Page 18 - OCT 2018 The Castle Pines Connection proof 1
P. 18

There was not an empty seat in the house and all hands were on deck as the devoted sta  at Pino’s worked tirelessly to ensure patrons enjoyed a memorable evening of delicious Italian food and wine at the Pino’s 9/11 Eat for a Cause. They all wore T-shirts in support of the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation.
sacri ce
(Continued from front page)
September 11th will forever be a day of emotional remembrance for Americans. Sabia reminds us to “Never Forget” through his passionate e orts to support those who made the ultimate sacri ce surrounding the events of that tragic day. In only its second year, Pino’s Eat For a Cause 9/11 was a shining example of Castle Pines at its best.
Amazed by the turnout, a humbled Sabia re ected, “There was an outpouring of generosity and caring from all parts of
the community. I didn’t ask anyone to do anything, but they just did. A husband and wife came in and strapped on an apron and washed dishes and pots just to help!”
For more information on the Tunnel to Towers foundation visit

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