Page 123 - SR2023_Special
P. 123
Favorite Cartel si 104
Bred by: Paul Jones & Thompson Racing Inc. Raced to 4 • $607,699 25-9(3)-2-4(2)
1,243 f., 85 SW $28,259,523
Favorite Trick TB
Bred by: Mr. & Mrs. M.L. Wood
Raced to 3 • $1,726,793 16-12(11)-0-1(1)
645 f., 26 SW $22,185,086
Phone Trick
Raced to 4 • $395,112 10-9(5)-1(1)-0
1,176 f., 54 SW • $55,561,552
Clever Trick
Over The Phone
Evil Elaine
Raced to 4 • $119,729 30-4(1)-4(3)-3(1)
13 f., 2 SW • $3,135,002
Medieval Man
Distinctive Elaine
Shenoshercorona si 91
Bred by: Henry E. Brown
Raced to 4 • $16,318 15-1-3-2
28 f., 3 SW $1,166,927
Corona Cartel si 97
Raced to 3 • $557,142 14-6(3)-3-0
2,109 f., 190 SW • $67,764,502
Holland Ease si 109
Corona Chick si 113
Shenoshespecial si 91
Raced to 3 • $3,622 6-1-0-0
13 f., 0 SW • $80,963
Special Effort si 104
Lil Bit Rusty si 103
Logans Dash si 105
Bred by: Triple M Farms LLC
Raced to 4 • $123,541 24-6(4)-4(1)-5(1)
3 f., 1 SW $765,876
Toast To Dash si 111
Bred by: Angelina Cattle Co
Raced to 3 • $533,181 20-12(6)-3-2(1)
1,001 f., 42 SW $21,211,179
Victory Dash si 94
Raced to 4 • $99,070 20-4-2-6(1)
316 f., 34 SW • $5,472,617
Dash For Cash si 114
SouthernStreakersi 93
A Toast To Jet si 92
Raced to 3 • $2,749 11-0-2-0
7 f., 2 SW • $588,140
Raise Your Glass TB
Last Jet si 91
Logans Game si 93
Bred by: Christopher Gautreaux
Raced to 3 • $157,282 9-4(1)-2(1)-0
17 f., 2 SW $969,529
Game Patriot si 109
Raced to 3 • $225,096 15-7(1)-3(3)-3(2)
1,214 f., 56 SW • $31,566,044
Chicks Beduino si 104
Fire And Nice si 102
La Jollas Doll si 89
Raced to 5 • $21,544 29-3-6-2
5 f., 1 SW • $183,380
Streakin La Jolla si 99
Shesa Screamer si 104
GOLDEN BOI - Race and (Stakes) Record
Age Starts 1st 2nd 3rd
2 6 4(1) 0 1(1)
3 6 4(2) 0 1(1)
Totals 12 8(3) 0 2(2)
Earned $488,791 232,856
At Two: Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. WON: Ed Burke Mil. F.-G1 at Los Alamitos (350yds., def. In Hott Pursuit, Motiveighted, etc.), Ed Burke Mil. F. Trl. at Los Alamitos (350yds., def. Motiveighted, Good Trouble, etc. Qual.), Golden State Mil. F. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. Hallelujah Nights, Vamoosing, etc. Qual.), Maiden at Los Alamitos (220yds., def. Need A Favor, Midnight Apocalypse, etc.); 3rd: Calif. Brds. Freshman S. at Los Alamitos (350yds., to Vamoosing, Cactus Jack, def. Knockout Cartel, New And Better); 4th: Allowance (300yds.).
