Page 90 - 23 November 2012
P. 90

 870Yds, 3&up, Mdn., $8,500 46.937 SPaRk OH GOlD, 3, f (Positively Sparkling-Jakes Last Call) Whitehead Wade R and Judy/Cynthia G Gonzalez/Aldo Arboleda, 2 Shadows of the Night,
3 Rotten Apple
350Yds, 3&up, Clm. $10,000, $9,500 17.471 CC la BluE, 4, g (Jess Louisiana Blue-Cassandra Crest) Gonzales Antoinette and Mendoza Juan
M and Juan G/Antoinette Gonzales/Dusty Ryder Shepherd, 2 Himalaya Jess, 3 Oscars Daydreamer
October 21, 2012 Fast
400Yds, 3&up, Clm. $5,000, $6,500 19.879 i SaW YOu lOOkinG, 3, g (Jesse James Jr- Mystic Rime) Lorenzo Cano/Gerardo Cano/Adrian A Ramos, 2 Kritios Boy, 3 Six for Melissa
350Yds, 3&up, Starters alw., $6,600 17.386 SPiTTinG SnOW, 4, g (Snowbound-Perrys Spittin Image) Javier M Chavez/Larry Chavez/Adrian A Ramos, 2 Furious Styles, 3 Secret Hoax
November 04, 2012 Fast
300Yds, 3&up, Mdn., $8,640 15.288 Ya JaCk WaGOn, 3, f (Jacksboro-Beverlys Gold) Hopper Carroll and Scott Clara/Carroll R Hopper/Adrian A Ramos, 2 Dl Pokerface, 3 Brt Yes I Can
400Yds, 3&up, Clm. $10,000, $10,714 RaBBiT TRiCk, 5, g (Rabbits Rainbow- Shamrocks Hope) Johnny Pacheco/Charles S Pacheco/Elliot Bachicha Jr, 2 Maken Dinero, 3 Candi Kisses
440Yds, 3&up, nM Brds. Champ-RG3,
$50,000 21.214 STEl GOnE COROna, 4, g (Stel Corona-Meter Her Gone) Veronica Ramirez/Jaime Dominguez/Jose Amador Alvarez, 2 Visible Injun, 3 Seacrest Out
Phoenix,AZ • 10/19/2012-11/06/2012
October 21, 2012 Fast
870Yds, 3&up, alw., $4,500 47.03 OnE GOinG COROna, 4, c (One Corona-Shesa Going Jessie) Jon M Moore/Jon M Moore/Rodolfo Arvizu, 2 Be the Worm, 3 G Raffy
350Yds, 3&up, Turf Paradise Mdn. S.,
$13,900 17.806 FaMOuS PHOTO, 3, g (Famous Lane-Quick to
de Photo) Amado De La Riva/Sergio Garcia/David Reyes-Frisby, 2 News Prince, 3 One Famous Leader
350Yds, 3yo, Desert Cl. D.-RG3,
$26,125 17.828 SEa PanTHER Run, 3, g (Panther Mountain-Yacht Sea) Xavier Paul Cardenas/Omar E Lorta/Jorge Martin Bourdieu, 2 Lady Left, 3 Endless Speed
October 23, 2012 Fast
870Yds, 3&up, Clm. $4,000, $3,400 46.659 SWEET kEnDall JO, 10, m (Swiss Yodeler-Mama Warbucks) Gaston F Valenzuela/Gerardo Ochoa- Pena/Jorge Martin Bourdieu, 2 Informant Thow, 3 Sweet Pea Reeves
350Yds, 3&up, alw., $4,500 18.060 TanTORS DREaM, 4, f (Dashin Is Easy-Lucky Cartel) Alejandro Flores/Gerardo Ochoa- Pena/Joe Ruiz, 2 Ra Dashing Beduino, 3 Vergelito Moon
October 26, 2012 Fast
300Yds, 2yo, Mdn., $3,300 15.922 FDD PaRTY niGHT, 2, f (Fdd Dynasty-Fifty Party Night) Allred John L and Mary/John L Allred/Vince J Guerra, 2 Real Dynasty, 3 Pancho Pantera
October 27, 2012 Fast
300Yds, 3&up, alw., $5,400 15.886 una nOCHE MaS, 4, g (Two Corona Special-Baby Gotta Go) Ricardo Rios/Eliazar Salas/Emilio Tapia, 2 Fullforceahead, 3 Rythm for Me George
