Page 2 - OCT 2018 The Castle Pines Connection proof 1
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roposed Castle Cli  Farm zoning change/
residential development
Dear Neighbors, Over the years, the prop- erty across Daniels Park Road from Forest Park, Castle Cli  Farms (7007 Daniels Park Road) has sought to operate as an event center, a bed & breakfast and even
a winery, without proper zoning. The property has had several visits from the Douglas County Sheri ’s Department
on noise violations. Due to the Douglas County noise regulations and other issues, the property was unable to obtain commer- cial use zoning. That was a good thing for our neighborhood! Because of these past issues, many of us are especially sensitive to any new development proposals at Castle Cli  Farms. Currently there is a new zoning request sitting with the Douglas County Planning Commission to rezone the proper- ty from Agriculture-1 (A1) to Rural Resi- dential (RR). This proposal would enable the sale of the property from the current owner to developers, who have stated in
the planning request that they will develop an 11-home residential/equestrian subdivi- sion on the property. Their proposal states that they will maintain the historic “Pretty
The Connection Staff
Publisher / Editor –
Terri Wiebold
Writers –
Elise Brassell, Lisa Crockett, Kathy Fallert, Joe Gschwendtner, Susan Helton, Nancy Koontz, Amanda Merriman, Barbara Ne , Lisa Nicklanovich, Michelle Post, Patte Smith, Catalin Varela and Daniel Williams
Advertising –
Elizabeth Wood West, Sales Manager
Account Managers: Sandy Gamble and Lynn Zahorik
Website –
Tim Gamble and Patte Smith
Ad Production –
Tim Gamble , Krysta Parr and Trisha Whittaker
Layout –
Krysta Parr and Patte Smith
Proo ng/Editing –
Kathy Fallert , Heidi Lewellyn and Marla Silverman
Social Media –
Michelle Post, SMS
Volume 10, Number 10
Volume 6, Number 9
Woman Stagecoach Stop” buildings (one
of the oldest structures in Douglas County)
and the current large single family home, as
well as some of the current horse facilities.
We encourage you to attend two sched-
“neighbor to the west”. Both meetings will and other animals cross the property. There
uled hearings coming up if you wish to
water plan has been submitted but it is still somewhat uncertain what the possible water usage and impact on the aquifers might be. --As many of us experience each day, the property serves as a conduit for wildlife traveling between Cherokee Ranch and For-
Elise Working on
understand what is being proposed for our est Park. Bear, bobcat, elk, mountain lion
be held at the Douglas County Commis- is a concern that signi cant new construc-
sioners Hearing Room, 100 Third St. Castle Rock. These meetings will determine the fate of this proposal and will determine the future of the property for a long time to come. We encourage you to attend either
or both meetings, there will be a time you can make public comments (for or against the proposal) to the commissioners if you wish. --Planning Commission: Monday, September 17 at 7pm --Board of County Commissioners: Tuesday, September 25 at 2:30pm You can read the application and other documents related to this proposal; they are available at: https://apps.douglas. sePresentation=RezoningJob&PosseObjec- tId=56495389 There are pro’s and con’s for our neighborhood, and our property values, given this proposal. PRO -- Building a small number of large lot, luxury homes, and retaining equestrian facilities as well as the existing luxury home, and the historic buildings may not be the worst outcome if the property must be developed. --The num- ber of homes under consideration has been reduced from 14 to 11 by the developer. --The application mentions landscape bu - ering, adding trees and a desire not to build or disturb the scenic features of the property (e.g. the cli s, rock formations, etc). CON --Probably most of us would be just  ne with leaving the beautiful horse ranch prop- erty as is. Any development will change the look of the esthetic, wide-open spaces that adjoin Cherokee Ranch to our west. --This property has had historic problems with obtaining adequate water for uses oth- er than what is now in place. The property draws water from a well system into the same aquifers our neighborhood uses. A
tion will alter these wildlife routes, possibly impacting the animal travels and perhaps even reducing the number we would see
in our own neighborhood as a result. --An additional entrance onto Daniels Park
Road will need to be constructed. Tra c
is already getting heavier each year on that road, and the addition of the 11 homes will add more cars on the road as well. --Be- cause of the natural terrain surrounding
the property, noise is ampli ed and redi- rected like an amphitheater to Forest Park. Therefore, any uses that create noise above and beyond what an equestrian facility or
a residential home would generate should be of great concern to all of us that enjoy our peaceful community! --The proposal
is also vague on how historic preservation of Pretty Woman Stagecoach Stop will be addressed. -- Perhaps most concerning, neither the current owner nor the devel- opers have reached out to anyone in our neighborhood, or on the adjoining property on Daniels Park Road, to discuss their plans or solicit input. This is concerning, partic- ularly given the history of issues with the Castle Cli  Farms property. If you cannot attend the meetings, but wish to comment to the commissioners, you may send them emails in advance of the meetings at: Board of County Commissioners: bocc@douglas. Planning Commission: planning@ Mike McClaskey mike. mcclaskey@gmail.comCopyright © 2018 Castle Pines North “Master” Association, Inc., All rights reserved. This is for Castle Pines Residents to receive important emails and alerts Our mailing address is: Castle Pines North “Master” Association, Inc. C/o Premier Property Management, LLC P.O. Box 632018 Highlands Ranch, CO 80163- 2018
Copyright 2008 - 2018, The Castle Pines Connection, LLC.
Reproduction or use, without permission, of editorial, graphic or photo content in any manner is strictly prohibited.
The Connection is published monthly for the 80108 ZIP code and surrounding communities for $2.
The Connection, LLC is a Colorado limited liability corporation.
The Connection l 7437 Village Square Drive, Suite 220 l Castle Pines, CO 80108 l 303-785-6520 l

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