Page 31 - November 2019 proof 7 Castle Pines Connection
P. 31

Building en eprene s one cup at a  me
By Julie Matuszewski; photos courtesy of DCS Montessori
While it’s not uncommon to see the Castle Pines local Starbucks baristas multitasking behind the counter, it is uncommon to see DCS Montessori (DCSM) sixth graders behind the counter with them.
In December, Diana Visser’s class will host a holiday bake sale during the school’s annual holiday gift shop. All proceeds will go directly to Judi’s House, a Denver-based nonpro t organization that provides support to grieving children and their families.
To better prepare for the holiday bake
sale, Visser’s sixth graders partnered with Starbucks to run a Starbucks-themed bake sale. The company donated co ee, cups, lids, pastry bags and even green aprons to be worn by the bake sale hosts. The class wrote a formal proposal and sent a business letter to Taylor Krayson, local Starbucks store manager. Krayson scheduled meetings with the students and provided the opportunity to learn more about running a successful business.
Their visit exceeded all expectations. The students did more than observe the baristas and store operations. They became the baristas during their visit. Proudly wearing the Starbucks green apron, they learned how to provide exceptional customer service, manage inventory and even took
a few drive-thru orders. Anna Adkins and Dee Lee personally had the opportunity to take an order with a regular barista. Both Adkins and Lee shared that taking the drive thru orders was good practice for them and gave them customer service skills they can apply during their bake sale. As for Krayson, she felt the experience was rewarding for all visiting students. It was
a good opportunity for them to see the daily operations from the other side of the counter.
Customer service is not only a big component in Starbucks’ day-to-day opertions, but in many businesses. Observing and working the  oor at Starbucks was a humbling experience
for the DCSM students. They saw that everyone has a speci c job to perform. The biggest take-away for student Chloe Goodman-Scott was that in the retail world you have to be  exible.
Castle Pines Starbucks, its partners and the students of DCSM have all come together to support a great organization and help those who are grieving a great loss. Visser personally knows loss and grief. She su ered a terrible loss as a young child.
It was the support of community and teachers that inspired her to be a teacher today. Visser said it feels wonderful to give back to Judi’s House. “Witnessing children, at this young age, have the skills and con dence to partner with community businesses is empowering,” she said.
For more information on Judi’s House visit
DCSM sixth grade students Chloe Goodman-Scott, (left) Michelle Batson (middle) and teacher Diana Visser (left) learn that providing customers with exceptional service is a big part of the Starbucks experience.
Dee Lee (left) and Anna Adkins (right) took a short break from assigned tasks in the drive-thru.
Sebastian Doughtery (left) and Rebecca Ullom (right) observed a partner cleaning the expresso machine. Students learned that completing daily tasks and keeping the store clean is just another component to running a successful business.

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