Page 169 - 2014 Stallion Register
P. 169

                                   The 2014 QHRAI Stallion Service Auction
Futurity and Derby Eligibility
QHRAI is proud to offer a premier stallion progeny program Second to none:
beautiful state-of-the-art facilities, low nomination and entry payments, minimal administration costs, $5,000 trials, and once again in 2014, $180,000 estimated QHRAI Stallion Service Auction
Futurity and $84,000 estimated QHRAI Stallion Service Auction Derby.
Chances are, you are eligible to be a part of this program. Here’s how:
Each stallion service sold through the 2011 Stallion Service Auction made ALL foals by that Stallion from the 2011 breeding season are eligible to be nominated to the 2014 QHRAI SSA $180,000 estimated Futurity and the 2015 QHRAI Derby.
The following is a list of stallions sold in the 2011 Stallion Service Auction.
  A Streak of Fling Agouti Azyoucansee Bed Bath and Beyone Boknaii
Bono Jazz Brimmstone Cartel Success Chicks Dash Easy Chilled Corona Coronas Fast Dash Cosino
CS Flashlight Desert Warrior Escondido Beach Executive Menace Eye M After U Eysa Special First Corona Home First Dinastia First Prize Perry First To Shake Six First To Shine Furrtreeous Grand Chance (TB)
Hiclass La Jolla Ivory James Jess Special Jesse James Jr Kelowna Kash Kool Quick Kid La Jollaroid Leaving Memories Mezoomn Mighty Corona Montis Lad (TB) Mr Eye Can Do It One Famous Eagle
Onthewingsofglory Panther Mountain Pappasito
Pepsi Fame
PYC Paint Your Wagon Quick Action (TB) Ragazzo
Rare Cigar
Red Storm Cat
SC Payoff Separate Rainbow Sir Runaway Dash Six Funs Blazin
Stel Corona Streakin Six Cartel Strikiing Colors Surf Furr Sweet First Down The Rainbow Ranger Tinys First Corona Too Tough To Catch Colcom Winners Version Woodbridge
The following is a list of stallions sold in the 2010 QHRAI Stallion Service Auction.
All foals resulting from the 2010 breeding season are eligible for nomination to the $84,000 estimated 2014 SSA Derby.
Achievement Agouti
Bed Bath And Beyond Brimmstone Busy Charger Captain Courage Cartel Success Chilled Corona Christmas Cheer Corona For Me Coronas Prospect Cosino Crackalackin Crush Dashing to a High Dean Miracle
Deefirst Doreme Fasolasi Win Escondido Beach Executive Menace Eyesa Special Famous JR
Fast Prize Dash Finding Nemo First Down Straw First Prize Perry First To Shine First Wrangler Fly Jess Fly Flying Ross Go Bug Genuine Botticelli Grand Chance (TB)
Gridiron Hard Hitting Hiclass La Jolla Hot Shot Dash
I Want It Now Ivory James JA Runaway Jess Special Jesse James Jr Jewels First Moon Kelowna Kash Kool Quick Kid LaJollas Gold Looking for Glory (TB) Midnight Corona
Mighty Invictus Mito Corona Monti's Lad (TB) Mr Eye Can Do It No Secrets Here One Corona One Famous Eagle Pappasito Planetary Pretty Boy Perry Prime Talent Quick Action (TB) Rare Bar
Rare Cigar Royal Quick Charm S C Payoff
Separate Rainbow Six Guns Blazin Skirt Chasin Alibi Special Elan Stewart Streakin Six Cartel Struttin To Beduino Such Easy Cash Sweet First Down Tac It Like A Man The Informant The Rainbow Ranger Too Tough To Catch Twaynas Dash Woodbridge
Don’t Miss Out! Please contact: Teresa Gross, Q.H.R.A.I. Stallion Service Auction Secretary, at (765) 676-9810 to make your yearlings and two year olds eligible for the 2014 program and to get a contract to enroll your stallion in the 2014 Stallion Service Auction.

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