Page 66 - 12 October 2012
P. 66
332 QuIck MOON SHEZOOM br . f . 4/11/2011 356 All lucky lyNN s . f . 3/13/2011 (Gold 379 (Shazoom - Quick Moon Sign, by Royal Quick Medal Jess - Lynns Allante, by Takin On
Dash) . Bobby D . Cox - Juan Platt . $10,000 The Cash) . Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent -
333 ZOOMIN PAMElA br . f . 3/4/2011 (Jess
Zoomin - Wicked Pamela, by Dash For Cash) . 357 WIlly WEDNESDAy s . c . 2/4/2011 (Jodys
6666 Ranch, Agent - Sam Berger . $5,000 Money Pop - Sixydeperry, by Mr Jess Perry) . 380
Tyler Graham, Southwest Stallion Station,
334 SEPARAtE fly gr . c . 2/1/2011 (Separatist - Agent - Edgar Martinez . $4,100
Babe On The Fly, by Strawfly Special) . Burns
Ranch, Agent - Sunset Well Service, Inc . . 358 cHA cHING cORONA br . f . 2/25/2011
$28,000 (Coronas Leaving You - This Lady Likes Cash, 381
by Feature Mr Jess) . Bob & Jerry Gaston,
335 HIt ZOOM s . c . 5/2/2011 (Shazoom - Magics Todd Antonuk, Agent - M & M Racing Stables .
Miracle, by Mr Jess Perry) . Willie Salard, $10,000
Robicheaux Ranch, Inc ., Agent - Filimon
Saucedo . $5,000 359 JuSt StRIDIN IvORy b . c . 2/9/2011 (Ivory 382
James - Just Wanna Be Me, by Dash To
336 SHESAcINNAMONtOASt s . f . 3/17/2011 Chivato) . Vaughn & Jill Cook, Royal Vista
(Mighty Invictus - Smiths Dash, by Toast To Equine, Inc ., Agent - Brenda Reiswig . $58,000
Dash) . Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Jorge
Miranda . $4,200 360 tEllER tO StARt br . f . 3/1/2011 (Teller 383
Cartel - Start The Commotion, by First Down
337 Out Dash) . JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Sam
Berger . $7,000
338 WIckED EAGlE s . c . 4/28/2011 (One
Famous Eagle - Wicked Pamela, by Dash 361 Out
For Cash) . 6666 Ranch, Agent - Sam Berger . 384 $7,700 362 WANNA PlAy cuRlS gr . f . 1/15/2011 (Spit
Curl Jess - Wanna Be Me, by Disco Jerry
339 cONNERy s . c . 4/23/2011 (Mr Jess Perry TB) . James Ranch, Agent - Terry D Stennett .
363 HEZA vOlcOM b . c . 3/17/2011 (Volcom
340 SR SNOW MAMA b . f . 2/8/2011 (Snowbound - Shez A Cartel, by Corona Cartel) . P . K .
TB - Mamaimcominhome, by Corona Cartel) . Thomas, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Safari Racing - Anna Cadena . $2,500 Repurchase . $11,000
341 cORONA cuRlS b . f . 2/10/2011 (Spit Curl 364 McM StOlAZOOM s . c . 3/16/2011 (Stoli - Jess - Fast Prize Corona, by Corona Cartel) . Zazoom, by Shazoom) . MCM Farms, LLC, James Ranch, Agent - Lazaro Elizondo . $11,000 Marty Powers, Agent - Juan Daniel Munoz .
401 402
403 404
406 407 408 409
417 418
- Kpax, by First Down Dash) . Bobby D . Cox - $21,000
Repurchase . $60,000 385
342 EyE fly HIGHER tOO br . c . 1/15/2011 387
(Inseperable - Miss Eye Fly, by Mr Eye 365 Out
Opener) . Randy McDonald - Carol Addison .
$7,000 366 RAcIN tHRu fIRE s . f . 4/20/2011 (Walk
Thru Fire - Miss Racy Vike, by Racin Free) . 343 cRIStAtA s . f . 3/22/2011 (Mr Jess Perry - Sunflower Supply Co . - Bob Johnson . $51,000
Shesa Winning Rose, by Runaway Winner) . 388 Robert & Karen Nunnally, Granada Farms, 367 tINy ScRutINZER blk . f . 5/19/2011
Agent - Filimon Saucedo . $18,000 (Scrutinizer - High On Tiny, by On A High) .