At Three: WON: El Primero Del Ano D.-G2 at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. Whizkey Glasses, Tip Ofmy Tongue, etc.), Sgt Pepper Feature H. at Los Alamitos (350yds., def. Da Special One, La Beverly Hills, etc.), El Primero Del Ano D. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. Insider Information, Tip Ofmy Tongue, etc. Qual.), Los Alamitos Super D. Trl. at Los Alamitos (400yds., def. In Hott Pursuit, Dasha Good Reason, etc. Qual.); 3rd: Los Alamitos Super D.-G1 at Los Alamitos (400yds., to Bomb Cyclone, Scoops Dynasty, def. A Pollitical Candy V, Dasha Good Reason, etc.); Fnl.: Z Wayne Griffin Dir. H. (400yds.)
IN THE STUD GOLDEN BOI is standing his first year at stud in 2023.
HIS SIRE, FAVORITE CARTEL si 104: Calif. Hi-Point Distance Horse. 9 wins to 4, $607,669, AQHA Chal. Champ-G1, Los Alamitos Champ. Chal.-G2, Paul B. Ford Mem. H, 3rd Rainbow F.-G1, SLM Big Daddy S., 4th All American Futurity-G1, 5th Rainbow D.-G1, Los Alamitos Super D.-G1, Robert L. Boniface Invit.-G1, etc. Sire of 1,202 AQHA & APHA race age foals, 875 starters, 566 winners, 659 ROM, 190 blacktype horses, with earnings of $33,842,762, from 8 crops to race.
CARTEL JESS ROCKIN si 96 [f., dam by Feature Mr Jess]. Champion 2-Year-Old Filly. 4 wins to 3, $849,101, Los Alamitos Two Mil. F.-G1, fnl. Los Alamitos Winter D.-G1, etc.
LQHBA Lassie F.-RG2, 2nd Mardi Gras F.-RG2, etc. An All-Time Leading Dam of ROM. Dam of 17 foals, 15 of race age/starters, 14 winners, 13 ROM, including
TELL CARTEL si 105 [c., Chicks Beduino]. Champion 3 Year Old, Champion 3-Year-Old Colt. 8 wins to 3, $796,386, Los Alamitos Super D.-G1, Los Alamitos Winter D.-G1, etc.
LOGANS MOUNTAIN si 100 (c. by Panther Mountain). 5 wins to 3, $397,623, in Mex. & U.S., The Treme D., La. Juv., Javier Rosique Palavacini, etc.
GOLDEN BOI si 98 [c., Toast To Dash]. Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 8 wins to 3, 2022, $721,647, Ed Burke Mil. F.-G1, El Primero Del Ano D.-G2, etc.
Logans Fast Dasher si 96 (f. by Heza Fast Dash). 3 wins to 3, $72,148, fnl. LQHBA Sale F.-RG1, LQHBA Lassie F.-RG2.
TARZANITO si 102 [c., Stoli]. Champion Aged Stallion. 9 wins to 5, $429,657, Go Man Go H.-G1, Sgt Pepper Feature H., 2nd Golden State Million F.-G1, etc.
Logans Mystery Man si 91 (g. by Mr Queens Mystery). 7 wins to 5, $56,167.
Im The Captain Now APHA si 80 [c., Royal Quick Flash]. APHA Champion Running 2-Year-Old Colt. Winner at 2, $25,848, 2nd Okla. P&A F.-G1, 3rd Victoria Ennis Mem. H.
Logans Zoomin si 101 (g. by Jess Zoomin). 3 wins to 4, $55,671, fnl. Rainbow F.-G1.
BOMB CYCLONE si 102 [g., Corona Cartel]. 5 wins to 3, 2022, $1,326,791, Los Alamitos Two Million F.-G1, fnl. All American D.-G1. POWERFUL FAVORITE si 106 [g., Corona Cartel]. 18 wins to 6,
Logans Five Bar si 107 (f. by Five Bar Cartel). 3 wins to 3, $40,770. Toast To Logan si 94 (g. by Toast To Dash). 3 wins to 4, $37,857.
Jess Like Logan si 87 (f. by Swingin Jess). 2 wins to 4, $33,950.