330Yds, 3&up, Mdn., $3,300 17.161 a GallanT CzECH, 3, c (A Gallant Effort-A Brillent Czech) Ruben Perea/Sarina Obergfell/Vince J Guerra, 2 A Country Chick, 3 El Chuyito
   870Yds, 3&up, Clm. $5,000, $6,756
FiESTY THOuGHTS, 6, m (First Thoughts- Fiesty and Frivolous) Oscar V Carrete/Oscar V Carrete/Aldo Arboleda, 2 Black Glass, 3 Tee Zevi
45.683 350Yds, 2yo, alw., $12,902 17.765
October 31, 2012
Sire Wins
Earnings $61,869 $52,330 $47,509 $36,745 $36,155 $30,349 $27,940 $27,600 $26,433 $24,563
JESS luPillO, 2, g (Jess Kicken-Signs a Blazen) Jose Luis Cera/Joe R Chavez/Adrian A Ramos, 2 First Special Purna, 3 Pistol Or Pearl
300Yds, 2yo, Mdn., $8,400
a SPECial PFinD, 2, g (Sixes Royal-Pfind the Cash) Paul Esquibel/Hermenegildo G Aldavaz/Tony F Guymon, 2 Berts Desiro, 3 A Dashing Chick
Chicks Regard Count Corona
Heza Motor Scooter Tac it like a Man Corona Cartel Ocean Runaway Splash Bac
Game Patriot Fdd Dynasty Stoli
October 19, 2012
6 12 3 2 6 4 1 5 5
October 24, 2012 Fast
330Yds, 3&up, Mdn., $8,400 16.799 HEza kinG OF HEaRTS, 3, g (Sixes Royal-Hl Dynamite Allie) Berlinda D Trujillo/Tony Herrera/Dusty Ryder Shepherd, 2 Jesseknows, 3 Famous Madison
870Yds, 3&up, Starters alw., $7,022 45.340 kiD RaMBO, 6, h (Kafwain-Alrami) Rushton Farms/Temple D Rushton/Brian James Theriot, 2 Streaking Holy Moses, 3 Gg Streakin South
YOu GO BOlD GiRl, 5, m (Heza Bold Man-Good Girl Gone Bad) Cipriano Dominguez/Jesus G Beltran/Adam Martinez, 2 Eyesa a Diamond, 3 Eye Can Do It
October 26, 2012
350Yds, 2yo, Mdn., $3,300
aWESOME SuSPECT, 2, g (Ausual Suspect-Miss Awesome Queen) Len/Dennis Marsteller/Jorge Martin Bourdieu, 2 Ravine, 3 Carlitos Cartel
19.732 870Yds, 3&up, Clm. $6,250, $6,361 46.024
400Yds, 3&up, Clm. $5,000, $5,300
TOBY TEllS nO liES, 3, g (The Corona-Snowing Royalty) Oscar V Carrete/Oscar V Carrete/Daniel Ruiz Amaya, 2 Hail Know, 3 Newest Version
JESS CREEk ManOR, 6, g (Feature Mr Jess- Queen Creek Queen) Anastacio Mariscal/Omar Cruz/Rick J Oliver, 2 Fast Dreams, 3 Rollmedacash
CHiSElED VEGaS STOnE, 4, g (Sc Chiseled in Stone-Miss Vegas Game) Michelle St Martin Lucero/Arthur Ray Lucero/Elliot Bachicha Jr, 2 Lj Skipping Stone, 3 Streakin Johnny Boy
November 03, 2012
October 27, 2012
350Yds, 3yo&up, Clm. $6,250, $6,500 JETaBuG JESSiE, 5, m (Spit Curl Jess-Hm Jetabug) Chavez Monserrat and Chavez Cindy/Saby B Gurule/Adrian A Ramos, 2 A Mere Babe, 3 Special Accomodash
870Yds, 3&up, Clm. $5,000, $6,600 46.261 PRinCE CHOPin, 6, g (Chopin-Easy Boston Trip) Echols Donald Bill and Clay/Jose A Gonzalez/Enrique Garcia, 2 Gettinmotion, 3 Aj Lightanazure
October 28, 2012
300Yds, 3&up, Mdn. Clm. $6,250, $5,345
TEllER SEnSaTiOn, 4, g (Teller Cartel-Windy Sensation) Scott Clara Wallin Kenneth L and Cherie E/Carroll R Hopper/Luis Alonso Gutierrez Jr, 2 Slicker Licker, 3 Princess Rocks
