Page 11 - OCT 2018 The Castle Pines Connection proof 1
P. 11
Movie in the park photo collage - event 9/22
It was a beautiful and clear night under the stars on September 22, as more than 400 residents and neighbors from Castle Pines gathered to take part in Movie at The Ridge – the perfect way to wrap up summer and head into fall. Many movie goers dined at The Ridge’s Parkway Grill before heading out to the driving range to enjoy movie snacks from Popcorn Bliss and The Donut House. Glow-in-the-dark eye glasses and necklaces created a colorful backdrop for viewing the festive Disney Pixar animated  lm, “Coco.”
According to City Manager Michael Penny, this was the  rst of hopefully many movie nights the city will be bringing to the community.
“We were thrilled to partner with the city on this fun, family-friendly community event,” said Castle Pines Connection publisher Terri Wiebold. “We look forward every month to sharing ‘a little good news’ with our readers, and it is nights and events like this that remind us all what a truly special place Castle Pines is to live.”

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