Brock N Roll si 89 (g. by Heza Fast Dash). Winner to 3, $23,430. Cartels Best Game si 88 (f. by Five Bar Cartel). Winner at 2, 2022,
2022, $1,210,000, Los Alamitos Winter D.-G1, Go Man Go H.-G1,
Brad McKinzie Winter Champ.-G1, All American Gold Cup-G1, etc. LOTTA BLUES MAN si 94 [g., First Down Dash]. 8 wins to 4, $935,399, Golden State Million F.-G1, Town Policy S. 2nd Los
Logans Fast Game si 89 (g. by Heza Fast Dash). 2 wins to 3, 2022,
Alamitos Two Million F.-G1, etc.
FLOKIE si 96 [g., Check Him Out]. 5 wins to 3, $711,819, Ed Burke Million
Makelogangreatagain si 99 (c. by The Louisiana Senator). Winner to 3,
F.-G1, 3rd Los Alamitos Two Mil.F.-G1, PCQHRA Brds. F.-G2, etc. RUNFORYOURLIFE si 96 [g., Corona Cartel]. 6 wins to 4, $620,822,
$18,191, fnl. Sam Houston D.-G3.
Golden State Million F.-G1, 2nd Gov. Cup F.-RG2, etc.
CATTAIL COVE si 101 [g., Separatist]. 6 wins to 5, 2022, $580,182, Independence Day H.-G3, Azure Three H., 2nd Los Alamitos Two
3rd Dam:
Million F.-G1, etc.
LITTLE TALKS si 94 [f., Strawfly Special]. 8 wins to 4, $563,896,
LA JOLLAS DOLL si 89 (1994) by Streakin La Jolla. 3 wins to 3, $21,544, fnl. La. Champions Day Juv.-RG2, LQHBA Sale F.-RG3. Dam of 5 foals, 4 starters, 2 winners, 3 ROM, including
Golden State Million F.-G1, PCQHRA Brds.’ D.-G3, Denim N
4th Dam:
SHESA SCREAMER si 104 (1988) by Special Effort. 9 wins to 3,
Diamonds H., etc.
FERNWEH si 97 [f., Mr Jess Perry]. 6 wins to 3, $558,611, Ruidoso
$50,087, Michigan F., Mt Pleasant Meadows Lassie F., etc. Dam of
F.-G1, Remington Park Okla. Bred D.-RG2.
CYBER MONDAY si 98 [c., Corona Cartel]. 5 wins to 3, $528,428,
5 foals, 4 starters, 3 winners/ROM, including
Warriors Quick Doll si 87 (f. by Osceola Warrior). Winner to 3,
Ruidoso F.-G1, fnl. Rainbow F.-G1.
CIRCLE CITY si 97 [g., Corona Cartel]. 10 wins to 5, 2022, $518,428,
$6,608, 2nd Dixie Stallion F. Dam of
RV Shrimp Gumbo si 96 (f. by Jess Special). Winner to 3, $32,691,
Vessels Mat.-G1, Spencer L Cholders Calif. Brds. Champ.-RG1, Golden State D.-G2, etc.
1st Dam:
LOGANS DASH (2009) by Toast To Dash. 6 wins to 4, $123,541, Delta
Dash, Three Cherries S., Biscayne S., etc. Dam of 3 foals/starters,
2 winners, 3 ROM, including
GOLDEN BOI si 98 (c. by Favorite Cartel). Subject Stallion.
Logans Favorite si 97 (g. by Favorite Cartel). 3 wins to 3, $40,994,
2nd Mile High D.
Logans Time (f. by Foose). Placed to 3, $3,235.
2nd Dam:
LOGANS GAME si 93 (2004) by Game Patriot. 4 wins to 3, $157,282,
Fast Dashin Logan si 91 (f. by Heza Fast Dash). 4 wins to 4, 2022, $46,310.
La Jollas Patriot si 88 (g. by Game Patriot). Placed to 3, $23,120.