Page 113 - May 2017
P. 113

                                    2017 colt by Latigo Shore TB & out of Reasons Esteem, owned by Wade & Judy Whitehead
Feb. 27 filly by Kiss My Hocks & out of Lady Perry Too, owned by Jennifer Ruzsa
Apr. 4 colt by Tres Kings & out of Jan. 28 colt by Hes Relentless & out of
     Feb. 13 colt by Special Royal Corona & out of Risen Eagle, owned by Elizabeth Vivanco
Mar. 12 colt by Woodbridge & out of Averyspecialsouthern, owned by Jason & Lisa Pruitt
Feb. 7 filly by Hes Relentless & out of Carters Signature, owned by Dallas Pryor
Feb. 17 colt by FDD Dynasty & out of Painted Sable, owned by Bob Moore Farms
Mar. 1 filly by FDD Dynasty & out of Strawfly Six, owned by Bob Moore Farms
    Jan. 30 filly by Hes Relentless & out of Meaningful Memories, owned by Shari Burger
Apr. 2 colt by JLS Party Wagon & out of Keytowellness, owned by Karlon LeBlanc
Feb. 16 filly by High Rate Of Return & out of Shiv Katall, owned by Bob Moore Farms
Mar. 9 filly by FDD Dynasty & out of Fly Henryetta Fly, owned by Bob Moore Farms
    Mar. 23 colt by Volcom & out of Check This Disco, owned by Victor W. Pryor Jr.
Mar. 12 filly by Hes Relentless & out of Painted Sable, owned by Bob Moore Farms
2017 filly by Freighttrain B & out of Open My Prize, owned by Harvey Hayes
Apr. 27 filly by Gitter Dun Turnpike & out of Ima Stormy Valentine, owned by Carole Stacy
SM Firstdown Country, owned by Rodney Ruzsa
Strawfly Six, owned by Bob Moore Farms
SPEEDHORSE, May 2017 111
 future stakes winners

   111   112   113   114   115