild Six, by Tres Seis). Lee & Sherwood Racing & Mineer, Marty Powers, Agent - John Lawless. $45,000
131 OuT
132 fiGHT TO THE EnD s. c. 4/17/2011 (Fighter On Fire - Ynot Bar, by Chicks Beduino). Burns Ranch, Agent - Mason King. $15,000
133 OuT
134 fiRST DaSHinG cHick s. f.2011 (First Down Dash - A Tempting Chick, by Chicks Beduino). VSE - Charles E. Robinson. $80,000
96 OuT
97 ill PainT THE TOWn s. f. 4/17/2011 (PYC Paint Your Wagon - Shazooms Doll, by Shazoom). Thomas H. Bradbury & Marvin Willhite - Eleazar Martinez. $14,000
98 EyE B BEckETT gr. f. 3/8/2011 (Mr Eye Opener - She Travels, by Fishers Dash). Corner K Quarter Horses, LLC - Rick Sorrells. $7,000
99 OuT
100 cOROnaS BaD caRTEl b. c. 3/1/2011 (Corona Cartel - Shes Bad, by Firebrand Bar). VSE - Victor Diaz. $29,000
101 SHES an EaGlE s. f. 3/22/2011 (One Famous Eagle - Shes On Fire, by Walk Thru Fire). 6666 Ranch, Agent - Cesar J. Dabdoub. $9,000
102 OuT
103 BP SHES all cOROna b. f. 1/3/2011 (Corona Cartel - Shes Takes All, by This Snow Is Royal). JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Charles E. Robinson. $67,000
104 DaSHS WinninG fliGHT c.2011 (First Down Dash - Shesa Winning Flight,
by Runaway Winner). VSE - Arnulto Murillo. $16,000
105 SHiMMER n SHakE s. f. 3/17/2011 (Boknaai - Shiney Creek Dancer, by Rydin And Wishin TB). Boegner Farms - Oliverio Mendoza. $2,900
106 faST fiRST n faMOuS s. f. 4/13/2011 (One Famous Eagle - Sightings, by First Down Dash). Jean Dillard - Filimon Saucedo. $7,000
107 BOkS TORnaDO s. c. 2/18/2011 (Boknaai - Skyclone, by Behold A Beduino). Boegner Farms - Rene Corella. $2,000
108 kaTiE ROyal br. f. 1/27/2011 (Mr Eye Opener - Sold On Royalty, by Special Effort). Belle Mere Farm, Ltd., Agent - Manuel Ortiz. $2,500
SPEEDHORSE, November 23, 2012 65
sale results

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