Page 98 - 28 December 2012
P. 98
November 24, 2012 Fast
870Yds., 3&up, Opt. Clm. $35,000, $31,620 45.955 HaPPY HuMOR, 8, g (Distorted Humor-Happy Nation) Rogelio Carrasco Sr/Martin Orona Sr/L Alfonso Perez, 2 Super Quintons, 3 Prince Bac
350Yds., 3&up, Clm. $12,500, $15,660 17.889 MR JESSE CaSH, 4, g (Feature Mr Jess-Lethal Cash) Jose Luis Escarcega Jr/Ramon Ronquillo/ Jaime Parga Leos, 2 Scandalmonger, 3 Presidents Day
300Yds., 3&up, Clm. $15,000, $16,895 15.597 STOliS ROGuE, 3, g (Stoli-Hug a Rogue) J Patricia Gonzalez/Juan M Gonzalez/Jaime Parga Leos, 2 Ocean Fun, 3 Get N Wacky
300Yds., 2yo, alw., $29,200 15.686 POinT BREak DaSH, 2, c (First Down Dash-Ms Pilot Point) McPherson Jon and Donna/Paul C Jones/Jesse Lee Levario, 2 Pitchin Woo, 3 Kool Chicks Man
100Yds., 3&up, alw., $42,300 6.740 EnDlESS OCEan, 4, f (Ocean Runaway-Debs Cartel) Ebelyn Rojas/Martin Orona Jr/Sergio Rodriguez, 2 Aint Eye Kool, 3 Mb Classic Corona
400Yds., 3&upF&M, nM F&M Champ.-RG1, $149,845 19.704 Call ME a Blazn CHiC, 3, f (Chicks a Blazin- Willie Call Me) J and M Racing and Farm/Jaime Dominguez/ Esgar Ramirez, 2 Wonwabbitwon, 3 Little Bit Southern
440Yds., 2yo, SW Juv. Champ.-G1,
SECRET COuRaGE, 2, g (Captain Courage- Secretively) Francisco Acevedo/Ramon Ronquillo/ Jaime Parga Leos, 2 A Dream to Remember, 3 Sassmaster
December 01, 2012 Fast
330Yds., 3&up, Clm. $7,500, $13,708 17.165 CallMY SOuTHERnDREaM, 3, f (Southern Corona- Call My Dream) Felix Tirso and Gonzalez Luis M/Juan M Gonzalez/Jaime Parga Leos, 2 Giga Man, 3 Ej Sister
300Yds., 2yo, Clm. $12,500, $18,680 15.811 EaSilY a GEnT, 2, g (Jacksboro-Easily Authorized) Rita J. Danley/Fred I Danley/Dusty Ryder Shepherd, 2 Kennel Kitty, 3 Infinity Girl
250Yds., 2yo, Mdn. Clm. $25,000, $25,740 13.411 HEz SPEEDin, 2, c (Deefirst-Speedin Deanie) Carrasco Jorge Madrid Javier and Flores Gilberto/ Martin Orona Jr/Sergio Rodriguez, 2 Chica Fame, 3 Dont U Love Corona
220Yds., 3&up, Clm., $27,940 11.969 SizzlinG COCkTail, 4, g (Corona Cocktail-By Serry) Saul Acosta/Alejandro Robles/Jesse Lee Levario, 2 Azooming Romance, 3 Baby J
250Yds., 3&up, alw., $29,240 13.290 SWinGin ViC, 3, g (Mighty Invictus-Strawfly Perks) Jordan Ignacio/Alfredo Sanchez/Sergio Becerra Jr, 2 Take a Rose, 3 Arriba Cole
December 03, 2012 Fast
300Yds., 3&up, Clm., $31,840 15.546 liTTlE COROnaS BiTS, 3, g (Southern Corona- Averys Little Bit) Kristopher R Cordova/Melvin O Cordova/L Salvador Martinez, 2 Mb El Saino, 3 Sheer Reason
