Page 160 - May 2017
P. 160

                                Leading SireS of 2017
RankingS aS Of May 2, 2017
MOnEy EaRnERS - WinnERS - gRaDED StakES WinnERS
6 13 3 9 15 10 2 5 8 15 4 14 18 10 7 16 7 16 7 11 7 18 30 29 20 24 28 19 24 21 12 19 18 19 28 19 17 24 27 26 22 27 24 23 25 26 22 24 25
      “SW” in the “Wins” column indicates the number of stakes wins. “SW” in the “Winners” column indicates the number of stakes winners. SP Horses indicates the number of horses that have placed in stakes, but are not stakes winners. If a stakes winner also placed in a stakes, he is not counted as a stakes-placed horse, but “SP” does include his placings. GS indicates graded stakes. # indicates freshman sire.
     Money Earned Winners
GS Winners
     Current gS Stakes year Winners/ Wins/ Winners/ Placers/
’17 Earnings/ Average Earnings Per Starter
$948,087 /$6,494 $722,669 /$5,924 $702,376 /$5,531 $668,327 /$3,672 $465,340 /$4,349 $456,996 /$4,570 $456,496 /$4,266 $439,429 /$4,146 $427,752 /$3,595 $425,040 /$4,474 $417,666 /$3,696 $373,058 /$4,145 $369,092 /$4,557 $357,118 /$4,892 $322,119 /$3,579 $316,532 /$2,852 $289,354 /$6,430 $285,860 /$3,712 $275,456 /$2,782 $273,669 /$2,821 $264,627 /$3,042 $262,326 /$2,761 $253,574 /$3,729 $252,177 /$31,522 $240,421 /$26,713 $218,846 /$2,770 $215,398 /$5,385 $209,145 /$10,457 $202,429 /$3,114 $196,793 /$3,936 $196,718 /$5,621 $194,744 /$2,822 $191,603 /$4,165 $177,301 /$4,123 $177,126 /$2,567 $171,282 /$10,705 $162,071 /$2,190 $151,001 /$2,188 $145,107 /$5,374 $144,845 /$6,897 $143,191 /$3,672 $141,599 /$2,082 $141,085 /$5,643 $140,823 /$3,129 $137,612 /$3,276 $136,192 /$5,448 $128,398 /$8,025 $123,954 /$2,384 $122,693 /$3,609
Leading ’17
Apollitical Scout
This Is An Eagle
La Vencedora
Pyc Fun N Fancy
My Southern Dynasty Cadilac Flash Weetonas Lafawn Jess Hawk
Tough To Figure
So Rapido
Princess Jessie Jane Zooboo
Blue Eyed Fance Eagle Jazz Staggering Stride Heza Louisiana Dash Myst Fit
Katella Deli
Lena Cartel
Mahoney N Tacklebery Kas Tempting Angiesprizedpatriot Stelfast
Running Dragon
Ima China Rush
Tres Of Elegants Together To The End Moneys A Maker
Born To B Bad
Wild Mares Milk Unconquerable
Sir Edward L Perry CosIGetIt
Only Business
Ima Louisiana Girl
Hez Our Prize
Fast Ladys Man Shatto Stoli
Chasin My Desire Suenos Dineros
Eye N Capo Hotscotch N Courage Start Somethin Bad Daddys Leader Zoomin For Spuds Piloto Strong
Jess Good Reason
All Kinds Of Kind Seeyalateralligator
                                     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Sire, Year
3 ApolliticAl Jess, 2007
1   one FAmous eAgle, 2005
3   ivory JAmes, 2004
3   pyc pAint your WAgon, 2003 2   Fdd dynAsty, 2004
-   First moonFlAsh, 2005 3   vAliAnt hero, 2004
