Page 63 - 2 November 2012
P. 63
El Micky (Mackies Wagon), winner of the Special Futurity.
At the conclusion of this race, one lamented the deaths of El Catrin (Fortynine Sixtyone) and El Louisiana (Louisiana Zoom), mainly due to the intense heat.
A bOttOm line
The first conclusion of Mr. Garcia is that this series of events had a wide acceptance and received positive responses from the horse- men and fans in general, making it desirable to be repeated in the coming years, with some changes.
For example, “that owners, trainers and the racetrack prepare to provide better conditions for participating foals and search for the time
of year when the weather is more conducive for them to compete. This year (the futurities) were from March to July, which includes the hottest months in Hermosillo and throughout the State of Sonora,” Mr. Garcia expressed to us.
In the evaluation of this experience it is important to point out that:
a) There was an increase in the number of
individuals participating, benefiting the
regional economy linked to the horse races;
b) Many owners entered participants who were
very competitive and well trained, which signaled improvement in skills and training in the personnel involved in the whole pro- cess. That was the foundation of the success of some racing blocks;
c) We had an increased number of events, the quantity, and quality of participating horses at the Hermosillo Racetrack; and,
d) There was an increase in enthusiasm from the fans and their assistance to the racetrack.
There was also the detection of certain situ-
ations that need to be addressed and corrected for future issues, including:
a) Lack of human and installation preparation
in some racing blocks that needs to address
El Rayito (Corazon de Guerrero) with his trainer Martin Casillas.
the spike in large number of entries and the pressure to have them ready for race time, which resulted in the athletes arriving in subpar conditions and then being removed from the event;
b) Waste of time and resources, because some owners and trainers did not properly register their animals for the Triple Crown, so
that many were enrolled in three races and participated in one or two;
c) To assess properly the cause of death of the four participants and prevent those causes that are avoidable. The point is for these athletes to continue in good physical condi- tion in their racing careers; and,
d) In part for the owners to hone their ability to acquire foals in U.S. auctions. We have seen some that were enrolled and resulted in injuries or physical birth defects.
The proximity and magnitude of the U.S. market promotes a deeply-rooted desire to buy most participants there. It is desirable to slowly incorporate Mexican-bred foals at these events as a stimulus to domestic production that keeps improving its competitiveness, which was ratified by El Rayito, winner of the Traditional Futurity, the most important of the three races.
en esPAÑOl
En mi primera colaboración para Around The Globe, publicada el 22 de junio y 6 de julio de 2012, traté el tema de las carreras parejeras en México. Como hecho novedoso
me referí a la Triple Corona de Futuritys Parejeros, que tuvo como sede el Hipódromo de Hermosillo, Estado de Sonora, una instalación de carreras no reconocida oficialmente por la American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA).
Además de exponer su origen y los resul- tados obtenidos, presento una síntesis de las experiencias que deja esta primera edición, gra- cias a la colaboración del señor Braulio García, Gerente General del citado hipódromo.
La Adelita under jockey Alejandro Luna.
Desde hace 28 años, el Hipódromo de Hermosillo organiza uno de los más impor- tantes futuritys parejeros de México. Es para potros y potrancas nacidos en México o en el extranjero, con certificado de registro expedido por la AQHA, que hayan pagado las cuotas
de inscripción y aprobado la inspección dental comprobatoria de su edad. La distancia es de 300 yardas.
En octubre de 2011, se publicó la convo- catoria y bases, agregando dos eventos más: el Futurity Especial, en 220 yardas, y el Selecto en 330. La idea fue producto de un trabajo conjunto entre los directivos del Hipódromo de Hermosillo y los caballistas, buscando ofrecer más y mejores oportunidades de competencia a los ejemplares dos añeros.
El Futurity Especial se concibió como un torneo preparatorio de los novatos corredores para llegar en mejores condiciones a las elimi- natorias del Tradicional, compitiendo organiza- damente en 220 yardas, con el fin de adaptarse al escenario de carreras y de aspirar a ganar premios más atractivos en la final, que los que obtienen jugando de manera independiente en las acostumbradas parejeras.
En palabras del señor Braulio García:
“los invitamos a que - pagando una cuota de inscripción - participen de manera organizada por un premio acumulado, corriendo en una distancia corta, que les sirve de preparación para el Futurity Tradicional”.
Por múltiples razones, algunos potrillos concluyeron este torneo en condiciones inadec- uadas para continuar en el Tradicional. Aún así, en 2012, este se corrió con 67 animales, la cifra más alta en las casi tres décadas que lleva de realizarse.
“Los propietarios nos dijeron: cuando pasa el Futurity Tradicional se le acaba la jugada a los potrillos, de ahí surgió la idea de llevarlos a un tercer torneo, que es el Selecto, en 330 yardas.”
SPEEDHORSE, November 2, 2012 61
David Johnson
David Johnson
David Johnson