300Yds., 3&4yo, Mdn., $27,070 15.547 BinkY BEDuinO, 3, g (Sweet First Down-Alamitos Dasher) Jose Angel Esparza/Salvador R Soto/Tanner Thedford, 2 Jess a Lilbit Shady, 3 Windac Eye Opener
400Yds., 3yo&up, Opt. Clm., $41,125 19.594 HEza FaST HiGH, 6, g (Heza Fast Man-Sixty N High) Maria G Gonzalez/Ramon Marquez/Alejandro Medellin, 2 Choose, 3 Rabbit Revival
220Yds., 3&up, alw., $42,255 11.715 kR DRaGOnFlY, 5, m (Separatist-Dreamers Wild Child) Kidd Sally N and Dave/Michael W Joiner/L Salvador Martinez, 2 Six Gun Regard, 3 Endless Ocean
December 04, 2012 Fast
350Yds., 3&up, alw., $42,255 17.469 Plain SHaDY, 6, g (Easy Winning Jet-A Shady Investment) Top Roustabouts and Backhoe Service/Martin Orona Jr/Sergio Rodriguez, 2 Presidents Day, 3 Yourjockeystofat
550Yds., 3&up, Opt. Clm. $35,000,
$39,240 26.796 THE DEVilS RainBOW, 5, g (Gol-The Red
Rock Rainbow) Jill B. Giles/Wesley T Giles/Efrain Gonzalez Vigi, 2 Mr Jesse Cash, 3 Ronas Strawfly
250Yds., 3&up, alw., $34,940 13.292 CaRTEl POWER, 6, g (Southern Cartel-Streaking Power) Juan Esquivel/Juan M Esquivel/Manuel Gutierrez, 2 No Breaks Included, 3 Dun Avatar
250Yds., 3yo&up, Opt. Clm., $40,340 13.063 MR CaRTEl, 4, g (Teller Cartel-Miss Eye Paint) Kristopher R Cordova/Melvin O Cordova/Esgar Ramirez, 2 This Snow Is Gone, 3 White Tie Lass
300Yds., 3&up, Clm. $7,500, $15,820 15.481 WilY BOnO, 6, h (Bono Jazz-Lifes Luv) Jose Luis Escarcega Jr/Ramon Ronquillo/Manuel Gutierrez, 2 Charles Jay, 3 Stepping Real Easy
November 25, 2012
November 27, 2012
15.586 400Yds., 2yo, Mdn., $29,726 20.261
440Yds., 3&up, Clm. $5,000, $11,629
MSG On EaSY STREET, 5, g (City Street- Sweetheart Stones) Hemerio Hernandez/Hector Jaime Hernandez/ Adrian A Ramos, 2 Fishin At Sunset, 3 Dashing Dino
440Yds., 3&up, alw., $34,900 21.718 MY BiG CHiEF, 3, g (Get Down Perry-Majorly Easy) Lorenzo Cano/Robert A Rivera/Adrian A Ramos, 2 Queen of Sparta, 3 DH-Whatever Bill, DH-Reckless Wind
300Yds., 2yo, alw., $34,675
FaMES MaGiC, 2, f (Dash Ta Fame-Oriana's Magic) Jaime Dominguez/Jaime Dominguez/Esgar Ramirez, 2 Boo Yah Cartel, 3 Coronas Hot Pink
870Yds., 3&4yo, Mdn., $29,041
JW kaTiES COMMEnT, 4, g (First Comment-Katies Streakinangel) Rolando Saucedo/Oscar Morales/Isaias Cardenas, 2 Rotten Apple, 3 Jessys Cartel
WESTERn RaBBiT, 2, f (Rabbits Rainbow-Southwest Treasure) Samuel R Natera/Guadalupe Munoz Jr/ Dusty Ryder Shepherd, 2 Couldibuyan I Pat, 3 McM Easy Twelve
