Page 26 - October 2017 The Castle Pines Connection
P. 26

What’s your APPtitude?
A puzzling
By Amanda Merriman
It has been a while since I downloaded a game app to my phone. Usually, I am reviewing requests to add games to my children’s devices. Yet, when I came across a game called Device 6, I had to get it.
Device 6 is a unique and beautifully designed game. In overly simpli ed terms, it is played in the form of an interactive short story. But it truly does not do the game justice to end it there. The story is a creepy thriller
in which the
main character
named Anna
wakes up to
 nd herself in
a mysterious
castle on a remote island. Outside the window she can see an identical castle across a
bridge from the castle she is in. Anna cannot remember how she got there and goes through a series of tests as she tries to  gure out her situation.
As you read the story, the text moves in di erent directions, forcing you to turn your phone to follow it. This gives the impression that the words of the story are your map. The game
has a retro spy adventure feel to it. In addition, there are interactive and eerie photos that provide clues. Device 6 has a catchy soundtrack that goes along with it that you can purchase
on iTunes, should you desire. There are lots of sound e ects in the game that remind me of an old radio program. Speaking of sound, you must have the sound turned on for your device in order to play the game.
Device 6 has six chapters with an epilogue, and users can progress through the game at a decent pace. The puzzles are just di cult enough to make you think but not drive you crazy. The story, sounds and graphics are addicting. I have not completed the game yet, but I have made enough progress to know that I want to  nd out how the mystery ends. Device 6 is
for iOS devices and costs $3.99 to download. Occasionally, it goes on sale, and I was lucky enough to snag it for 99 cents.
Have a favorite app? Send us your recommendations to:

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