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A Word From the Director
Dear Oklahoma Horsemen,
The OQHRA proudly presents its Tenth Annual Membership Directory. As the Horsemen’s Representative for all Quarter Horse, Paint, and Appaloosa racing in Oklahoma, the OQHRA board provides representation services, racing industry promotions, and timely updates on our website to keep all horsemen informed, enhance the racing programs in Oklahoma, and stimulate interest in the breeding and racing industries in this state.
OQHRA represents over 2,300 voting members. You can be a member of OQHRA in any one of three ways:
• dues paying members that have paid an annual fee of $25, or • a lifetime membership fee of $200; or
• owners and trainers which have started a Quarter Horse, Paint, or Appaloosa horse at an Oklahoma racetrack and did not opt to be excluded from the representation by OQHRA in writing with the bookkeeper at the racetrack.
OQHRA is operated by an elected Board of Directors which consists of nineteen members with at least six Oklahoma members and
one Out of State member elected each year. Additionally, there are currently four Director Emeritus members of the board. The board meets regularly in eight months of the year and all meetings are open to all members. You can find a schedule of board meetings on Any OQHRA member in good standing is eligible to run for a position on the board. To be considered for nomination by the membership, a member must submit their request to be nominated on or before September 1st each year.
The OQHRA is beginning its 30th year working to further the racing interests of all participating horsemen. Please feel free to contact our office if there is anything we can do to make your racing experience in Oklahoma better.
Debbie Schauf Executive Director
P.O. Box 2907 • Edmond, OK 73083 • (405) 216-0440 • Fax: (405) 216-0770 •
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