Page 145 - SR2023_Special
P. 145
Heza Fast Dash si 103
Bred by: Weetona Stanley
Raced to 4 • $136,123 18-3(1)-5(1)-3
1.091 f., 73 SW $36,792,318
Heza Fast Man si 111
Bred by: San Tan Tillage Inc.
Raced to 3 • $801,356 17-10(3)-4(2)-1(1)
694 f., 53 SW $13,497,779
The Signature si 107
Raced to 4 • $333,473 21-11(4)-6(4)-2(1)
880 f., 48 SW • $11,233,461
Noholme II TB
Mable Chick Too si 95
Fast Copy si 103
Raced to 4 • $37,194 25-7(1)-5-3(1)
10 f., 3 SW • $1,261,881
Fast Jet si 98
Can’t Copy si 81
First Prize Dash si 101
Bred by: A.F. Stanley Jr. & L.D. Burbank
Raced to 3 • $77,465 11-5-3-1
43 f., 6 SW $2,465,575
Dash For Cash si 114
Raced to 4 • $507,689 25-21(9)-3(2)-0
1,368 f., 145 SW • $39,991,197
Rocket Wrangler si 97
Find A Buyer TB
First Prize Rose si 98
Raced to 4 • $22,754 34-6-8(1)-6(1)
7 f., 2 SW • $986,098
Gallant Jet si 102
Rose Bug si 96
Miss Jess Rogue si 98
Bred by: Mike Abraham Raced to 5 • $125,159 17-4(1)-4(1)-2(1)
31 f., 5 SW $1,439,127
Mr Jess Perry si 113
Bred by: Jesse Perry Raced to 4 • $687,184 21-12(5)-2(1)-0
1,983 f., 160 SW $60,472,145
Streakin La Jolla si 99
Raced to 3 • $56,227 8-8(1)-0-0
1,536 f., 87 SW • $25,112,496
Streakin Six si 104
Bottom’s Up si 82
Scoopie Fein si 99
Raced to 4 • $15,807 20-6-3-4
8 f., 1 SW • $837,511
Sinn Fein si 98
Legs La Scoop si 95
Easily A Rogue si 109
Bred by: David H. Clymer
Raced to 4 • $302,968 34-9(3)-5-4(3)
7 f., 2 SW $213,365
Calyx si 117
Raced to 5 • $164,468 41-9(7)-5(2)-7(2)
654 f., 38 SW • $7,062,927
Dash For Cash si 114
Trippy Dip TB
Easily A Doll si 94
Raced to 3 • $7,136 13-2-0-4(1)
14 f., 2 SW • $540,864
Easy Jet si 100
Top Deck Doll si 94
HEZA FAST ROGUE - Race and (Stakes) Record
Age Starts 1st 2nd
2 10 4 0
3 9 3(2) 1
4 11 1(1) 3(3)
Totals 30 8(3) 4(3)
3rd Earned 2(2) $169,421 0 70,929 3(3) 83,600
5(5) $323,950
At Two: WON: LQHBA F. Trl. (400yds., def. TF Tee Boy, Brightlites, Bigcity, etc. Qual.), Delta Downs Breeders’ F. Trl. at Delta Downs (350yds., def. BBS Magic Patriot, Eye Get The Blues, etc.), LQHBA Sale F. Trl. (350yds., def. Brightlites Bigcity, TF Jess A Runaway, etc. Qual.), a maiden at Delta Downs (330yds., def. Dashing Jet Black, Hezafastgame, etc.); 3rd: LQHBA Sale F.-RG1 (350yds., to Philips Streakin, Ol Time Preacher Man, def. TF Runaway Perry, Scooter Prize, etc.), La. Champ. Day Juv. S.-RG2 (350yds., to The Game Cartel, Scooter Prize, def. Sandra Sue Blue, Philips Streakin, etc.); 4th: Lee Berwick F.-RG1 (350yds.) LQHBA F.-RG1 (400yds.).
