Page 50 - October 2017 The Castle Pines Connection proof
P. 50

TTE kickball tournament is not just for kids at recess
By Lynne Marsala Basche; courtesy photos
Team Pitch Perfect won the ninth annual TTE mother/son kickball tournament on September 8 at Coyote Ridge Park.
“The girls have the ‘daddy daughter dance,’ and as a mother of boys, I wanted to carry on an event for the boys and their mothers,” said TTEA kickball co-chair Erika Greene.
and their mothers. Not only is it a fun school event, but it is a community builder and a great way to enjoy the end of the summer!”
Congratulations to team Pitch Perfect for their victory!
From left to right, Katelyn Calfee, Sophie Harris, McKenna Monkelien and Madeline Buckman were four of the fifth-grade girls who sang the National Anthem prior to the tournament beginning.
The ninth annual Timber Trail Elementary (TTE) mother/son kickball tournament took place on Friday, September 8 at Coyote Ridge and proved that the game is not just for kids at recess.
The school-wide event saw 250 participants, and with family and friends as spectators, the crowd was an enthusiastic 350. The “fun”raiser received sponsorships and raised approximately $2,500, which is earmarked for gym equipment used at the event, with the remaining money going toward the Timber Trail Elementary Alliance (TTEA). The TTEA plans to allocate the funds on items for the school as needed.
“This was my fourth year organizing the event,” said TTEA kickball co-chair Erika Greene. “I had help this year from a small committee of a few other moms, Page Warnke (co-chair), Kym Hay, Whitney Shank, Kristi Tomlinson, Jolene Richardson and Lisa Massey, and I couldn't have done it without their help! Though the event takes months of preparation, we do it because it’s a fun way to start out the school year and a great night for mothers and their sons. The girls have the "daddy daughter dance," and as a mother of boys, I wanted to carry on an event for the boys

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