Page 91 - October 2016
P. 91

Color profile: Disabled Composite
 Hip No.
Hip No.
  
 
 
April 6, 2015 Sorrel Filly
 
 
 
 This filly is a full sister to New Track Record Setter & Prairie Meadows Championship Challenge-G2 Winner ABUNDANZ SI 120
(2016, $71,817). Her dam is Dash For Cash Derby-G1 Winner JESS A LIL BIT MORE SI 108 ($145,165).
  Hip No.
 199309 
27 Corona Cartel April 9, 2015 Sorrel Filly
Hip No.
1st dam
 JESS A LIL BIT MORE SI 108, by Mr Jess Perry. 6 wins to 4, $145,165, Dash
Color profile: Disabled 
Composite 
For Cash Derby [G1], TQHA Sires’ Cup Derby [R] [G3], finalist in the Dash
for Cash Futurity [G1], qualifiedtoTexasDistaff Challenge [G3]. Dam of 10
 
foals of racing age, 9 to race, all ROM, 7 winners, including–
  ABUNDANZ SI 120 (g. by Corona Cartel). 4 wins to 4, 2016, $71,817, Prairie
Meadows Champ. Challenge [G2]. Set NTR 330y in 0:16.275.
 This filly’s dam is La Primera Del Ano Derby-G2 Winner REVV ME UP SI 92 ($183,599). Her 2nd dam is Kindergarten Futurity-G1 Winner REVV ME UP SI 98 ($277,078), who is a full-sister to THE DOWN SIDE SI 107 ($361,792).
Gold Rrrush SI 99 (c. by Corona Cartel). 3 wins to 6, $51,103, 3rd Roble Rojo   
 1st dam
Bonus Challenge S.
S1w9am9p3a0lic6ious SI 93 (g. by GamePatriot). 3wins to 5, 2016,1$4979,0390.6 S3W3 Rocket Man SI 98 (g. by Coronas Leaving You). 4 wins to 4, $45,1530.3
Hip No. Hip No.
ValiantHero January8,2015GrayColt
Valorus SI 84 (g. by Valiant Hero). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, 2016, $8,155; final-
 
Luckjury SI 86 (f. by Corona Cartel). Winner in 3 starts at 2, 2016, $5,225. Color profile: Disabled  
ist in the West Texas Futurity [G2].
REVV ME UP SI 92, by Stel Corona. 3 wins to 3, $183,599, La Primera Del Ano Composite 
2nd dam
Derby [G2], 3rd Governor’s Cup Derby [R] [G2], finalist in the Ed Burke Mil-
SHEZA LILBITUINO SI 96, by Takin On The Cash. 4 wins to 3, $30,346, finalist 
lion Futurity [G1], Golden StateDerby[G1].Her first foals arrived in 2015. i n t h  e   S   a  m   H    o  u   s  t  o   n   F   u t u r i t y [ G 1 ] . D a m o f 1 3 f o a l s t o r a  c  e   ,  1   0  R   O    M    ,  i  n c l . –
2nd dam
J E S S A L I L B I T M O R E S I 1 0 8 ( f . b y M r J e s s P e r r y ) . S t a ke s w i n n e  r,  a  b o v e .
 
R E V V I T U P S I 9 8 , b y F i r s t D o w n D a s h . 6 w i n s a t 2 a n d 3 , $ 2  7  7 , 0  7  8  ,  K   i n   d e r g a r -
PALOMA BLANCA B SI 98 (f. by Prospect To The Top). Winner to 3, 2016,
ten Futurity [G1], California Breeders’ Debutante S. [R], 2nd Flare for Toby $65,125, Selma S., 3rd TQHA Sale Futurity [R] [G2].
 This colt’s dam is 4-Time Stakes Winner SCRAW BARIE SHAKE SI 93 ($108,395), who is a half-sister to New Track Record Setter & Stakes Winner MONEY MAKIN FOOL SI 94 ($75,073).
Overnight S., 3rd Wrangler S., finalist in the Golden State Million Futurity Petey Wheat SI 101 (Oak TreeSpecial).2wins,$ 38,703, 2nd Joe Turner S.
 [G1]. Sister to THE DOWN SIDE SI 107. Dam of 6 foals to race, including– JHeispsNAo.Lil Bit SI 94 (f. by Feature Mr Jess). 2 wins, $17,032, fnl [G2].HDiapmNo.f R1E9VV93M1E9UP SI 92 (f. by StelCorona). Stakes winner, above1. 99319
3r6d5dam 65 ( $ 1 9 7 , 6 2 4 [ G 3 ] ) , H A F N e D b Or u F a Dr y O 2 O , M2 0 S 1 I 5 9 7 B ( a $ y 7 7 F , 5 i l l 6 y 3 ) , K i l l e r K w e e n S I 9 8 .
RONNIE JAMES SI 101 ($263,774 [G2]), THE LIZZARD KING SI 105
Genuine Botticelli
RR LE MISTRAL SI 105, by Easy Jet. 8 wins in 15 starts to 4, $90,233, West
 
