Page 28 - MAR 2019 proof 7 - The Castle Pines Connection
P. 28
A brand worth celebrating
By Nancy Koontz; photos courtesy of Glynis Albright
Glynis shows o the new packaging of her All Purpose Coating Mix and Wa e Mix which carries the “Glynis Kitchen” title.
In the October 2018 issue of The Connection, we introduced readers to Glynis Albright
and her love of cooking. On the below-zero snowy night of February 6, Glynis and her husband, Gerald, hosted a special night of serving Glynis’ delicious foods in an intimate setting inside ROUX World Kitchen, with owner Chef Lisa Story and her sta preparing the food. The blustery weather didn’t stop all the warmth and love that was present at the event to celebrate the rebranding of Glynis’ various products to one recognizable name of Glynis’ Kitchen Products.
City of Castle Pines Mayor Tera Radlo and her husband, Jon, were there among the 30 guests enjoying Glynis’ famous chicken and wa es. “Glynis is charming and the food she shared was delicious,” raved Radlo . “It never ceases to amaze me how much talent and passion there is here in Castle Pines.”
For dessert, a dark chocolate cake lled and topped with chocolate mousse, and a light mouth-watering lemon cake (both from her “Just Sweet Enough” line) were served. Lemonade with strawberries was the drink of the night, and each guest was gifted a box of Glynis’ Wa e Mix and Glynis’ All Purpose Coating Mix.
All Glynis’ Kitchen Products have been Kosher certi ed and will be re-manufactured soon with the new look – and same great avors! Glynis also announced that two additional products will be released: Glynis’ Kitchen Scratch Mix (a basic mix that makes everything from cupcakes to pie crusts to breads) and Glynis’ Kitchen Caramel Spice Syrup (a light, caramel-like, simple syrup that has just the right sweetness to complement her wa es, pancakes and crepes.)
Glynis proudly proclaimed, “No more signing on to three di erent websites to purchase products.” Albright Cuisine,
Just Sweet Enough, and Cookie Dots
can all be found under the umbrella of, which also features Glynis’ nonpro t organization M.A.N.E. (Making Advancements towards Nutritional Empowerment).
The Albrights were honored to have City of Castle Pines Mayor Tera Radlo present at their intimate culinary event.