-   one sWeet Jess, 2008 -   WAlk thru Fire, 1997 3   coronA cArtel, 1994 -   Jesse JAmes Jr, 2001
-   coronAs leAving you, 2005 3   Jess louisiAnA Blue, 1998
-   one dAshing eAgle, 2010 -   mr Jess perry, 1992
3   hezA FAst dAsh, 1998 3   sepArAtist, 1997
-   Foose, 2006
3   cArters cArtel, 2005
-   FAvorite cArtel, 2007 -   tempting dAsh, 2007
-   gAme pAtriot, 1997
3   stel coronA, 2000 3   zulu drAgon, 2007 3   rushAgo, 2007
-   tres seis, 1999
3   inseperABle, 2006 3   sixes royAl, 2001
-   FreighttrAin B, 2008 3   desirio, 2002
-   high rAte oF return, 2009 -   sir runAWAy dAsh, 2004
-   tee cos, 2009
-   dominyun, 2008
-   the louisiAnA cArtel, 2007 -   #hez our secret, 2009
-   Jet BlAck pAtriot, 2006
-   stoli, 1998
-   chicks regArd, 1999 3   BodAcious dAsh, 2008
-   cApo de cApi, 2008
-   cAptAin courAge, 2005
3   pAppAsito, 2005
-   Big dAddy cArtel, 2009 -   zoomin For Bux, 2004
-   mr piloto, 2008
Starters SW
146 36/3 122 26/4 127 19/1 182 32/2 107 22/4 100 17/1 107 22/4 106 35/0 119 27/1
95 23/2 113 17/0 90 30/2 81 18/1 73 13/0 90 22/2 111 24/2 45 15/1 77 24/0 99 15/1 97 24/2 87 21/2 95 24/0 68 13/1 8 1/1 9 2/1 79 11/0 40 7/1 20 3/1 65 12/0 50 7/1 35 10/0 69 20/0 46 12/0 43 13/1 69 12/0 16 3/0 74 12/0 69 14/2 27 7/0 21 4/1 39 5/0 68 9/0 25 4/1 45 7/1 42 8/0 25 6/0 16 5/1 52 9/0 34 7/1
SW Wins
41/3 1/1 28/5 3/4 21/1 1/1 35/2 1/1 27/4 2/2 18/1 0/0 24/5 1/1 41/0 0/0 31/1 0/0 25/3 1/1 17/0 0/0 34/2 0/0 19/1 1/1 16/0 0/0 23/2 0/0 27/2 1/1 18/1 1/1 28/0 0/0 15/1 1/1 27/2 0/0 26/2 0/0 26/0 0/0 15/1 1/1
3/3 1/3
3/1 1/1 11/0 0/0 9/1 1/1 4/1 1/1 14/0 0/0 10/1 1/1 10/0 0/0 21/0 0/0 13/0 0/0 16/1 0/0 13/0 0/0 4/0 0/0 13/0 0/0 17/2 0/0 9/0 0/0 5/1 1/1 5/0 0/0 10/0 0/0 5/1 1/1 9/1 0/0 9/0 0/0 7/0 0/0 5/1 1/1 10/0 0/0 7/1 0/0
10/10 2/3 4/5 6/8 3/6 3/3 1/3 2/2 5/6 2/2 3/4 1/3 2/2 1/1 3/4 2/2 2/2 3/3 3/3 3/4 2/2 3/3 0/0 1/1 0/1 0/0 2/2 0/0 0/0 1/1 2/2 0/0 1/1 1/1 2/2 3/3 3/3 0/0 1/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 0/0 2/2 2/2 1/1 1/1 0/0 1/1
’17 Earnings
$129,144 $195,240 $382,006 $129,669 $57,189 $70,678 $68,736 $41,533 $39,493 $81,180 $43,180 $42,915 $125,882 $175,649 $45,941 $30,000 $106,130 $22,327 $54,996 $27,038 $30,816 $14,469 $103,997 $198,808 $227,310 $31,982 $106,910 $180,542 $26,541 $82,503 $52,985 $19,634 $49,795 $35,520 $40,403 $119,753 $23,480 $23,295 $33,106 $113,503 $58,902 $19,020 $95,043 $24,758 $27,003 $63,486 $50,000 $48,635 $52,700 $30,288
Courtesy AQHA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       3   good reAson sA, 2007
-   tAc it like A mAn, 2004
-   Winners version, 2006
-         kiddy up, 2005       25       6/0         7/0         0/0         1/1         $109,814 /$4,393         Kiddy Up Cowgirl

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