350Yds., 3&up, Clm. $12,500, $17,600
YOunG ViCTORia, 3, f (Tres Seis-Shakem
Cash) Cordova Melvin and Kristopher/Melvin O Cordova/Esgar Ramirez, 2 Itza Motor Man, 3 Lionidas
440Yds., 3&up, Clm. $12,500, $18,660 22.163 laDY OF FuRY, 3, f (Furyofthewind-Lady Tai Wan) Manuel Villalobos/Jaime Aldavaz Jr/Esgar Ramirez, 2 Yoga Dash, 3 Bayner
300Yds., 3yo&up, Opt. Clm., $40,300 15.424 FEaTuRinG THiS, 4, g (Feature Mr Jess-Crp Coco) Luis Villanueva/Melvin O Cordova/Esgar Ramirez, 2 Big Visions, 3 Van Zant
November 26, 2012
870Yds., 3&up, Clm. $10,000, $17,317 DH-CHOCOlaTE MOunTain, 6, g (Panther Mountain-Tieshas Special) Lewis R Dillree/Wesley T Giles/Ry Eikleberry, DH-BiGWinDSaCOMinG 4, g (Furyofthewind-Christinas Crystal) Currie J Maben/Jaime Aldavaz Jr/Alejandro Medellin, 3 El Gato Azul
440Yds., 3&4yo, Mdn. Clm. $6,500,
$10,994 22.213 El zanCaS, 3, g (Jesse James Jr-Warrior Form) Martin Velasquez/Alberto Amparan/Miguel A Perez, 2 El Farayon, 3 My Southern Corona
350Yds., 2yo, Mdn., $30,000 17.650 SlEW BY YOu, 2, f (Dash Ta Fame-Slew a Po) Valle Guadiana Corporation/Juan M Gonzalez/ Bonifacio Perez, 2 Get Down Bambi, 3 Won Ketel Won
350Yds., 3&up, Opt. Clm., $38,900
THE STEEl WaVE, 4, g (Ocean Runaway- Fashionisanattitude) Jaime Dominguez/Jaime Dominguez/Esgar Ramirez, 2 One Famous Hero, 3 Smarty Otoole
47.033 17.802
December 02, 2012
870Yds., 3&up, alw., $29,070
FRankiE B, 3, g (Tres Seis-My Fortune Feature) Bielau Oaks Horny Andy Hill Jerry and Stinebaugh John A/John A Stinebaugh/L Salvador Martinez, 2 Gg Streakin South, 3 Stoli Effort
440Yds., 3&up, Clm. $12,500, $20,740 22.384 DaY OF FaME, 5, m (Celadon-Day of Confession) Peter Gonzalez/Guadalupe Munoz Jr/Jaime Parga Leos, 2 Road House Brute, 3 Little Southern
550Yds., 3&4yo, Mdn., $29,145 27.786 BaDMan OF THE BRazOS, 3, g (Wave Carver- Party Girl Affair) Stephen R Brown/Glenn A Brumlow/Bonifacio Perez, 2 Houston Yawl, 3 Twyster
250Yds., 2yo, Mdn., $26,540 13.511 JESS WilD, 2, f (Swingin Jess-Wild Six) Lee and Sherwood Partnership and Mineer H/Wesley T Giles/Ry Eikleberry, 2 Okey Dokey Drake, 3 Iconnic
440Yds., 3&up, zia Park Champ.-G1,
$150,000 21.323 PROSPECT TO THE TOP, 4, c (Coronas Prospect-Cream to the Top) Joel Tavarez/Mario G Sanchez/Oscar Rincon, 2 Dm Streakn Thru Fire, 3 Jess Featureme Quick
The Staff of Speedhorse would like to wish our Subscribers & Advertisers Happy Holidays
& Best Wishes for the Coming Year
96 SPEEDHORSE, December 28, 2012
race results