Page 110 - Speedhorse October 2018
P. 110

by John Moorehouse
“I currently enjoy my job as Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Quarter Horse Association, serving our membership in the racing and show industries.”
John Moorehouse
For Jodie Witt, being
part of the horse industry
has been a lifelong labor
of love. Growing up on
a ranch in Nebraska,
Witt’s family owned
and raised their own
Quarter Horses. They
were working horses, but
also went to 4-H shows.
These days, Witt remains
heavily involved in the
horse world: as a volunteer
leader for 4-H for the past 3-plus decades, as a judge for rodeos and horse shows, and she also currently serves as the Executive Director for the Rocky Mountain Quarter Horse Association, which sanctions shows and races in Colorado and Wyoming. Get to know more about Witt in the latest installment of our “Lighter Side” feature.
Q: Where were you born?
A: Oxford, Nebraska.
Q: What are your hobbies beside horse racing?
A: Traveling, spending time with our grandchildren, volunteering with the Colorado 4-H Extension program, and judging and volunteering for the Miss Rodeo American organization.
Q: What is your favorite movie, and why?
A: “The Sound of Music” – love the music, scenery and the talented cast.
Q: What’s an interesting fact about your family?
A: My husband’s great-grandfather, an accomplished horseman in Germany and immigrant to the U.S., was the personal coach driver for Teddy Roosevelt when he served in the New York Legislature.
Q: Do you have a nickname and, if so, what is it and how did it come about?
A: Dojie – my cousin could not say “Jodie” growing up. She called me “Dojie” and it stuck, becoming a nickname used by my family.
Q: What is the strangest personality quirk you have ever seen in a horse?
A: A mare pacing the fence line and sticking her nose in the air perpendicular to the ground the entire time.
Q: If you were not in the horse racing business, what job would you like to have? A: I currently enjoy my job as Executive Director of the Rocky Mountain Quarter Horse Association, serving our membership in the racing and show industries.
Q: What is your favorite thing about living where you live?
A: In Colorado, we have over 300 days of sunshine, beautiful weather year-round with four seasons and waking up each day with a view of the Rocky Mountains.
Q: If you could vacation anywhere, where would it be & what would you do there?
A: Tuscany, Italy. Would tour the country side, relax, read and enjoy the wine.
Q: What is you favorite quote?
I have 2 of them. The first is the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!” The second is, “People will not always remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel!”
Q: If you could sit down and visit with anyone, past or present, who would it be? A: Winston Churchill. He was such a great leader and influencer during such an impactful time for all the nations. Would be insightful to get his perspective on leadership and what is currently happening in the world.
Q: What drink would your friends describe you as, and why?
A: Red wine – smooth, full of character and gets better with age!
Q: Who’s your favorite athlete of all time?
A: John Elway of the Denver Broncos – he was and is a leader on and off the field.
Q: If you were making a movie about yourself, who would you cast to play you? A: Julia Roberts – she is smart, genuine and she can ride.
Q: What’s one thing you don’t like about Quarter Horse racing?
A: The number of violations that occur, especially with drugs.
Q: What do you like about QH racing?
A: The excitement of the crowds watching great athletes run, and the legends, mares and stallions
Jodie Witt
108 SPEEDHORSE, October 2018

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