870Yds, 3&up, Clm. $10,000, $10,584 45.564 CRazY RaBBiT, 6, g (Rabbits Rainbow-Shamrocks Hope) Johnny Pacheco/Charles S Pacheco/Elliot Bachicha Jr, 2 Rr Rally, 3 Bound to Be Dashn
400Yds, 3&up, alw., $11,200 19.584 COkER JaMES, 3, g (Ivory James-Scared) Enrique Rios Jr/Chris Gandarilla/Elliot Bachicha Jr, 2 Valient Prince, 3 Eye On the Diamond
15.487 330Yds, 3&up, Clm. $5,000, $6,643 16.827
November 02, 2012
330Yds, 3&up, Starters alw., $7,200
SunnY SiTuaTiOn, 5, g (Jacksboro-Sheza Real Bar Forth) Martin N Perez/Martin N Perez/Adrian A Ramos, 2 Iridescent Gray, 3 Two Times the Reason
870Yds, 3&up, Mdn. Clm. $5,000, $5,200 46.537 PHOEBES FuRY, 3, f (Furyofthewind-Latigo and Lace) Robert J Turner/Bernard Baca/Oscar Cordova, 2 Jetabug Corona, 3 Will Cash Flow
870Yds, 3&up, Clm. $5,000, $7,100 45.199 i knOW HOW nOW, 5, g (Now I Know-By the Second) Jesus G Beltran/Jesus G Beltran/Aldo Arboleda, 2 Girls Got Heart, 3 Lacobrita
300Yds, 3&up, Clm. $10,000, $10,632 15.270 HECTORaD, 3, g (Dash to Chivato-Megarad) Javier M Chavez/Larry Chavez/Elliot Bachicha Jr, 2 Love Me Caliente, 3 Whata Wild Woody
300Yds, 2yo, Mdn., $8,640
SlR JESSiES GiRl, 2, f (Jesse James Jr- Slr Its You) Western Livestock LLC/Michael K Barber/Joe Ruiz, 2 Lovely Miss Dovely, 3 Jdk Fast Blackman
350Yds, 3yo, alw., $5,400
BV FlY FiRST ClaSS, 3, g (Fly Jess Fly-
Eyesa First) Jose Gallardo/Alejandro Perez Sanchez/David Reyes-Frisby, 2 Fly Jess for Perks, 3 Featuresonora
18.156 300Yds, 3&up, alw., $4,365 15.975
October 20, 2012
300Yds, 3&up, alw., $4,300 16.068 BREakinG VEGaS, 3, g (Snowbound-Pretty Jet High) Fales Matt and Borboa Jesus/Matthew M Fales/Jorge Martin Bourdieu, 2 A Gallant Czech, 3 Eyem a Snow Bully
Leading SireS of 2012
money earners - winners
October 28, 2012 Fast
350Yds, 2yo, aQRaF. Trl., $2,800 17.955 la PERRiTa DE anYa, 2, f (Dog Daze Afternoon- Countess Anya) Octavio Rodriguez/Ramon C Fontes Jr/Rodolfo Arvizu, 2 Oh Jess Go, 3 Yn Makario
350Yds, 2yo, aQRaF. Trl., $2,800 17.994 MaDD DOG, 2, g (Dog Daze Afternoon-Merri Roc) Fales Carolyn and Ralph/Matthew M Fales/Jorge Martin Bourdieu, 2 Jessa Secret, 3 Nonitas Scooter
     “SW” in the “Wins” column indicates the number of S. wins. # indicates freshman sire.
             Sire, Year
Current Year Starters
         Wins/ SW
     ‘12 Earnings/ avg. Starter
   leading ‘12 Earner/ ‘12 Earnings
   caRtel success AQHA, 2004
  / $34,754
  Captain Bucko / $34,754
  aPollo, TB 1988
 $32,626 / $32,626
  Appocalypto / $32,626
  man with the PoweR, 1997
/ $9,158
  Moon Bully / $19,534
  takin the cash, 2003
 $25,759 / $6,440
  BG The Widow Maker / $11,938
   Pyc Paint youR wagon AQHA, 2003
 / $5,677
   R Sassy Corona / $10,783
  88 SPEEDHORSE, November 23, 2012
RankinGS aS OF nOVEMBER 9, 2012
Courtesy ApHC
race results
Money Earned Winners
   88   89   90   91   92