Page 25 - The Castle Pnes Connection OCT 2008
P. 25
Snow Removal in
New Sidewalk Provides
Page 25
Here are a few important safety guidelines for sledding safely this season:
• Sled only in areas free of fixed objects such as trees, posts, and fences.
• Make sure that all children in sledding areas are supervised by an adult.
• Never go down a hill headfirst; sit facing forward and steer.
• Use a sled that can steer – it is safer than flat sheets, toboggans or snow discs.
• Wear warm and layered clothing to protect from injuries and the cold.
• Always wear a helmet.
• Know how to stop your sled or make a sharp turn
by dragging your feet.
Armed with these guidelines, and the proper equip- ment, sledding this season should be a fun and safe experience.
Castle Pines North -
Safer Access to
Who’s Responsibility is it? by Terri Wiebold
It is October; the leaves are starting to turn colors, and Castle Pines North (CPN) residents are already prepar- ing for snow. The city of Castle Pines North rests at a chilly 6,210 feet above sea level, considerably higher than our “mile high” neighbors to the north, and October is a big snow month for CPN.
Last October, CPN received 9 inches of snow, and from September 2007 to September 2008, CPN received a total of 108.2 inches of snow. Snow removal in CPN has historically been a community- wide effort with responsibility shared by many parties, and that has not changed with the incorporation of the community as a city.
• The Douglas County Public Works Department plows most public streets in CPN, and will con- tinue to do so until February 13, 2009. Given that this will be in the middle of a snow season, CH2M Hill OMI (on behalf of the city) is already work- ing with the County on some special arrangements to bridge the 2008-2009 snow season. As part of Douglas County, each street in CPN is assigned a snow removal priority. For more information on the County’s winter procedures and plow routes, call Public Works at 303-660-7480 or go to www. Removal.html.
• The Castle Pines North Metro District is respon- sible for plowing sidewalks and trails along major streets and in parks in the community. For ques- tions regarding snow removal on CPN’s open spaces and trails, please contact the Metro District Parks & Open Space Manager, Charlie Fagan, at 303-688-8550.
• Neighborhood HOAs are responsible for snow removal on any private streets, sidewalks and trails along designated HOA common areas, as well as driveways and sidewalks of town homes and patio homes. Contact individual HOAs for specific snow removal guidelines.
• For single-family homes, individual homeowners are responsible for removing snow and ice along sidewalks adjacent to homes.
Don’t miss out on an opportunity to visit neighbors and friends with a warm beverage in one hand and a snow shovel in the other.
Alarm Ordinance -
(Continued from page 23)
primary responsibility of law enforcement,” said Hanavan.
“The fee is to offset the third party billing company we have contracted to handle the registration for us,” he continued.
Hanavan also reminds residents that there is an exemp- tion for qualifying senior citizens in residential proper- ties in the form of a reduction of the registration fee.
To learn more about this exemption, go to http://www.
Residents with questions are encouraged to contact Hanavan at 303-660-7544.
Sledding Hill by Terri Wiebold
It will not be long until the 560 acres of open space and the 13.5 miles of natural trails that surround Castle Pines North (CPN) will be covered with the most beautiful blanket of snow imaginable. With the snow- fall comes the opportunity for fun and recreation for young and old in CPN – sledding!
From the start of the first big snowfall, the open spac- es and hills in the CPN community are covered with snow and with children geared up for another season of sledding. The hill on the northeast corner of Castle Pines Parkway and Monarch Boulevard is one of the most popular sledding hills in the area.
Please be aware that dangers at this intersection do exist. Children waiting for a turn down the hill often stand on the sidewalk, just a few feet from cars speed- ing down Castle Pines Parkway. Drivers are encour- aged to use caution when traveling near the sledding hill, especially if ice and snow are on the roadway.
Last year, the Castle Pines North Metro District installed a sidewalk on the south side of Castle Pines Parkway to allow for safer travel to and from the sled- ding hill.
Please make sure to use the sidewalk and cross at the traffic light at Monarch Boulevard and Castle Pines Parkway. Avoid a serious accident - please do not cross Castle Pines Parkway at Shoreham Drive. Parking is available at The Retreat Park and the sidewalk along Castle Pines Parkway makes for easy access. Be sure to have a safe sledding season.