Page 118 - 2 November 2012
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341 HYPATHIA br. f. 4/12/2011 (Carters Cartel - Strawfly Goddess, by Strawfly Special). Lazy Creek Ranch - NAVARRO, EFRAIN. $5,200
342 OUT
343 LETS FIGHT s. c. 4/19/2011 (Fighter On
Fire - Streakit Special, by Special Effort). Burns Ranch, Agent - MULLER RACING, LLC.. $8,000
344 JACKIE SECRETS s. f. 3/4/2011 (No Secrets Here - Strength In Numbers, by Strawfly Special). Benny Rosset, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - FORTUNATO ALVAREZ, ADRIAN GOMEZ, MARTIN GOMEZ. $5,000
345 BIGTIME SPECIAL br. c. 3/25/2011 (Bigtime Favorite - Tinys Special Rose, by Mr Jess Perry). Bobby D. Cox - MORA, DAVID. $19,000
346 JAGUAR SECRETS br. c. 2/8/2011 (No Secrets Here - Stylish Secret, by Dash For Cash). Benny Rosset, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - SOLIS, OSCAR. $6,500
347 STEL HAWK s. c. 2/10/2011 (Stel Corona - Tahma Hawk, by Hawkinson). Burns Ranch, Agent - CANNON, LINDA. $26,000
348 JET TAKEOFF ch. f. 3/25/2011 (Mr Jess Perry - Takeoff Royally, by First Down Dash). 6666 Ranch, Agent - KAWANANAKOA, ABIGAIL. $140,000
349 SENOR GOLD SOLO s. c. 3/15/2011 (Senior Solo - Takin Some Gold, by Takin On The Cash). La Presita, LLC - MAC PHERSON, ANNA & ROD. $21,000
350 BRIX gr. c. 4/20/2011 (Wave Carver - Tender Flyer, by Strawfly Special). Legacy Ranch, Royal Vista Equine, Inc., Agent - 21 PARTNERSHIP. $22,000
351 OUT
352 UNN THATSA BLAZIN CHICK s. c. 3/3/2011 (Walk Thru Fire - Thatsa Blazin Chick, by Chicks A Blazin). Jaime H. Gomez, Agent - Repurchase. $39,000
353 BIG DISGRACE gr. c. 3/27/2011 (Separatist - The Dove, by Mr Eye Opener). Burns Ranch, Agent - RIOS, JOE. $12,000
354 HIDALGO CRUNCH s. c. 5/10/2011 (Hawkinson - The Traffic Crunch, by Dash Thru Traffic). EG High Desert Farms - Repurchase. $8,000
355 YOU WANT ME DASHIN s. c. 4/2/2011 (TR Dasher - The Way You Want Me, by Mr Eye Opener). Bobby D. Cox - SILLS, JAMES. $27,000
356 ABOUT THE CHICK gr. f. 3/30/2011 (Walk Thru Fire - Thinking About Chick, by Chicks Beduino). Edward C. Allred - RODRIGUEZ, JOSE. $22,000
357 FINALE AZOOM gr. f. 2/8/2011 (Azoom - This Chicks Finale, by Chicks Beduino). Burns Ranch, Agent - GARDNER, RICHARD. $7,500
358 MS DASHING PERRY gr. f. 4/25/2011 (Mr Jess Perry - This Dashing Chic, by First Down Dash). Muniz Quarter Horses, LLC - ENCINAS, JULIO CESAR. $12,500
359 HI YO SILVER gr. f. 5/9/2011 (Foose - This Seis Can Race, by Tres Seis). Royal Vista Equine, Inc., Agent - ESTRADA, ENRIQUE. $4,000
360 THIS CAPTAINS KLAS s. c. 2/17/2011 (Captain Courage - This Snow Shows Klas, by This Snow Is Royal). R/M Stables - Repurchase. $10,000
361 STREAKIT DASHER s. c. 3/10/2011 (TR Dasher - Streakit Special, by Special Effort). Burns Ranch, Agent - DOUGHTIE, TONY E. $34,000
362 KLONE CARVER SA gr. c. 5/2/2011 (Wave Carver - Three Times The Toll, by Tres Seis). the Samaja Family, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - FLORES, JOSE ARTURO. $6,000
