Page 119 - October 2016
P. 119
Nation’s Richest State-Bred Derby!
Estimated $365,000
RG3 400Yards Trials:April9,2017 Finals:April22,2017
$165,000* Added - Plus - $44,200 in Breeders & $20,800 in Stallion Awards. Original Nominaon Due on or BeforePAYMENT SCHEDULE
$15,000 Trial Purses
Total Added Money
October 15, 2016
Sustaining Payments
$550 Added Money and Condi ons Subject to OHRC Approval
November 15, 2016
December 15, 2016
January 15, 2017 $550 February 15, 2017 $550 Total $2,750
1. 2. 3.
Late Nominaons
November 15, 2016 $550 December 15, 2016
January 15, 2017 February 15, 2017
$1,150 (plus remaining payments) $1,750(plus remaining payments) $2,700 (plus remaining payments) $5,750 (plus remaining payments)
Aer February 15th at Time of Entry $25,000
* $165,000 estimated amount includes $30,000 for the Derby Final plus $5,000 per trial added from the Oklahoma Breeding Development Fund
As a condion for parcipaon in this race, and subject to approval of the OHRC in accordance with 325:45‐1‐7, all horses nominated to OQHRA Administered futuries or derbies may be subject to drug tesng by the OHRC. Any prohibited medicaon posives may result in loss of eligibility to parcipate in trials or nals as determined by OHRC Stewards. If pre‐race examinaon or drug tesng prior to or following a race is refused by owner or trainer of eligible horse and results in the horse being ineligible to parcipate there will be no refund of payments.
Make payable and mail to: OQHRA, P.O. Box 2907, Edmond, OK 73083 ‐ (405) 216‐0440 ‐ Fax (405) 216‐0770 ‐ For more informaon visit For Accredited Oklahoma Bred Quarter Horse foals of 2014
Horses Name
Owner Address Day Phone Signature
Name on Card
Card Number
Billing address if different from above
Foaling Date
Sex Sire
E‐mail Address City,
State Zip
Expiraon Date: Security Code
Credit cards accepted with a 3.5% service charge
Race condi ons available upon request and will be provided at the me original nomina on is received. 10% from payments deducted for A&A.
If you have ques ons regarding any part of this nomina on form please contact OQHRA by calling the number above. Please retain a copy for your records.
SPEEDHORSE, October 2016 117