Page 3 - November 2019 proof 7 Castle Pines Connection
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Municipal News LEAP expands eligibility for heating assistance program3
Information submitted by LEAP
As Colorado’s winter snow rolls in, the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) kicked o  the 2019-20 season with expanded eligibility criteria for individuals and families needing heating assistance. Enrollment for the 2019-2020 program started November 1 and will continue through April 30, 2020.
“We are grateful that a larger number of individuals, seniors and families will be able to take advantage of this program,” said Theresa Kullen, LEAP manager. “These new eligibility levels and our online process will make it even easier to access assistance this year.”
Colorado residents with an annual income up to 60% of the state median income may qualify for heating assistance through LEAP. The new guidelines have increased over
last year’s household income threshold with individuals not exceeding $2,371/month and a family of four, $4,561/month.
Applications can be accessed through LEAP’s website at LEAP, which also links to the state’s CO PEAK system for online applications. This consolidates resources in one easy-to-use
location, taking less time and creating a more e cient process.
“We don’t want people to have to make choices between heating their home and buying groceries or paying for critical prescriptions,” Kullen said.
For program eligibility, candidates must
pay home heating costs directly to a utility company or landlord as part of their rent, meet the gross income limits, be residents of Colorado and contain at least one U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident of the U.S.
If approved, LEAP payments are usually made directly to the primary heating vendor and a notice is sent to individuals regarding the bene t amount. Last year, approximately 68,000 applications were approved with an average bene t amount of $463.
Other bene ts provided by the program include repair or replacement of a home’s primary heating system. To determine the monthly income eligibility according to the
household size, visit paci c/cdhs/program-eligibility.
LEAP is a federally funded program that helps Coloradans pay a portion of home heating costs during the winter.
“For those not comfortable with online processes, applications can still be faxed, mailed or delivered to the appropriate county/contractor LEAP o ce,” said Kullen.
For additional information, call 1-866-HEAT-HELP or 1-866-432-8435.
Heat assistance may be available to you. Call HEAT HELP at 1-866-432-8435 for more information.

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