Page 47 - October 2017 The Castle Pines Connection proof
P. 47 47 Culinary event aims to teach the importance of the farm
to table movement
Submitted by Kira Zizzo, RHMS student; photos courtesy of Kelsey Brown and Sydnee Nach
Zucchini Parmesan is one of the dishes guests can experience at the upcoming RHMS farm to table dinner.
On October 19 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., the first adult only farm to table event will
take place at Rocky Heights Middle School (RHMS). This event will transform the RHMS cafetorium into a location to experience stunning examples of culinary excellence to tingle the palate. The cuisine will be prepared by the seventh and eighth grade aspiring
chefs and culinary students of RHMS with an enthusiasm for the art of cooking. All of the dishes will use ingredients from the RHMS school garden and local farms to help illustrate the importance of farm-to-table cuisine to not only the consumers, but also to the students helping with this event.
The RHMS culinary arts seventh and eighth grade students and culinary arts teacher, Julie Olsen, will work alongside guest farm-to-table expert, chef Chuck Stober to create a menu
that incorporates fresh produce and tastes scrumptious. According to Olsen, farm to table means, “Finding the freshest local foods in your area,” and that her favorite part is,” supporting our local farmers and to eat seasonally for optimal nutrition.”
Amara Brueck and Ava Ziehwein are two of the culinary students working with guest chef Chuck Stober from the Escoffier Culinary School in Bouder. Dishes will include all local and farm-fresh ingredients, and there will be vegetarian and gluten-free options available.
Stellar work ethics and a passion for the farm- to-table movement are two qualifications for helping out with the actual farm-to-table event. The sign up process for this food service job is extremely selective, so there will only be a few students chosen from each class to help out.
All of the culinary arts students will assist in food preparation for this event, so there will be extra love and care in the food from all of the students. Some produce that will be used from the RHMS school garden will be vegetables and herbs tended to with respect, as well as eggs from the rambunctious, yet charming chickens living in a coop next to the garden. Currently,
the culinary arts program is deciding which local farms to secure for beef and chicken.
This farm-to-table event will house approximately 100 adults, and the tickets to
this event are available on Revtrak (from the RHMS web site). This parents-only event is
a breakthrough not only for the farm-to-table movement, but for the students and parents who will learn about and experience the importance of farm-to-table. Olsen stated it best when she said that it is an experience that will specialize in, “Bringing together the community and giving my students a real life experience.”

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