344 JESS POINt ME s . c . 4/20/2011 (Mr Jess
Perry-AlsoAHigh,byOnAHigh) .You&Me 368 lOvES My OcEAN s . f . 2/10/2011 (Ocean 389 Partners, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Luis Runaway - Loves To Shine, by Leaving
Romero . $65,000 Memories) . Muller Racing, LLC, 6666 Ranch,
345 Out
Agent - Repurchase . $6,000
369 PAINt ME A WINNER br . c . 3/12/2011 (PYC 390
346 EAGlE MONEy POP s . c . 5/6/2011 (One Paint Your Wagon - My Girl Jessie, by Mr Jess Famous Eagle - Gotta Money Pop, by Perry) . Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Sunset Man In The Money) . 6666 Ranch, Agent - Well Service, Inc . . $75,000
Repurchase . $15,000
370 EAGlE IlluSION s . f . 2/25/2011 (One 391
347 lIl cHIckS cORONA b . f . 3/5/2011 (Chicks Famous Eagle - Effortless Illusion, by Special
Regard - Lil Diamond Cartel, by Corona Effort) . 6666 Ranch, Agent - Cesar Rosales . Cartel) . Cleo Harlow - Bob Johnson . $4,700 $19,000
348 fREE fEAtuRE PASS br . c . 3/29/2011 371 fuRIfIED s . f . 3/30/2011 (Furyofthewind 392 (Feature Mr Jess - Separatist Free, by - Jetset Champus, by Champus) . Taylor &
Separatist) . Alejandro Moya, JEH Stallion Taylor, Hunter Creek Farms, Agent - Nelson
Station, Agent - Repurchase . $6,700 Palomo . $3,000
349 SPEcIAl DElIcAtO b . f . 3/2/2011 (FDD 372 Out 393 Dynasty - Special Corona, by Corona Cartel) .
Shady Lane Stables - Repurchase . $6,000 373 cARvE It gr . c . 3/6/2011 (Wave Carver -
Ryons Blazer, by Blazen Bryan) . George
350 Out Seward, Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent
351 tEllER AGAIN s . f . 1/14/2011 (Teller Cartel
- Merrys Winner, by Runaway Winner) . Jerry 374 WAvING By br . f . 2/5/2011 (Wave Carver - Windham - Luis Albores . $8,700 Ojo Loca, by Mr Eye Opener) . Jerry Windham
- Juan Platt . $17,500
352 tEllERS fANcy AffAIR s . f . 2/4/2011
(Teller Cartel - Fancys First Affair, by First 375 cANElO BABy s . c . 3/28/2011 (One Famous 395 Down Dash) . Thomas H . Bradbury/Kim Eagle - Anna Pavlova, by Stoli) . Southwest
Kessinger - Lizeth Valles . $13,000 Stallion Station for Tyler Graham & Fructuoso
353 StOlIS PEARl s . f . 3/10/2011 (Stoli -
Streakin And Yelling, by Streakin La Jolla) . 376 OuGHt tO tEllER b . f . 4/11/2011 (Teller 396 Craig Snider, Royal Vista Ranches, LLC, Cartel - Ought To Be Famous, by First Down
Agent - Repurchase . $5,000 Dash) . Thomas Resources Corp ., Lazy E
354 fAMOuS SuRPRISE s . c . 4/22/2011
(One Famous Eagle - Shelbys Surprise,
by Royal Quick Dash) . Burnett Ranches/ Evans & Evans, 6666 Ranch, Agent - Pete A . Scarmardo . $30,000
355 ESkANDAR s . f . 3/11/2011 (First Prize Perry - Kpax, by First Down Dash) . Bobby D . Cox - Valeriano Racing Stables LLC Sammy Valeriano . $13,000
Ranch, LLC, Agent - Salvador Pimienta, Agent . $9,200
377 JA MISSyS lASt GOl s . f . 3/31/2011
(Gol - Missy Nine, by Six Fols) . Joe B . Allen - Repurchase . $12,000
378 WEll WORtH It b . f . 2/18/2011 (Carters Cartel - Worth A Look, by First Down Dash) . Double Bar S Ranch, LLC, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Denny & Sandy Weigt . $40,000
397 ZOO yORk s . c . 3/25/2011 (Jess Zoomin - Swanky Destination, by Corona Cartel) . Marty Powers, Agent - Ramon R Vega . $6,200
398 SkREAMING EAGlE s . c . 1/17/2011 (One Famous Eagle - Shine My Guitar, by Corona Cartel) . A . Roche & M . & S . Kreins, Marty Powers, Agent - Rhonda Valdivia .