At Three: East Hi-Pt. 3-Year-Old Colt. WON: Billy Montgomery LAD S. at Louisiana Downs (350yds., def. TF Jess A Runaway, Heza Dashing Lajolla, etc.), Mardi Gras D. at Louisiana Downs (400yds., def. Dashn To The Back, Jess Leaving You, etc.), Mardi Gras D. Trl. at Louisiana Downs (400yds., def. Dashn To The Back, Feisty Favorite, etc. Qual.); 2nd: Old South D. Trl. at Delta Downs (400yds., to First Prize Linda, def., Jessyoudo, Don Cavazitos, etc., Qual.); Fnl. Louisiana Champ. Day D.-RG3 (400yds.), Old South D. (400yds.), The Treme D. (350yds.), Flying Breed S. at Delta Downs (250yds.).
At Four: East Hi-Pt. Aged Stallion. WON: Amelia Belle S. at Evangeline Downs (350yds., def. JW Divino Comento, JJs Black Lace, etc); 2nd: Louisiana Cl. S.-RG2 at Delta Downs (440yds., to Open Me A Corona, def. Fast Talkin Henry, Dashin Gage, etc.), John Alleman Mem. S.-RG3 at Delta Downs (350yds., to Open Me A Corona, def. Eye Got The Blues, Scooter Prize, etc.), Opelousas S. at Evangeline Downs (400yds., to Open Me A Corona, def. Shesa Dashingromance, JLS Mr Bigtime, etc.); 3rd: Miss Polly Cl.-G3 at Delta Downs (400yds., to Sleepers Best Corona, Dashin For A Prize, def. Rusty Bloom, Heasablackmagic, etc.), Streakin La Jolla S. at Delta Downs (400yds., to Scooter Prize, Here O Beduino, def. Zoomin Effortlessly, The Eagle Express, etc.), Mid-City S.-RG3 at Fair Grounds (400yds., to Scooter Prize, Shesa Dashingromance, DH w/ JJs Black Lace, def. Fast Talkin Henry, Pops Special Tool, Bipty Dash, etc); 4th: Louisiana Champ. Day Cl.-RG2 (440yds.), Mr Jess Perry Louisiana Downs, S. (350yds.) Develop A Plan S.-G3 (350yds.), Fnl. Swift S. (350yds.).
HEZA FAST ROGUE is the sire of multiple blacktype runners & the
earners of $1,286,576.
Mex., Chirina Glorys Cl., 3rd Hipodromo Champ. Chal.
GAME GONE ROGUE si 85 (f. by Game Patriot). Winner to 3,
JLA INDY ROGUE si 94 [f., dam by Promissory TB]. 4 wins to 3, 2022, $206,430, Evangeline Downs F.-G3.
$104,987, 3rd Lee Berwick F.-RG1, etc.
Rogue One si 99 (f. by Heza Fast Dash). 2 wins to 3, $85,479, 2nd
PK Pure Rogue si 92 [g., Agouti]. Winner at 2, 2022, $28,790, 2nd LQHBA Sale Juv.
LQHBA Lassie F.-RG2, 3rd Audubon S., etc.
Jess Like Stoli si 102 (g. by Stoli). 3 wins to 8, $84,479, 3rd Four
Red Faced Rogue si 101 [g., Valiant Hero]. 7 wins to 4, 2022, $96,390. Streak N For Fun si 105 [g., Streakin La Jolla]. 7 wins to 4, $70,008.
Lil Jess Rogue si 91 [f., Mr Jess Perry]. 3 wins to 3, $56,756, fnl. Mardi
Corners F.-G3, fnl. AQHA Juv. Chal. Champ.-G2. Jesiacountrychick si 108 (f. by Country Chicks Man). 3 wins to 4, $43,814, 3rd Arapahoe Distaff Chal., fnl. Sunland Park Winter
Gras F.-RG2.
Eves Fast Rogue si 91 [g., Dashin Bye]. 3 wins to 5, 2022, $41,407.
Heza Forever Lucky si 91 [g., Game Patriot]. Winner to 4, $33,692. Rogues Fast Sister [f., Cherokee Beau TB]. Winner to 3, 2022, $30,459. Streakin Fast Rogue si 95 [g., Game Patriot]. Winner to 3, $28,399, fnl.
D.-G2, Lubbock S.-G3., Ntr RUI 300yds. Dam of
Feelin Right si 90 (g. by Jet Black Patriot). 2 wins to 2, $20,374, fnl.