Texas Derby [G2], QHBC Freshman Classic [G3], 2nd Go Together H.
3rd dam
1st dam
[G3], finalist in the KansasDerby [G1], Jet Deck H.[G3].Sister to RR
B E D U I N  O   S   R  U  S   T  Y   S  I 1 0 6 , b y C h i c k s B e d u i n o . 4 w i n s i n 5 s t a r t s a t 2 , $ 5 7 , 6 9 5 ,
S a m H o u s t o n F u t u r i t y [ G 1 ] . S  i s  t  e   r  t  o   W   H   O    S  L E A V I N  G W H O S I 1 0 5 ( W o r l d SCRAW BARIE SHAKE SI 93, by Royal Shake Em. 7 wins to 4, $108,395,
Color profile: Disabled
Composite  Oklahoma Slick SI 109. Dam of 20 foals to race, 17 ROM, including–
Champion, $1,334,842 [G1]); half sister to CORONAS LEAVING YOU SI
Hoosier Park Classic S. [R], QHRA of Indiana SSA Derby [R], Indiana THE DOWN SIDE SI 107 (c. by First Down Dash). 6 wins in 9 starts to 4,
103 (9 wins in 13 starts, $278,358 [G2]). Out of LIL BIT RUSTY SI 103 Breed Development Juvenile S.[R],BlueRiver Derby [R], 2nd QHRA of In- $361,792,Championof Champions S. [G1], Z WayneGriffinDirector’s S.
[G3],Dire ctor’sS.[G3],HolidayS.,finalistAllAmericanFuturity[G1].S ire. HESA LIL BIT HIGH SI 103. 6 winsto7,$120,865,B.F.Phillips H. [R] [G3].
($215,394 [G1]). Dam of 18 starters, 14 ROM, including–
diana SSA Futurity [R] [G3], Governor’s S., 3rd Indiana Breed Develop-
ment S. [R]. Dam of 7 foals of racing age, 3 to race, all winners, including– REVV IT UP SI 98 (f. by First Down Dash). Stakes winner,above.
RUSTYS QUICKID SI 101 (Royal Quick Dash). 7 wins to 4, $87,693, Cypress Botticelli Shake SI 97 (f. by Genuine Botticelli). 2 wins to 3, $28,811.
True Mistral (f. by Blushing Bug). Unraced. Dam of–
S., 2nd Bellflower S., etc.; fnl [G1]. Dam of QUICKID CORONA SI 114
 This filly’s dam is a half-sister to
2-Time Champion AMERICAN RUNAWAY SI 105 ($686,355). Her 2nd dam is a half-sister to 4-Time Champion and All American Futurity-G1 Winner HEARTSWIDEOPEN
SI 104 ($1,885,963).
Chuck Barie SI 94 (c. by Good Reason SA). 2 wins to 3, 2016, ($7,091 USA), SECRET PROFIT SI 104.Winnerat2,$26,004, Will Rogers JuvenileChal- ($166,040 [G3]), JESSA LITTLE RUSTY SI 99 ($170,679 [G1]), MAE-
 in Mexico. HipNole.ngeS.,finalistintheHarrah’sEntertainmentFuturity[G3]. HipNo.
STRO CORONA SI 101, Paint Me Quickid SI 108 ($135,441 [G3]). S1h9ak9e3It0To5The BrimSI88(g. byBrimmstone). Winner to 3, $159,49283.05
103 103
Truly Tempered SI 99. 3 wins to 4, $33,046, 3rd Firecracker Derby [G3]. BRIMFUL SI 96 (f. by Brimmerton). 2 wins to 3, $80,229, Hialeah Lassie Fut.
2nd dam
Lone Bet SI 86. DamFoefbBrueat rIyM1a9k,e2U01F5amBorouwsnSFI 9ill8y(to 4, 2016, $43,702). SweMeternJeedsVsanPilelarSryI 109. 5 wins to 4, $57,068, 2nd O.B. Cockerell H., etc.
KELSEY BUG SI 96, by Shawne Bug. 3 wins at 2, $28,004, QHRA SSA Futu-
 Rustys Flyer SI 103. 5 wins to5,$39,863,2nd 6666Ranch H. [G3], etc.
4th dam
rity [R] [G3], 2nd Great Lakes Earl Clark Memorial Futurity, finalist in the All
1sBtedaatmThis Chick SI 88. 2 wins at 2, $24,997, 2nd Ed Burke Memorial Juv. American Congress Futurity[G3]. Dam of 7 foals to race, 6 ROM, includ-
