Page 14 - November 2019 proof 7 Castle Pines Connection
P. 14

Listen Up: Kind World podcast
By Lisa Nicklanovich
A little dose of kindness can go a long way, and sometimes it is nice to be reminded of all the good in the world. The Kind World podcast, in only 12-20 minute segments, tells stories of how acts of kindness can change lives.
The Kind World podcast comes from Boston’s National Public Radio news station and produces fantastic programs like Morning Edition, Modern Love
and All Things Considered; which are all worth checking out if you haven’t already. While each Kind World episode is only about 15 minutes, each story feels complete. After listeners hear the story of kindness, told by hosts Andrea Asuaje and Yasmin Amer, we are treated to listening to the voices of those in the story, adding depth and emotion to each episode.
The story “A Sun that Keeps Shining” is my favorite so far. A four-year-old girl named Norah and a grieving 84-year-old man, Mr. Dan, strike up the most unlikely but endearing friendship. I would like
to think that it will make listeners of all ages smile. To hear the pair talk about each other is truly heart warming. To hear from the little girl’s mom about how it all came to be, how she supported her daughter’s connection to Mr. Dan, and how it has evolved over the last three years is simple but profound.
Look for the story about Gary Marquardt, a retiree who attended a funeral for a friend’s father who was a World War II veteran and was taken aback when a recording device squeaked out taps. He thought a live performance of taps would truly honor those who have made the ultimate sacri ce for their country. Gary, however, had never played an instrument and couldn’t even read music. Listen to the story to hear what Gary did about it.
The stories are inspiring, uplifting and a reminder of
all the opportunities that exist to make a di erence. This
podcast shows that acts of kindness, both big and small, can work wonders. Nearly always, the person who did something kind didn’t have any idea at the time what the impact would be; they are typically amazed and surprised by what happened. The stories may inspire us all to look around and make the world a kinder place.

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