363 ROYALSONG FORGODDESS s. m.2005 (A Classic Dash - Time For A Goddess, by Timeto Thinkrich) bred to STEL CORONA. Abigail K. Kawananakoa - ABRAMS, BRET LEE. $5,200
364 ROYAL OCEAN GODDESS gr. m.2008 (Ocean Runaway - Time For A Goddess, by Timeto Thinkrich) bred to DIVIDE THE CASH. Helen K. Beamer - STONE CHASE STABLES. $5,500
365 OUT
366 OUT
367 TINY ZOOMER s. f. 3/20/2011 (Shazoom - Tinys Special Rose, by Mr Jess Perry). Bobby D. Cox - ZAMBRANO, JOSE ALEX C. $7,700
368 RUMOR HAD IT s. m.1997 (Dashing
Val - Totally Illegal, by Tolltac) bred to CORONA CZECH. EG High Desert Farms - Repurchase. $4,500
369 JESS DANCEN THRU br. f. 5/3/2011 (First Down Mr Jess - Traffic Dance, by Dash Thru Traffic). Edge of the Cedars Quarter Horses - RODRIGUEZ, MARIA CORINA. $3,000
370 OUT
371 UNN TRICK AND FUN b. f. 3/23/2011 (Corona
Cartel - Trick And Fun TB, by Tricky Fun). A Regal Choice, Inc. - Repurchase. $52,000
372 ALL GUNS FIRING s. c. 3/28/2011 (FDD Dynasty - Trista Boom Boom, by Heza Fast Man). Running A, LLC, Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent - FABRIZIO, LEX A. $9,000
373 JABULANI SECRETS br. f. 2/27/2011 (No Secrets Here - Strength In Numbers, by Strawfly Special). Benny Rosset, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - WITMAN, MATT. $19,000
374 TURNER OFF s. f. 1/25/2011 (One Famous Eagle - Turner On, by Leaving Memories). Burns Ranch, Agent - MULLER RACING, LLC.. $13,000
375 HEAT SEEKING b. c. 3/27/2011 (Walk Thru Fire - Twelfth Secret, by Raise A Secret). Edward C. Allred - Repurchase. $24,000
376 ORNATELY br. f. 4/24/2011 (Separatist - Twelfth Secret, by Raise A Secret). Edward C. Allred - ENCINAS, JULIO CESAR. $16,000
377 OUT
378 TYLERING br. f. 2/4/2011 (TR Dasher -
Twelving, by Separatist). Edward C. Allred - GARZA, OMAR. $10,500
379 TYLERS ZOOMIN s. f. 5/12/2011 (Shazoom - Tylers First Down, by First Down Dash). Tyler Ranch, LLC, Lazy Creek Ranch,
380 WEST COAST DASHER s. f. 3/7/2011 (TR Dasher - West Coast Cash, by Takin On The Cash). Burns Ranch, Agent - Repurchase. $10,500
381 REEL FAST s. c. 4/26/2011 (Hawkinson - Tylers Lady Bug, by Blushing Bug). Tyler Ranch, LLC, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - MAGALLANES, RUBEN. $4,500
382 LUPES FIRE br. c. 3/12/2011 (Walk Thru Fire - Vamp [GB] TB, by Dracula [AUS]). Lazy E Ranch, LLC for San Gregorio Racing Stables, Inc. - Repurchase. $19,000
383 VELVET METER s. m.1998 (Meter Me Gone - Velvet Down, by First Down Dash) bred to QUICK ACTION. Abigail K. Kawananakoa - CURTIS, ROBERT. $4,000
384 METER ME SPECIAL s. m.2008 (Cilantro Special - Velvet Meter, by Meter Me Gone) bred to DIVIDE THE CASH. Abigail K. Kawananakoa - LORTA, OMAR R. $2,200
385 FIRED UP N GONE s. f. 3/20/2011 (Walk Thru Fire - Velvet Meter, by Meter Me Gone). Abigail K. Kawananakoa - GUERRA, HERNANDO. $7,000