R E B S M  I S  T  R  I  A  L  S I 1 0 2 , b y R e b ’ s P o l i c y T B . 1 2 w i n s t o 4 , $ 2 8 , 5 2 6 , N o r t h w e s t
 Montana Fair Futurity, 3rd HelenaLastChance Futurity. Half sister to ADLLuAsMtyERuICstAyNSIC9O4R. WONinAneSrIa1t023,,$b2y0,C97o6ro,n2andCTaertxeal.sWCilnansesrictoJu3v,. $[R1]2.,473.
     i n  g  –                           
CABALLETTA SI 104 ($100,935 [G2]). Dam of 11 starters, 10 winners–
Dam of 6 foals of racing age, 5 to race, 3 winners, including– ESNCGRAAGWEMBEANRTIES:SAHQAHKAESCIh9a3lle(fn.gbey,RGooyladleSnhSaktaeteEmM)i.llSiotnakFeust.w, LinonseAr,labmoivtoes.
 RR LE MISTRAL SI 105 (EasyJet).Stakeswinner, above.
RR Expert Witness SI 108 (Sir Rambler). 6 wins in 11 starts to 4, $15,061, The Ripple Effect SI 87 (f. by Ocean Runaway). Winner to 3, $8,498.
J a g u  a  r  R  o c k e t S . [ R ] - N T R ,  3 3 0 y i n 0 : 1 7 . 3 9 3 .                    
Torque SI 93 (g. by First Down Dash). 2 wins to 3, $10,198.
MTwOoNMEYilliMonAFKuINt.,FAOllOALmSeIri9c4an(g,.RbayinTbaokiwn O&nRTuhideoCsoasFhu).t.5winsto6,$75,073,
Accredited Oklahoma Bred; embryo transfer RGP 9/16 2nd Charlie Russell Futurity,3rdGreatNorthern Futurity.
Belles And Whistles (f. by Bigtime Favorite). Winner at 2, 2016, $3,550. La Una Viva SI 104 (f. by Royal Quick Dash). 2 wins to7,$30,117.
RR Oklahoma Slick SI 109. 4 wins to 4, $7,430, 3rd Great Northern Derby. 2nd dam
 This filly is a half-sister to Dash For Cash Futurity-G1 Runner Up THE PRINTING PRESS SI 104 ($259,703). Her dam is a full sister to Champion & Rainbow Futurity-G1 Winner FIRST TO FLASH
SI 106 ($494,835).
     Miss DJ Shakem Bug SI 82 (f. by Royal Shake Em). Winner at 2, $11,273, fi-
RR Double Brown SI 101 (Sweet Meet). 4 wins, 2nd Charlie Russell Fut. [R]. ALLAMERICANDREAMGIRL SI 103, by Strawfly Special. 2 wins to 4, $35,671,
 n a l i s t i n t h e Q H R A o f I n d i a na S S A F u t u r i t y [ R ] [ G 3 ] .
RR Miss Saigon SI 98 (El Roco). 2 wins in 2 starts to 3. Set NTR. Dam of–
finalist [G2]. Dam of 21 foals to rac
3rd dam
S:\ACTIVEKSRALMESO\VNP TFAILNESA\HSP1H6FA0K4.EvpEM SI 105. 7 wins to 5, $65,179, Canadian Cup
AMERICAN RUNAWAY SI 105 (c. by Ocean Runaway). Champion MISS SHERRI CARI SI 90, by Fiesta In The Sky. 7 wins in 10 starts to 3, Saturday, SeptDemebrebry 2[R4,] [2G0136],1A0:Q17H:1R9AAAM ged Series Stampede Park Classic S.-NTR, 2-Year-Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Colt, 4 wins to 3, $686,355, Ruidoso $11,517, QHRA of Indiana Ss Auction Futurity [R]. Dam of 3 foals, 2 to race,
e, 16 ROM, including–
 DNoomrthinlaynudsnPark Classic, Stampede Park Classic S.-NTR, etc. Futurity [G1], 2nd Texas Classic Futurity [G1], Rainbow Futurity [G1],
Asian Brook SI 96. 3 wins to 5, $60,728. Remington Park Futurity [G1]. Sire.
KELSEY BUG SI 96 (Shawne Bug). Stakes winner, above.
1 s R t R d R a me b s E a s t e r C o m e t S I 8 2 . D a m o f L a t e s t P o l i c y S I 9 8 ( $ 8 8 , 8 4 7 [ R ] [ G 2 ] ) ; FEATURE DREAMGIRL SI 95 (f. by Feature Mr Jess). 2 wins to 3, $27,827,