64 SPEEDHORSE, October 12, 2012
Agustin Hernandez . $7,000
Robert W . Treadwell - Luis Castillo . $1,800
- Carlos Ramirez . $8,200 394
Huitron - Scott Antonuk . $8,000
SNAZZy fASt cORONA br . f . 2/21/2011 (Coronas Fast Dash - Snazzy Be Kas, by Super De Kas) . Vaughn & Jill Cook, Royal Vista Equine, Inc ., Agent - VO Partnership . $23,000
SHAWNEE cHIckS MAN br . c . 3/20/2011 (Country Chicks Man - Eyes Of Shawnee, by Mr Eye Opener) . Dean C . Layh, DVM - Manuel Valdez . $4,000
cORONAS HOPE b . f . 3/8/2011 (Corona
Up - Dudes Hopeful Dash, by Dis Dudes A Dash) . Shamrock Ranch/Tom Maher - Felix R Bautista . $3,200
SHADED cORONA gr . g . 4/17/2011 (Stel Corona - Shaded In Gray, by Chicks Beduino) . Burnett Ranches/Evans & Evans, 6666 Ranch, Agent - Joe Rios . $8,000
ANNIvERSARy ScOOtER s . c . 4/11/2011 (Heza Motor Scooter - Wild Wonder Child, by Dash Ta Fame) . Harold & Joyce Erickson, Sierra Blanca Equine, Agent - Repurchase . $8,000
fIRE tHORN s . c . 3/6/2011 (Shazoom - Reba Macintyler, by Strawfly Special) . Bob Moore Farms, LLC for West Crest Farms/Danny J . Miller - Salvador Pimienta, Agent . $5,700
ROckEtAIR s . c . 2/7/2011
(Jumpn - Rivanne, by First Down Dash) . Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent - Preston L . Cloud . $20,500
386 SASSy HERO br . f . 2/18/2011 (Valiant
Hero - Jess Sass Me, by Mr Jess Perry) . Lance Robinson, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Gilberto Flores . $21,000
cHARMING SEcREt b . f . 2/21/2011 (Jodys Money Pop - Sixy Thru Traffic, by Dash Thru Traffic) . Southwest Stallion Station for Tyler Graham & Jesus Huitron - Manuel Reyes . $4,900
AZOOMINWAGON b . c . 2/27/2011 (PYC Paint Your Wagon - My Turn To Zoom, by Shazoom) . FORSPEED Race & Game - Double Eagle Ranch . $37,000
GO BOy GAu s . g . 2/12/2011 (Mighty Invictus - Corona Cash Rose, by Corona Caliente) . JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Billy Dixon . $4,000
WIlDcAt WEAR b . f . 2/9/2011 (Jess Zoomin - Special Wear, by Special Effort) . Burnett Ranches/Mitchell Ranch, 6666 Ranch, Agent - Jesus Gonzalez . $2,700
DENIM cOuNtRy b . c . 1/7/2011 (FDD Dynasty - Indulge The Heart, by Strawfly Special) . Marty Powers, Agent - Randall L Dees . $16,000
IMA IvORy br . f . 2/8/2011 (Ivory James - Ima Perry Girl, by Mr Jess Perry) . Vaughn & Jill Cook, Royal Vista Equine, Inc ., Agent - Brian Muse . $17,500
cARvED tO PERfEctION gr . c . 1/19/2011 (Wave Carver - My Blueberry Chick, by Chicks Beduino) . Ron & Denise Van Amburgh - Joe Rios . $5,500
PAINt yOuR WINNER b . f . 3/1/2011
(PYC Paint Your Wagon - Brimming Winner, by Brimmerton) . Terry K . Wood, Royce Rogers, Agent - Oscar Pesqueira L .