386 SET THE NIGHTONFIRE br. c. 3/3/2011 (Walk Thru Fire - VGW Trippy Dip, by Royal Miracle Dip). Veronica Gail Worth - RODRIGUEZ, JOSE. $11,000
387 OUT
388 UNN WAVE BABE f. 3/28/2011 (Walk
Thru Fire - Wave Babe, by Raise A Secret). Edward C. Allred - MESA VALLEY FARMS, LLC,. / RONALD/ FAWNA MESA VALLEY FARMS, LLC. / SKEEN/ KNIGHT. $40,000
389 HOT ROD RIDER s. c. 4/28/2011 (Stel Corona - Wave Rider, by First Down Dash). Lucas Racing, Inc., Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - MENDOZA, JUAN M & JUAN G. $7,200
390 RYANS RHYTHM s. m.1994 (First Down Dash - Way Down South, by Easy Six) bred to RED HOT RHYTHM. EG High Desert Farms - ZAMBRANO, JOSE ALEX C. $4,700
391 WEST COAST STORY b. f. 1/21/2011
(A Regal Choice - West Coast Cash, by Takin On The Cash). Burns Ranch, Agent - SCOTT MCDANIEL- MARY ALLRED AGENT. $10,500
392 BAMBINO DINO gr. c. 1/22/2011 (Hawkinson - White Lamb, by White Tie). John Andreini, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - VALENZUELA, CONCEPCION. $7,000
393 MEKBUDA br. f. 4/1/2011 (Red Hot
Rhythm - Why Czech Rumors, by Corona Czech). EG High Desert Farms - BORTONI, PATRICIO A. $9,200
394 JESS A LIL WICKED s. f. 1/18/2011 (Mr Jess Perry - Wicked Royal Cartel, by Corona Cartel). Abigail K. Kawananakoa - HUDSON, CHRISTINE. $21,500
395 WILLA BE WICKED br. f. 1/15/2011 (A Classic Dash - Wicked Royal Cash, by Royal Miracle Dip). Adan Parades - DE LA TORRE, RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ. $6,500
396 DARE TO FLAIR b. c. 2/6/2011 (First Down Dash - Winning Flair, by Runaway Winner). Vessels Stallion Farm, LLC - GARCIA, GILDARDO. $55,000
397 RIGGOTOMAS b. c. 3/26/2011 (Maknmoves - With Real Intent, by Raise A Secret). Michael Isom - PEREZ, JUVENAL. $7,500
398 DASHER REFLECTIONS s. f. 1/20/2011 (TR Dasher - With Reflections, by
Pritzi Dash). Jaime H. Gomez, Agent - Repurchase. $11,500
399 SEPARATE CHOICES s. f. 3/15/2011 (Separatist - Yak Ity Yak Go, by Juno Dat Cash). Jeff Ray - Repurchase. $8,000
400 LARRY HILL s. c. 3/27/2011 (TR Dasher - Ynot Bar, by Chicks Beduino). Burns Ranch, Agent - ALLRED, EDWARD. $35,000
401 UNN YNOT WIN f. 2/14/2011 (Stel Corona - Ynot Win, by A Regal Choice). Edward C. Allred - RACHUAN AGENT FOR JOSE RODRIGUEZ. $5,200
402 MOONIST b. c. 1/28/2011 (Separatist - Your First Moon, by First Down Dash). Vessels Stallion Farm, LLC - HARTLEY, RON. $21,500
403 SEPERATE FLIGHT gr. f. 1/30/2011 (Separatist - Babe On The Fly, by Strawfly Special). Burns Ranch, Agent - Repurchase. $25,000
404 ELECTRA CZECH br. f. 5/1/2011 (Corona Czech - Zena, by Hawkinson). EG High Desert Farms - Repurchase. $3,200
405 IMA FIRE LOVER s. c. 3/31/2011 (Walk Thru Fire - Zevis Lady Love, by Zevi TB). Jaime H. Gomez, Agent - VILLALOBOS, GEORGE .. $15,000
406 FIRST JET GONE s. m.1994 (First Down Dash - Zoro Jet, by Easy Jet) bred to ONE SWEET JESS. La Presita, LLC - Repurchase. $3,200
407 SOCKS N SIGNS s. f. 2/6/2011 (First Class Sign - A Classic Diamond, by A Classic Dash). Mountain States Equine - ENCINAS, JULIO CESAR. $7,500