Mardi Gras F.-RG2.
XDW Catch A Rouge si 101 [g., Too Tough To Catch]. 2 wins to 3, 2022,
Saix S., fnl. Firecracker F.-G2. Producer.
Rogues Last Game si 88 (g. by Game Patriot). Winner at 2, 2022,
Jess Rock N Rogue si 89 [g., Jess Special]. 3 wins to 4, $26,724. Marvelous One si 87 [f., First Down Dash]. Winner to 3, 2022, $25,059. Clave Siete si 90 [f., Separatist Baby]. 2 wins to 3, 2022, $23,249.
$17,960, 2nd Horseshoe Juv.
Jess Teller si 93 (g. by Teller Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $37,082.
Fast Buck si 93 (g. by Teller Cartel). 2 wins to 4, $31,587.
Queen Of Rogues si 85 (f. by Heza Fast Dash). Winner to 3, 2022, $18,000. Rogue To Riches si 84 (f. by Oak Tree Special). Winner to 3, $11,300. Dam of
HEZA FAST DASH si 103: 3 wins to 4, $136,123, Blue Ribbon F.-G2, 2nd Remington Park F.-G1, 5th Okla. Horsemen’s Assoc. D.-RG3. Sire of 1,086 race age foals, 932 starters, 657 winners, 732 ROM, 135 blacktype horses, 1 Champion, with earnings of $36,792,318, from 17 crops raced.
Everythingyouneed si 95 (g. by Jet Black Patriot). 3 wins at 2, 2022, $82,410, 3rd LQHBA Sale F.-RG1, etc.
1st Dam:
MISS JESS ROGUE si 98 (2003) by Mr Jess Perry. 4 wins to 5, $125,159,
Zia Juv. Invit., 2nd Mesilla Valley Speed H.-RG2, 3rd NM F&M Chal., 4th NM Spring Fling-RG3, etc. An All-Time Leading Dam Of ROM. Dam of 31 foals, 29 of race age, 23 starters, 17 winners, 18 ROM,
JET BLACK ROGUE si 103 (f. by Jet Black Patriot). 6 wins to 4, $453,101, LQHBA D., Flashy Hemp S., 2nd LQHBA F.-RG1, 3rd Delta Downs La. Bred D.-G3, etc., Ntr DED 330yds. Dam of
Rouge Eagle si 83 (g. by Moonin The Eagle). Winner at 2, 2022, $16,890, 3rd Louisiana Juv.
Sheza Real Rogue si 91 (f. by Heza Fast Dash). 3 wins to 3, $37,790.
HEZA FAST ROGUE si 101 (c. by Heza Fast Dash). Subject Stallion. JESS A ROGUE si 102 (f. by Heza Fast Dash). 5 wins to 3, $128,173,
Old South F., Invit. Bonus Chal., Biscayne S., etc. Dam of
TMF Rogue Runner si 98 (g. by Five Bar Cartel). 4 wins to 3,
$38,607, fnl. La. Champ. Day Juv.-RG2.
The Rogue Warrior si 93 (c. by Jet Black Patriot). 2 wins to 3,
2022, $32,629.
ZOOMIN JR si 100 (f. by Jess Zoomin). Winner to 5, $19,919, in
$8,654, In Mex., Jesus Nuchi Jimenez Cl.
Jess A Fast Rogue si 105 (g. by Heza Fast Dash). Winner to 4,
Mardi Gras F.-RG2.
Sistahrogue si 93 (f. by Teller Cartel). 2 wins to 3, $26,092, 2nd De
2nd Dam:
EASILY A ROGUE si 109 (1989) by Calyx. 9 wins to 4, $302,968, La
Primera Del Ano D.-G1, Remington Park Champ.-G1, Calif. Sires’ Cup
D.-RG3, etc. Dam of 7 foals, 6 starters, 4 winners, 7 ROM, including HUG A ROGUE si 95 (f. by Runaway Winner). 2 wins to 3, $31,279,
Mex. Juv. Chal., fnl. AQHA Juv Chal. Champ.-G1, etc. Producer. © COPYRIGHT SPEEDHORSE 2023