Page 67 - SR2023_Special
P. 67

                 Mr Jess Perry si 113
Bred by: Jesse Perry Raced to 4 • $687,184 21-12(5)-2(1)-0
1,983 f., 160 SW $60,472,145
 Streakin La Jolla si 99
Bred by: BF Phillips Jr/ Delbert Smith
Raced to 3 • $56,227 8-8(1)-0-0
1,536 f., 87 SW $25,112,496
 Streakin Six si 104
Raced to 4 • $473,934 19-10(2)-5(2)-1(1)
1,115 f., 75 SW • $17,250,346
 Easy Six si 97
 Miss Assured si 95
 Bottom’s Up si 82
Raced to 3 • $1,160 4-1-0-0
8 f., 1 SW • $105,623
 Raise Your Glass TB
 La Jolla si 90
 Scoopie Fein si 99
Bred by: Dr & Mrs
DG Strole
Raced to 4 • $15,807 20-6-3-4
8 f., 1 SW $837,511
 Sinn Fein si 98
Raced to 2 • $51,088 13-5(1)-3-2(2)
639 f., 15 SW • $2,422,620
 Three Oh’s si 100
 Vansarita Too si 95
 Legs La Scoop si 95
Raced to 3 • $2,265 21-1-6(1)-4
13 f., 0 SW • $85,704
 Scooper Chick si 100
 La Ferne si 85
  Runaway Dee Dee si 105
Bred by: Bobby D Cox Raced to 3 • $25,068 17-3-5(2)-2
33 f., 2 SW $704,142
   Runaway Winner si 104
Bred by: Chris Cox Raced to 4 • $369,410 14-7(2)-1(1)-2(1)
1,131 f., 65 SW $13,724,431
  *Beduino TB
Raced to 4 • $11,630 13-6-2(1)-0
724 f., 40 SW • $13,153,846
  Romany Royal
 Miss Fast Chic si 99
Raced to 5 • $45,810 44-8-9(1)-3
6 f., 1 SW • $414,612
 Fast Jet si 98
 Serena Chic
 Dashin Dee Dee si 105
Bred by: Mac Murray Raced to 4 • $266,453 22-10(5)-4(3)-2(1)
24 f., 2 SW $427,183
  Sir Cashanova si 100
Raced to 4 • $117,266 23-6(1)-3-4(1)
377 f., 13 SW • $1,544,302
 Dash For Cash si 114
 Chargability si 99
 Surfin Susie si 94
Raced to 2 • $2,729 5-0-0-2(1)
11 f., 2 SW • $513,374
  Surf Bug si 99
 Tatie’s Go Go si 86
  DOMINYUN - Race and (Stakes) Record
 Age Starts 2 6
3 5
Totals 11
1st 2nd 3rd Earned 3 0 2(2) 191,763 2 2(1) 0 144,418
5 2(1) 2(2) $336,181
 At Two: WON: All American F. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., def. Pump It Teller, The Printing Press, etc. Qual.), Dash For Cash F. Trl. at Lone Star Park (400yds., def. My Corona Memories, JB Takeittothelimit, etc. Qual.), Ruidoso Juv. Chal. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (350yds., def. Feature Honor, Differently, etc.); 3rd: All American F.-G1 at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., to Mr Piloto, JLS Mr Bigtime, def. Make Me Fly, DM Streakn Thru Fire, etc.), Dash For Cash F.-G1 at Lone Star Park (400yds., to A Snowy Cartel, The Printing Press, def. Unashamed, First Arctic Dash, etc.); Fnl.: Ruidoso Juv. Chal.-G3 (350yds.).
At Three: WON: Rainbow D. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., def. Unanchored, Treason, etc. Qual.), All American D. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (440yds., def. First Down Master, Texas Icon, etc.); 2nd: Ruidoso D.-G1 at Ruidoso Downs (400yds., to Llano Teller, def. JD Baccarat, Giorgino, etc.), Ruidoso D. Trl. at Ruidoso Downs (400yds., to Llano Teller, def. Unanchored, Unashamed, etc. Qual.); Fnl.: Rainbow D.-G1 (440yds.).
