Page 40 - November 2019 proof 7 Castle Pines Connection
P. 40

Market day at Buffalo Ridge Elementary
By Celeste McNeil; courtesy photos
First grade students from Mrs. Byrd’s class made stu ed teddy bears to sell at Market Day - the culmination of their economics unit.
Bu alo Ridge Elementary (BRE)  rst grade students culminated their economics unit with a pro table market day. Serving as the fall semester showcase, market day gave 6 and 7-year-old students a chance
to shine and give back to the community as well. The showcase is an opportunity to invite families into the school to watch demonstrations, performances and learn about what’s happening in the classroom. In addition to learning about goods, services, marketing, money exchange, production and teamwork, the proceeds from goods sold on market day were donated to a local charity.
Beginning with a  eld trip to a local farmer’s market, students had the opportunity to visualize and experience a market in the real world before creating their own. Discussions about what products interested them and why helped guide students’ understanding about the importance of creating a product that others would be interested in buying. First graders then collectively brainstormed product ideas which could be easily made and sold.
After dividing into groups, students listed and gathered all needed materials and made ten identical products to sell. Discussions about marketing and price followed, including creating booth signs to display the company name and product pricing.
Creating sellable products like bookmarks, keychains, travel tic-tac-toe games and homemade dog treats is a favorite aspect of the economics unit for the students. They “absolutely love making the products!” stated  rst grade teacher KerriLynn Andrew. Students also really enjoyed learning about and practicing money exchange. Rehearsing with their fourth grade reading buddies,  rst grade students practiced buying and making change.
When market day  nally arrived, booths were stocked, signs were hung, and  rst grade students were open for business. Fourth grade reading buddies stood by facilitating change-making as needed. Parents, grandparents and other family members shopped the handmade goods produced by their students. Everything was priced between $2 and $5.
Collectively, the three classrooms raised more than $700 at this year’s market day. All money was donated to Denver Children’s Home, whose mission is
to provide a comprehensive array of educational, therapeutic and community- based services to restore hope and health to traumatized children and families.
BRE  rst grade students gained insight into economics, but additionally directly helped other children in need here in the metro area. A BRE  rst grade teacher summed
it up, “How wonderful that our learning turned into a giving experience for those in need.”

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