408 THISCHICKSATRIP br. f. 2/18/2011 (Separatist - A Classic Royal Trip, by A Classic Dash). Veronica Gail Worth - RUIZ, SALVADOR E. $4,500
409 JOE LEGACY b. c. 4/19/2011 (Brookstone Bay - A Diamond Legacy, by Striking Distance). Running A, LLC, Vista Equine Colorado, LLC, Agent - TORGENSON, GREG A. $7,000
410 DREAMING OF FIRE s. f. 4/14/2011 (Walk Thru Fire - A Dream Chick, by Chicks Beduino). Jaime H. Gomez, Agent - SANCHEZ, JORGE H. $15,000
411 KOKOMO BEACH b. c. 2/22/2011 (Ivory James - Beauty N The Beach, by Strawfly Special). Bobby D. Cox - AVILA , JESUS AND/OR CUEVAS, JESUS. $9,200
412 CARTERS SECRET DOLL b. f. 3/8/2010 (Carters Cartel - Afishinado, by Fishers Dash). R/M Stables - MENDEZ, BIANCA. $5,700
413 A WAYS TO GO NOW s. f. 1/16/2011 (TR Dasher - A Gals Special Flyer, by Strawfly Special). Burns Ranch, Agent - BRAY, KATIE LYNN. $5,500
414 OUT
415 SWATARA gr. f. 1/28/2011 (Separatist - A
Real Bedvino, by A Dash Of Beduino). Michael Isom - HYDE, BRIAN CODY. $5,000
416 UNN A REASON TO RUN s. f. 4/14/2011 (TR Dasher - A Reason To Run, by Mr Eye Opener). Burns Ranch, Agent - Repurchase. $8,500
417 TEMPEST OF WAVES s. f. 4/11/2011 (Wave Carver - A Tempting Strawfly, by Strawfly Special). Vaughn & Jill Cook, Royal Vista Equine, Inc., Agent - MARQUEZ, MARTIN. $12,500
418 INIT TO WINIT b. f. 3/26/2011 (Foose - A Winning Chick, by Chicks Beduino). Burns Ranch, Agent - PREECE, LINDA K. $4,500
419 TARRY s. f. 2/25/2011 (TR Dasher - Abide, by Separatist). Edward C. Allred - KNOPP, DON ALLEN. $15,500
420 VENSUS OF FIRE s. f. 2/15/2011 (Walk Thru Fire - Aclassymoove, by Chicks Beduino). Burly Jenkins, Lazy E Ranch, LLC, Agent - SAN GREGORIO RACING STABLE INC.. $8,200
421 MAS AMIGOS br. c. 1/13/2011 (Stel Corona - Adios Amiga Mia, by Chicks Beduino). Burns Ranch, Agent - ZAMBRANO, JOSE ALEX C. $13,500
422 WILLIAM TELLER br. c. 3/22/2011 (Teller Cartel - Algonquin, by Invisible Injun). Burns Ranch, Agent - GUZMAN, FRANCISCO. $10,500
423 OUT
424 TRS CUTIE gr. f. 2/25/2011 (TR Dasher - American Purse, by Chicks Beduino). William C. Thompson - Repurchase. $6,000
425 TOP FUEL CHA CHA ch. f. 3/29/2011 (Foose - Answer The Dream, by Tres Seis). Kelly/Yother/Yearsley, Kelly/Yearsley Equine, LLC, Agent - Repurchase. $8,500
426 PISTOL PACKIN LILLY ch. f. 3/30/2011 (Brookstone Bay - Apollos Winner, by Apollo TB). Giambi Stables, Jaime H. Gomez, Agent - RANCHO EL CABRESTO INC. $15,500
427 WINNEROFTHEAQUA s. c. 3/17/2011 (Winners Version - Aqua Boots, by Spanish Boot). Steve Berry, R/M Stables, Agent - Repurchase. $3,200
428 BUY IT ALL b. f. 1/1/2011 (Stel Corona - Aquisitive, by Separatist). Edward C. Allred - LEDGERWOOD, KOLLEEN K. $27,000
429 ARTESIAS 2002 gr. m.2002 (Chicks Beduino - Artesia, by Timeto Thinkrich) bred to ONE SWEET JESS. Burns Ranch, Agent - ZAMBRANO, JOSE ALEX C. $7,300
116 SPEEDHORSE, November 2, 2012
sale results