  Foals of Racing Age Starters
390 Stakes Winners 16
Total Earnings
260 Stakes Placed
19 192 $20,688
157 $5,378,984
Total ROM Earnings/Starter
1st Dam:
Runaway Dee Dee si 105 (1995) by Runaway Winner. Tx. Hi-Pt. 3-Year-
 Total Current Year Earnings
Old Filly. 3 wins to 3, $25,068, 2nd Sundowner Trailer S., etc. An All-Time Leading Dam of ROM. Dam of 33 foals, 26 starters, 19 winners, 23 ROM, including
DAK si 106 [g., dam by Fishers Dash]. 6 wins to 6, 2022, $365,817, TQHA Sale F.-RG3, Sam Houston 550 S (twice), 2nd Tx Cl. Juv. S., etc. MISS FEET DOWN FIRST si 94 [f., First Down Dash]. 5 wins to 4, $322,232, SW Juv. Champ.-G1, Hobbs Am. F.-G2, 2nd Juno’s
A DOWN RIGHT RUNAWAY si 108 (g. by First Down Dash). 11 wins to 6, $109,053, All American Congress Mat.-G3, Blue River D., etc., Ntr IND 330yds.
Request S.-G2, 3rd Decketta S.-G3, 5th Rainbow D.-G1.
DAMN STRAIT si 109 [g., Jody O Toole]. 7 wins to 8, 2022, $233,855, Downs Casino S., 2nd PRM Champ. Chal.-G2, Speedhorse F.-G3, etc. UNCLE EDS IDEA si 110 [g., Mr Eye Opener]. 5 wins to 5, 2022, $207,346, Black Gold 440 Champ. F., 3rd Remington Park Champ.
Dominyun si 104 (c. by Mr Jess Perry). Subject Stallion.
D Runaway Train si 93 (g. Freighttrain B). 2 wins to 4, $21,477, 3rd Hill
Chal.-G2, etc.
DOMINYUN CARTEL si 97 [c., Corona Cartel]. 4 wins to 6, 2022,
3rd Miss Sam Houston S., La Villita S. Producer.
Apolitical Victory si 103 (f. by Apollitical Jess). 2 wins to 4, $31,621.
$143,491, Miss Roxie Little F.
ASTRANOMICAL si 95 [f., Royal Quick Dash]. 6 wins to 5, 2022,
Ruidoso F.-G1.
Kpax si 87 (f. by First Down Dash). 3 wins to 3, $14,004, 5th All
$130,426, Las Damas H.-G2, PRM D. Chal. S., 3rd Okla. D.-G3, etc. TICKLE UR FANCY si 112 [f., First Down Dash]. NW Hi-Pt. Aged Mare. 14 wins to 6, $119,777, Pot O’ Gold F., Portland Meadows Bonus Chal.,
American Congress D.-G3. Dam of
JESSTIFIABLE si 114 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 5 wins to 7, $73,635,
etc., Ntr PM 400yds.
NUCKY si 105 [g., Southern Cartel]. 5 wins to 4, $114,681, W. Tx. F.-G2,
Hasta La Vista S., etc., Ntr RIL 220yds., Ntr SON & DG 350yds. Yurman si 97 (g. by Bigtime Favorite). 3 wins to 6, $53,640, 2nd
fnl. Dash For Cash F.-G1.
MS HAULIN CHIC si 118 [f., Valiant Hero]. 9 wins to 5, $101,917, Dash In
Lucky Loser S., 3rd Ruidoso Juv. Chal.-G3.
Perryphery si 94 (f. by Mr Jess Perry). Winner at 2, $48,114, 2nd
A Flash S., Ntr RP 220yds.