4th dam
FIRST FERVOR, by First Down Dash. Placed at 2, $4,300. Sister to FIRST TO
granddam of Dianas Tres Seis SI 99 (to 3, 2016, $60,960).
North Dakota Horse Park Derby, 2nd MN Stallion Breeders/NCQHRA
MISS SHERRI LYNN SI 101, by Jaguar Rocket. 4 wins at 3, $6,760. Half sister to FLASH SI 106, FIRST TO SHINE SI 104, First to Adore SI 95. Dam of 10 ENGDAeGrbEyM. ENTS: AQHA Challenge, Golden State Million Fut., Los Alamitos
foals of racing age, 9 to race, 7 ROM, including–
FTEwAo TMUilRlioEnAFRutU.,NAAll WAmA YerSicIa9
, 6
w to
($4,609), MISS VANDY LYNN SI 85 ($2,803), Mr Killian Bar SI 85. Dam of–
The Printing Press SI 104 (g. by Feature Mr Jess). 2 wins to 4, $259,703, 2nd
Derby, finalist in the Two Rivers S. [G3].
Embryo transfer. RGP 9/16
MISS SHERRI CARI SI 90 (Fiesta In The Sky). Stakes winner, above. Dash for Cash Futurity [G1], Texas Classic Derby [G1], All American Ju-
Teller Ima Dream SI 93 (g. by Teller Cartel). 6 wins to 6, 2016, $50,275. 4th dvaemnile S., 3rd Sam Houston Champ. Challenge [G1], finalist in the All
3rd dam
MISSAmSHerEicRaRnIDLeYrNbNy [SGI1]0.1, by Jaguar Rocket. 4 wins at 3, $6,760. Half sister
& 4,
20, Canterbury Park
  DASHING PHOEBE SI 104, by Dash For Cash. Champion 2-Year-Old Filly, ImtdoaMnIcSinSwRitOhXthIEesLtaITrsTLSEI 1S17I 1(f0. 5by($F4u8ry,3o0ft1h)e,wMinISd)S. 4SwAiNnsDtYo 6L,Y$N45N,E64S6I, 38r2d,
Bill Melson, G10eneral Manager • Peaster, Texas • (817) 594-8317 Champion 3-Year-Old Filly, 11 wins in 20 starts to 4, $609,553, Kansas
 S:\ACTIVEMSWAISLeESsSt\VTPAeFNxIaDLsEYSJ\uLHvPY1eN6nFNi0le4S.IvInp8v.5,,HMarrKahil’lsiaDnaBsharSS.I 85. Dam of–
Fut. [G1], Kansas Derby [G1], etc. Dam of 17 ROM (1 APHA), including–
Saturday, September 24,M20i1k6e1T0:u1r7n:1e9r,AMAssistant Manager • Leslie Turner, DVM, Resident Veterinarian MA r I S d o S r S S H I 9 E 8 R ( R g I . C b y A I R v o I r S y I J 9 a 0 m ( e F s i e ) . s 2 t a w I i n n s T h a e t 2 S , k 2 y 0 ) 1 . 6 S , t $ a 4 k 4 e , s 4 w 9 5 i n , n 3 e r d r , H a a b r o r v a e h . ’ s F u -
HEARTSWIDEOPEN SI 104 (Feature Mr Jess). Champion 2-Year-Old, turity [G3], Gillespie County Fair Futurity.
Champion 3-Year-Old, Champion 2 & 3-Year-Old Filly, 11 wins in 13
 Murcielago SI 82 (g. by American Runaway). Winner at 2, 2016, $11,440. ENGAGEMENTS: AQHA Challenge.
SPEEDHORSE, October 2016 89
     starts to 3, $1,885,283, All American Futurity [G1], Ruidoso Fut. [G1], etc. Prominent Domain SI 83 (f. by Dominyun). Winner to 3, 2016, $7,915. SPECIAL PHOEBE SI 104 (Special Effort). Champion Aged Mare, 12 wins
  2nd dam
to 4, $139,963, World’s Champ. Classic [G2], etc. Dam of A SPECIAL
Accredited Oklahoma Bred; embryo transfer RGP 9/2016
MARCY DARLING SI 100, by Six Fortunes. 7 wins to 4, $40,429, Bandera Downs SNO FLO SI 96 ($117,171 [G3]); Special Phoenix SI 107 ($47,343);
                                Derby [G2], 2nd Heart of the Hills Derby, 3rd Bandera Six Flags Derby [G3]. Set
   89   90   91   92   93