Page 5 - October 2017 The Castle Pines Connection proof
P. 5

Five simple steps to stop fire from spreading
Information provided by Douglas County
Besides Broncos football and the start of a new school year, fall often means two things in Colorado – yard work and the potential for wildfires.
“As we recognize National Emergency Preparedness Month, the Board of Douglas County Commissioners shares this reminder to take a few extra steps during your fall yard work, to better protect your home and your property against wildfire,” said Roger Partridge, Chair, Board of Douglas County Commissioners.
By following these five simple steps, you can take control and protect your property:
First, prune tree branches and shrubs to prevent flames from jumping from branch to branch or branch to your house.
Second, take your ‘slash’ (dead branches
and shrubbery) and dispose of it for free at
the Douglas County’s slash-mulch site, 1400 Caprice Drive in Castle Rock, open on Saturdays only from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. through October 28. Douglas County’s other slash-mulch site, at 7828 S. Colo. 67 (2.5 miles north of Deckers), is open on Saturdays from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. year- round. Acceptable items at both sites include tree branches and shrubbery with a maximum length of 6 feet and maximum diameter of 12 inches.
Third, make sure your gutters and roof valleys are free of pine needles, leaves and debris.
Fourth, seal off openings such as pet doors and attics with screens to prevent embers from getting through.
Fifth, do not leave flammable material such as firewood, lawn furniture or propane tanks against the outside of your home, your fence or under decks.
If you are interested in having a Douglas County fire mitigation expert come to your home to assess your property’s specific mitigation needs for free, please contact the County’s Building Division at 303-660-7497.
Residents can take steps to protect their homes and property against the threat of wildfires, including having a Douglas County fire mitigation expert assess specific property’s needs.
Did you know?
Mail-in ballots for the upcoming November elections should be
arriving in mailboxes on Tuesday, October 17. All ballot must be returned by (received by if mailed) 7 p.m. Tuesday, November 7.

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