Page 3 - Ruidoso New Mexico Bred Sale
P. 3
Four Classy Mares For Your Consideration
Hip #39
2013 • Bay Mare
SI 84, $9,733 • (Louisiana Senator- Sheza Fast N Fun, Heza Fast Dash)
Out of a half-sister to NORA JANE LA JOLLA SI 95 ($56,964, dam of This Panther Purrs
2005 • Bay Mare
Hip HOLLAND FIRE #137 SI 81, $4,850 • (Holland Ease-Runaway
Secret, Runaway Winner)
Dam of 100% ROM from 7 starters, includ- ing Tooflashyforyou SI 101 (2020, $80,165),
BURNING REGARD SI 97 ($38,813), AMANDAS FLASHY SI 86 (2020, $26,453). A winning half-sister to Mexican Secret SI 103 ($26,085). Out of a half-sister to the dam of
RODNEYS IN THE RED SI 98 ($29,245). 2nd dam is a half-sister
to NATIVE HOST SI 107 ($45,218), Native Beau SI 97 ($21,703), to the dam of Mr Beaudash SI 104 ($13,339), to the grandam of JETSIE CARTEL SI 98 ($20,270), Real Bad Jetsie SI 99 ($16,802). 3rd dam is a full sister to Personal Affair SI 90 ($5,038).
She has a yearling Colt by ROCK SOLID JESS, a weanling Colt by FIRST MOONFLASH, and is in foal to APOLLITICAL JESS for 2021.
2001 • Bay Mare
SI 98, $41,013, JAMES MT MAN SI 82, $38,025), BURNSIDE EXPRESS SI 98 ($55,313), Runaway Colors SI 102 ($56,281), to the dams of HEZAFASTNFUN SI 95
($44,680), Runaway To The Front SI 96 ($8,983, in Mex.), MARS HILL CORONA SI 98 ($41,680), FAST N FUN JORDAN
SI 101 ($37,778), HOPEFORDEBTRELIEF SI 93 ($29,606),
HEZA FAST REBEL SI 89 ($27,610). 3rd dam is a half-sister to CASHCAN SI 102 ($114,012), Teenie Jet SI 100 ($17,106).
She has a yearling Colt by ROCK SOLID JESS, a weanling Colt by PASSION FOR FLASHIN, and is in foal to JESS A CHICKS for 2021.
Hip #102
2006 • Sorrel Mare
(Take Off Jess-One Slick Babe, One Slick One)
Dam of 100% Money Earners, including HOPEY CHICK SI 90 ($69,252), TAKE OFF NOLAN
Hip SHEZ CLASSY NOW SI 114, $228,895 • (Now I Know-Aunt Nelly,
SI 97 ($56,593), EYEOFTHEBABE SI 91 ($19,177). Half-sister to the dam of TEMPTING SPLASH DASH SI 109 ($84,243, in Mex., NTR). Out of a half-sister to the grandams
of Endless Speed SI 104 ($27,910), MY METERS FAST SI 103 ($153,055, NTR), FIRST MOON GAME SI 112 (2020, $58,841), SISSYS TRES GIRL SI 96 ($38,579, dam of FLASHY TRES SI 95, 2020, $96,482 and APOLLITICAL PAPA SI 91, 2020, $70,303). 2nd dam is a full sister to KC Sister Christian SI 91 ($7,129). 3rd dam is a half-sister to The Dash SI 106 ($32,685).
She has a yearling Filly by JESS A CHICKS, a weanling Filly by JESS A CHICKS, and is in foal to JET BLACK PATRIOT for 2021.
1st NMHA H.-RG2, 1st John Augustine S.-RG3, 1st Pelican S., etc. Dam of 100% Money Earners/ROM from 9
starters, including NOLANS THEORY SI 95 ($45,857), In Class SI 109 ($110,918), Latest Theory SI 97 ($93,725), HES CLASSY NOW ($51,282), HEZAJESSFORSURE SI 94 (2020, $45,261), HEZA CLASSY NOW SI 89 (2020, $20,847). Full sister to Real Swifty SI 102 ($104,946) and half-sister to
INJUN MISS FIRE SI 98 $34,170). 2nd dam is a half-sister to Jest Cattin TB ($48,139). 3rd dam is a half-sister to
She has a yearling Colt by FIRST MOONFLASH.
Double LL Farm, Agent
PO Box 40 • Bosque, New Mexico 87006
W. L. Mooring • (505) 864-2485 • Andres Estrada, DVM • Embryo Transfers Available
Consigned by Bob & Sissie McClure
#143 Sixarunin Tuff)
New Mexico Hi-Point Aged Mare.