SHES SPEcIAl N IvORy br . f . 4/3/2011 (Ivory James - Special Della, by Special Leader) . Vaughn & Jill Cook, Royal Vista Equine, Inc ., Agent - Rock Well Ranch . $6,500
RuNAWAy BROOkE br . f . 3/9/2011 (Brookstone Bay - Runaway Dee Dee, by Runaway Winner) . Bobby D . Cox - Randy/ Sandy Coleman . $34,000
My BOlD tRES b . c . 3/28/2011 (Tres Seis - Lil Sweet Minnie, by Mr Eye Opener) . H & E Ranch, Inc ., Roger Daly, Agent - Valeriano Racing Stables LLC Sammy Valeriano . $25,000
ROyAl BluE cORONA gr . c . 1/25/2011 (Stel Corona - Royal Blue Heart, by Royal Quick Dash) . 6666 Ranch, Agent - Anibal Villarreal . $6,000
ZOOMIN EAGlE s . f . 3/18/2011 (One Famous Eagle - Easy On Liberty, by Shazoom) . Mike Partin - Rachuan Suarez MVZ . $23,500
lADy tRES SEIS s . f . 3/22/2011 (Tres Seis - First Wicked Lady, by First Down Dash) . JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Larry Sherwood . $39,000
cElEStE lOu s . f . 3/14/2011 (Red Storm Cat - Olenes Gamble, by Raise The Gamble) . Superscot Farms - Teresa Myers . $3,200
fIRSt DOWN REGARD br . f . 2/28/2011 (Chicks Regard - First Down Oak, by First Down Dash) . Dan Adams, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Baca Racing Stables . $5,000
cuZ SHEZ fAMOuS s . f . 1/21/2011 (One Famous Eagle - Cuz Shez Crazy, by Skirt Chasin Alibi) . Christie & Mikel Donahue, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Mark McCloy .
SHAMEful MAIDEN s . f . 2/13/2011 (Chicks Beduino - Make A Run, by Calyx) . John Andreini, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Gilberto Flores . $70,000
cAPtAIN tEllER s . c . 2/4/2011 (Teller
Cartel - Miss Stocks N Bonds, by Bully Bullion) . Bollenbach Farms, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Victoria Galindo . $22,000
SHOW SOME fuRy b . f . 2/27/2011 (Furyofthewind - Awesome Blossom, by On A High) . Bob Moore Farms, LLC, Agent - Danny Miller / Jeff Moore . $8,000
POOlSIDE PRINcESS br . f . 4/20/2011 (Pool - Just Like Bully, by Bully Bullion) . Bill & Marsha Drake, Marty Powers, Agent - Hilderbrand Running Horses LLC .
SElEct 55 s . c . 3/20/2011 (Chicks Regard - First Prize Fancy, by Mr Jess Perry) . William E . Smith, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Felix R Bautista . $3,500
BP WAGON tRAIN b . c . 3/27/2011 (PYC Paint Your Wagon - Ladys Is First, by First Down Dash) . JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Jesus J Andrade Jr . $25,000
SEPARAtISt StONE s . f . 3/20/2011 (Brookstone Bay - Separatist Free, by Separatist) . Alejandro Moya, JEH Stallion Station, Agent - Reggie Anger . $7,200
BABA GANOuJ gr . c . 3/24/2011 (Fishers Dash - Ocean Lane TB, by Devon Lane) . Robert Rodgers, Belle Mere Farm, Ltd ., Agent - Rodrigo Norzagaray . $5,100
EyEMA BluE b . f . 1/28/2011 (Carters Cartel - Eyema Blues Girl, by Mr Eye Opener) . Belle Mere Farm, Ltd ., Agent - Melvin Hatley . $20,000
GAME GONE ROGuE ch . f . 3/23/2011 (Game Patriot - Miss Jess Rogue, by Mr Jess Perry) . Robicheaux Ranch, Inc ., Agent - Adrian Gonzalez . $16,500
AMuZE ME br . f . 3/2/2011 (PYC Paint Your Wagon - Yawl Mit Dash, by Dashing Cleat) . William E . Smith, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Luis Aguilar . $17,000
RuNAWAy SHAlISH s . f . 3/13/2011 (Ocean Runaway - Shalish, by Shazoom) . Gentry Farms - Robert C . Williams Jr . $10,000
WAvINGAlONG gr . c . 1/15/2011 (Wave Carver - Newport Lady, by Chicks Beduino) . Bird Ranch, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - Victor Rodriguez . $9,500
ANItA fAJItA br . f . 3/14/2011 (Corona Cartel - Sizzling Lola, by First Down Dash) . Bobby D . Cox - Brenda Reiswig . $40,000
sale results