Page 22 - OCT 2018 The Castle Pines Connection proof 2
P. 22

What’s your APPtitude?
links college
to vital
By Amanda Merriman
Young adults everywhere
are just starting their  rst
semester at college, away
from home. Umergency is
an app that aims to ease the
transition for students and
their families. This app
links students to critical
resources as well as family and friends in the event of a medical or safety emergency.
Umergency is available on Android or iOS devices. Students can download
the app for free. After indicating which college they attend, the app pulls in phone numbers for local services such as campus security, medical and behavioral health.
A quick upload of the insurance card
will conveniently keep this information accessible for students. Next, you can electronically sign a medical consent
form so that providers can communicate with family members if needed. The app allows users to enter emergency contacts like friends and family. It may be worth considering adding a trusted roommate
or dorm resident advisor as well. This gives your student the ability to send pre-populated messages along with their location in emergency situations. Messages go out to the selected contact’s email address and mobile number.
Umergency has great features and is very simple to use. However, there are some important things to keep in mind. In
order for emergency noti cations to work, contacts must download the app as well. Non-student users can subscribe for $9.99/ year or $19.99 for lifetime access. Users can only access the app from their mobile device. In order to maintain privacy, students are in control of who sees their information. Currently, there amore than 1,200 college campuses within the app. If your student’s college info is not on the
list, you can request it with a simple online form. The app’s creators are committed to giving back as well. Umergency donates a portion of their proceeds to colleges. These funds support campus safety programs.
Heading o  to college is a huge milestone. It is a nerve-wracking opportunity for growth. Umergency helps parents and students feel a little less stressed with
the process. This app also serves as an opportunity to have a larger conversation about safety. My oldest child is a junior in high school. With graduation in the near future, I  nd myself thinking of ways to prepare him. This app will de nitely be a part of our toolkit!

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