MEET ME OUT BACK si 95 [g., Mr Eye Opener]. 2 wins at 2, 2022,
Adamant si 95 ($53,219).
Dedikated si 97 (f. by Duponte). Winner to 3, 2022, 2nd Ruidoso
$91,150, AQHA Juv. Chal. Champ.-G2, 2nd Will Rogers Juv. Chal., etc. DOMISHAY si 95 [c., Mr Eye Opener]. 5 wins to 3, $85,847, Cherokee
Downs Distaff Chal., fnl. Ruidoso Downs Juv. Chal.-G3.
Sarah Sota si 117 (f. by Ivory James). 4 wins to 7, $24,375, 3rd Sonoita
Nation S., etc.
ENTREPENEWER si 105 [c., Corona Cartel]. 4 wins to 4, 2022, $83,217,
Bonus Chal. (twice).
Streaking Mr Jess si 93 (g., by Mr Jess Perry). 6 wins to 5, $78,739,
Rocky Mtn. F.
ZENERGETIC si 107 [f., First Down Dash]. Texas Hi-Pt. Aged Mare. 6
4th Hobbs Am. F.-G2.
Apolitical Pac si 96 (f. by Apollitical Jess). 4 wins to 4, $76,502, 4th
wins to 5, $82,358, Selma S., Miss Sam Houston S., etc. PITCHFORKS PANTHER si 99 [g., Panther Mountain]. 3 wins to 5, 2022,
Okla. F.-G2, fnl. Heritage Place F.-G1, etc. Dam of Quorumm si 99 (2022, $47,990), Pappacito si 92 (2022, $42,587), Apolitical Xpression si 93 ($32,857), etc.
$37,370, WHR Open F., 2nd Golden Spike F., etc.
ENTHUSIASTIQUE si 97 [f., First Down Dash]. 2 wins to 3, $35,259, in
Tres Evidence si 96 (g. by Tres Seis). 2 wins to 3, $47,974.
Xquizit si 92 (f. by Ivory James). 2 wins to 3, $26,841, fnl. W. Tx. F.-G1. Dam of KJ FRANKIE B si 107 (2022, $242,685), KJ Bootscootin
Mex., The Prize Cl.
HIS SIRE, MR JESS PERRY si 113: Champion 2 Year Old, Champion 2-Year-Old Colt. 12 wins to 4, $687,184, Tx. Cl. F.-G1, Tx. Cl. D.-G1, LQHBA F.-RG1, La. Champ. Day Juv. S.-RG2, 2-Ntr’s, etc. Sire of 1,937 QH & APHA race age foals, 1,590 starters, 1,007 winners, 1,263 ROM, 338 blacktype horses, 9 Champions, with earnings of $60,508,251, from 24 crops raced.
Jess si 98 (2022, $30,478), etc.
Connery si 93 (g. by Mr Jess Perry). 2 wins to 5, $26,448.
RIDDICK si 100 (g. by Invisible Injun). 3 wins to 3, $67,598, Ben E. Keith S., 5th Tx. Cl. F.-G1, fnl. TQHA Sires’ Cup D.-RG3, etc.
Country Cl.
Dee Dee Do Run Run si 99 (f. by Ivory James). Winner to 3, $11,132,
Brimmin To Pass si 91 (g. by Brimmerton). Winner to 4, $30,022, fnl.
TQHA Sires’ Cup F.-RG2, 3rd Retama Park F.-G1. Dam of Jess
Runaway Ivory si 93 (f. by Ivory James). Winner at 2, $6,671. Dam of Assaulte si 99 (g. by Captain Courage). 2 wins at 2, $56,496, 2nd
Black Gold 400 Laddie F.
First Tinkerbell si 89 (f. by First Down Dash). Winner to 3, $6,107. Dam of
Jess Ring The Bell si 98 (g. by Jess A Chicks). 2 wins to 3, 2022, $102,935, 2nd NM Cl. F.-RG2, fnl. Zia F.-RG1, etc.
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